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(5 pts) We will introduce the way to generate the US airline plot in class and talk about the airport data. Now, based on the larger data set (airport.zip) on Collab, select the top 100 airports globally with the largest number of ights (in or out). Generate the global airline network data. You can also…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




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  1. (5 pts) We will introduce the way to generate the US airline plot in class and talk about the airport data. Now, based on the larger data set (airport.zip) on Collab, select the top 100 airports globally with the largest number of ights (in or out). Generate the global airline network data. You can also nd more information about the data sets at https://openflights.org/data.html. Watch out for the arcs you draw. A ight always selects the shortest path between two airports, so that is what you want to plot. For example, you need to make sure that the ights crossing the Atlantic Ocean are corrected plotted. Plotting such ights to be crossing the Paci c Ocean will not be valid. More details in the lecture. (Correct setup of the world map 1 pt, correct setup of the airports 2 pts, correct setup of the airlines 2 pts. )


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