Project 2: Hybrid Sorting Solution

$40.00 $34.00

*This is not a team project, do not copy someone else’s work.* Introduction ![](images/sorting_complexities.png) A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements in a certain order. This is commonly seen when we need to organize an array or list in numerical or lexicographical order. There are various sorting algorithms – each with their own…

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*This is not a team project, do not copy someone else’s work.*



A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements in a certain order. This is commonly seen when we need to

organize an array or list in numerical or lexicographical order.

There are various sorting algorithms – each with their own benefits in terms of efficiency. This project will be

focussing on the *Insertion Sort Algorithm* and the *Merge Sort Algorithm*.

Insertion Sort


Insertion sort is an in place comparison based sorting algorithm. It builds a final sorted array by comparing one

element at a time and inserting it into it’s appropriate location.

The worst case runtime is O(n^2).

The best case runtime is O(n) – in the case that the array is already sorted.

The space complexity is O(1) for in place implementation.

Merge Sort


Merge sort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It works on the principle of Divide and Conquer.

Merge sort repeatedly breaks down a list into several sublists until each sublist consists of a single element and

merging those sublists in a manner that results into a sorted list.

The worst case runtime is O(nlog(n)).

The best case runtime is O(nlog(n)).

The space complexity is O(N) – as new arrays are created everytime you divide.

Hybrid Sort

While Merge Sort has a faster average runtime than Insertion Sort, there are instances that an Insertion Sort is more

efficient. Due to the overhead of recursively splitting containers with a Merge Sort, Insertion Sort can have a faster

performance with small sets of data.

## Project Details

### Overview

You will be implementing the Insertion Sort Algorithm and the Merge Sort Algorithm. You will develop your Merge Sort

such that it can be used as a Hybrid Sort when given a threshold value. The Hybrid Sort will rely on Merge Sort until

the partitioned lists are less than or equal to a given threshold, at which point you will switch to Insertion Sort.

In addition to these sorting algorithms, you will be implementing an algorithm to determine the *inversion count* of

a list of elements. This algorithm will be integrated into your merge_sort function. You will only calculate the inversion

count when your function is not being used as a Hybrid Sort, that is, the threshold is 0.

The inversion count is how far away a list of elements is from being sorted. The inversion count of a sorted array is 0.

You can think of the number of inversions as the number of pairs of elements that are out of order.

Two elements a[i] and a[j] form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j

# Examples:

data = [3,2,9,0]

– data has 4 inversions:

– (3, 2): 3 > 2 but 3 comes before 2

– (3, 0): 3 > 0 but 3 comes before 0

– (2, 0): 2 > 0 but 2 comes before 0

– (9, 0): 9 > 0 but 9 comes before 0

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

– data has 0 inversions

Note: Although you can swap the elements of the inversions to form a sorted array, the inversion count is not the same

as the minimum number of swaps to sort the array.

For instance, data = [10, 1, 2, 0].

You could sort this in 1 *swap* (10, 0), but there are 5 *inversions* (10, 1), (10, 2), (10, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0).

### Assignment Specs

You are given one file, You must complete and implement the following functions.

Take note of the specified return values and input parameters. *Do not change the function signatures*.

You must adhere to the required time & space complexities.

– insertion_sort(data)

– Given a list of values, perform an insertion sort to sort the list.

– data: List of str or int to be sorted.

– return: None

– Time Complexity: O(n^2)

– Space Complexity: O(1)

– merge_sort(data, threshold = 0)

– Given a list of values, perform a merge sort to sort the list and calculate the inversion count. When a threshold

is provided, use a merge sort algorithm until the partitioned lists are smaller than or equal to the threshold –

then use insertion sort.

– data: List of str or int to be sorted.

– threshold: int representing the size of the data at which insertion sort should be used. Defaults to 0.

– return: int representing inversion count. 0 if threshold > 0.

– NOTE : The inversion count will be calculated when only a merge_sort algorithm is used! (when threshold is 0)

return 0 otherwise.

– NOTE : This must be done recursively

– Time Complexity: O(n*log(n))

– Space Complexity: O(n)

– hybrid_sort(data, threshold)

– Wrapper function to use merge_sort() as a Hybrid Sorting Algorithm. Should call merge_sort() with provided


– data: List of str or int to be sorted.

