Project 4: A Class for Matrices Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Please use C++ to implement a class. Requirements 1. Design a class for matrices, and the class should contain the data of a matrix and related information such the number of rows, the number of columns, the number of channels, etc. 1. The class support different data types. It means that the matrix elements can…

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5/5 – (2 votes)

Please use C++ to implement a class.


1. Design a class for matrices, and the class should contain the data of a matrix and related information such the number of rows, the number of columns, the number of channels, etc.

1. The class support different data types. It means that the matrix elements can be `unsigned char`, `short`, `int`, `float`, `double`, etc.

1. Do not use memory hard copy if a matrix object is assigned to another. Please carefully handle the memory management to avoid memory leak and to release memory multiple times.

1. Implement some frequently used operators including but not limit to `=`, `==`, `+`, `-`, `*`, etc. Surely the matrix multiplication in Project 3 should be included.

1. Implement region of interest (ROI) to avoid memory hard copy.

1. Test your program on X86 and ARM platforms, and describe the differences.

1. Class `cv::Mat` is a good example for this project.


1. Please submit your project report before its deadline. After the deadline, **23:59 on Nov. 28th**, (even 1 second), **0 score!**.

1. Please submit the files as: report.pdf, source1.c, source2.c, header.h. I think you do not need too many files for the project. Please do **NOT** put the files into a compressed one.

1. You score will also depend on the quality of your source code and your report. Your report should be easy to understand and describe your work well, especially the highlights of your work.

1. Please pay more attention to your code style. After all this is not ACM-ICPC contest. You have enough time to write code with both correct result and good code style. You will get deduction if your code style is terrible. You can read Google C++ Style Guide ( ) or some other guide for code style.

Project 4: A Class for Matrices Solution
$35.00 $29.00