Programming Assignment: Algorithmic Game Theory Solved

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Input: A finite n-player strategic form game in GAMBIT format Output: ▷ All strongly dominant strategies ▷ All weakly dominant strategies ▷ All very weakly dominant strategies ▷ Strongly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists ▷ Weakly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists ▷ Very Weakly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists ▷ All pure…

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A finite n-player strategic form game in GAMBIT format


All strongly dominant strategies All weakly dominant strategies

All very weakly dominant strategies

Strongly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists Weakly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists

Very Weakly dominant strategy equilibrium, if one exists All pure strategy Nash Equilibria, if they exist

Input Format:

You are required to use the input format of GAMBIT for your assignment. Such input formats can be gener-ated using GAMUT software. Use the following link to download GAMUT:

Please read the documentation of GAMUT carefully.

Programming Environment:

The program must be in C or C++ or Java. No other language is allowed.

Assessment Criteria:

The following will be the percentage weightage for different aspects of the assignment:

Use of intelligent algorithms, quality of code, documentation : 25

Use of innovative data structures, scalability of the program : 25

Correctness : 25

Completeness: 25

Due Date:

August 30.2022, 23 : 59 : 59 IST


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Programming Assignment: Algorithmic Game Theory Solved
$24.99 $18.99