– threshold: int representing the size of the data at which insertion sort should be used.

– return: None

– Time Complexity: O(n*log(n))

– Space Complexity: O(n)

– inversion_count(data)

– Wrapper function to use merge_sort() to retrieve the inversion count. Should call merge_sort() with *no threshold.*

– data: List of str or int to be sorted.

– return: int representing inversion count.

– Time Complexity: O(n*log(n))

– Space Complexity: O(n)


You will be designing a simple recommendation engine for SELF.FIND(LOVE), a popular dating app for programmers.

Given a user’s ranking of interests, and the candidate interest rankings, you will need to find the candidate

who most closely relates to them, that is, their rankings are closest to being in the same order of the user’s.


Suppose the Zosha has ranked their interests in this order:

1. Dogs

2. Indie Music

3. House Plants

4. Peanut Butter

5. Thrift Stores

These are the potential candidates and their ranking of these interests:

– Daniel

– [Dogs, Indie Music, Thrift Stores, House Plants, Peanut Butter]

– Sabrein

– [Thrift Stores, Peanut Butter, House Plants, Indie Music, Dogs]

Here is how the candidates compare to Zosha:


Daniel would be their ideal match because they have the *least number of interests in a different order* than Zosha.

Sabrein has 10 interests out of order where Daniel has 2.

– find_match(user_interests, candidate_interests)

– Given a list of user interests, ranked in order of preference, and a mapping of candidates to their interest

rankings, return the name of the candidate whose interest ranking most closely match the user’s.

– user_interests: List of interests in order of preference ranking.

– candidate_interests: Dictionary where keys are candidate names (str), and values are corresponding interest

rankings (List(str)).

– return: Name of candidate match

– Note : if multiple candidates match the user, return the one that came first in the dictionary.

– Note : You must use inversion_count

– Note : Candidates are guaranteed to have interest lists with the same interests as the user, but different


– Time Complexity: O(k\*n\*log(n))

– Space Complexity: O(k*n)

## Submission


Be sure to upload the following deliverables in a .zip folder to Mimir by 8:00p Eastern Time on Thursday, 10/08/20.

Your .zip folder can contain other files (for example, and, but must include (at least) the



|— Project2/

|— (for coding challenge feedback)

|— (for proper Mimir testcase loading)

|— (contains your solution source code)


The following 100-point rubric will be used to determine your grade on Project2:

– Tests (80)

– 00 – Coding Standard: __/2

– 01 – Insertion Sort: __/5

– 02 – Insertion Sort (H): __/6

– 03 – Merge Sort: __/5

– 04 – Merge Sort (H): __/6

– 05 – Hybrid Sort: __/3

– 06 – Hybrid Sort (H): __/3

– 07 – Inversion Count: __/5

– 08 – Inversion Count (H): __/8

– 09 – Application: __/7

– 10 – Application (H): __/15

– 11 – Comprehensive (H): __/15

– Manual (20)

– Insertion Sort Complexities: __/4

– Merge Sort Complexities: __/4

– Hybrid Sort Complexities: __/1

– Inversion Count Complexities: __/1

– Application Complexities: __/8

– is completely filled out with (1) Name, (2) Feedback, (3) Time to Completion and (4) Citations: __/2

## Tips, Tricks & Notes

– You must fill out function doc strings to receive Coding Standard points.

– As of Python 3.6, Dict items are in order of insertion.

– You may not use any additional data structures other than lists.

– You may use a Dictionary in the Application problem, but *only the Application*.

– You may not use Python’s built in sort, or any imported sorting methods.

– Test cases will only test the functions specified.

– Note: The Merge Sort Test Cases will not test for inversion count or with a threshold.

– Try these web applications to visualize sorting algorithms:

– (includes inversion count – “inversion index”)

– (good merge sort visualization)


– The file `` has been provided for comparing your sorting function’s runtime.

– Run this file to see a graphical representation of your functions’ performances.

– You may need to install matplotlib and numpy.

– If you are not familiar with the terminal instructions are here:

– Otherwise use these commands:

– pip install matplotlib

– pip install numpy

– You do not have to use this.

*This project was created by Zosha Korzecke & Olivia Mikola*

Project 2: Hybrid Sorting Solution
$40.00 $34.00