Assignment 2: Random Art (160 points)

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Overview The objective of this assignment is for you to have fun learning about recursion, recursive datatypes, and make some pretty cool pictures. All the problems require relatively little code: somewhere between 2 to 10 lines. If any function requires more than that, you should rethink your solution. The assignment is in the files: 1.…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)


The objective of this assignment is for you to have fun learning

about recursion, recursive datatypes, and make some pretty

cool pictures. All the problems require relatively little

code: somewhere between 2 to 10 lines. If any function requires

more than that, you should rethink your solution.

The assignment is in the files:

1. [src/TailRecursion.hs](/src/TailRecursion.hs) and

[src/RandomArt.hs](/src/RandomArt.hs) have skeleton

functions with missing bodies for you to fill in,

2. [tests/Test.hs](/tests/Test.hs) has some sample tests

and a test harness for you to check your

solutions before submitting.

You should only need to modify the parts of the files which say:


error “TBD:…”


with suitable Haskell implementations.

Assignment Testing and Evaluation

All the points, will be awarded automatically, by

**evaluating your functions against a given test suite**.

[Tests.hs](/tests/Test.hs) contains a very small suite

of tests which should give you a flavor of the sorts of tests

your assignment will be graded against.

When you run


$ make test


Your last lines should have


All N tests passed (…)





K out of N tests failed



**If your output does not have one of the above your code will receive a zero**

If, for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile,

leave it as in the starter code (with `error …`), with your partial

solution enclosed below as a comment.

The other lines will give you a readout for each test.

You are encouraged to try to understand the testing code,

but you will not be graded on this.

Submission Instructions

Submit your code via the HW-2 assignment on Gradescope.

You must submit a single zip file containing a single directory with your repository inside.

A simple way to create this zip file is:

– Run `git push` to push your local changes to your private fork of the assignment repository

– Navigate to your private fork on github and download source code as a zip

Please *do not* include the `.stack-work` folder into the submission.

**Note:** Upon submission, Gradescope will only test your code on the *small public test suite*,

so it will show maximum 27/160 points.

After the deadline, we will regrade your submission on the full private test suite

and you will get your full points.

Problem 1: Tail Recursion

We say that a function is *tail recursive*

if every recursive call is a [tail call](

whose value is immediately returned by the function.

(a) 15 points

Without using any built-in functions, write a

*tail-recursive* function


assoc :: Int -> String -> [(String, Int)] -> Int


such that


assoc def key [(k1,v1), (k2,v2), (k3,v3);…])


searches the list for the first i such that `ki` = `key`.

If such a ki is found, then vi is returned.

Otherwise, if no such ki exists in the list,

the default value `def` is returned.

Once you have implemented the function, you

should get the following behavior:


ghci> assoc 0 “william” [(“ranjit”, 85), (“william”,23), (“moose”,44)])


ghci> assoc 0 “bob” [(“ranjit”,85), (“william”,23), (“moose”,44)]



(b) 15 points

Use the library function `elem` to **modify the skeleton** for

`removeDuplicates` to obtain a function of type


removeDuplicates :: [Int] -> [Int]


such that `removeDuplicates xs` returns the list

of elements of `xs` with the duplicates, i.e.

second, third, etc. occurrences, removed, and

where the remaining elements appear in the same

order as in `xs`.

Once you have implemented the function, you

should get the following behavior:


ghci> removeDuplicates [1,6,2,4,12,2,13,12,6,9,13]



(c) 20 points

Without using any built-in functions, write a

tail-recursive function:


wwhile :: (a -> (Bool, a)) -> a -> a


such that `wwhile f x` returns `x’` where there exist values

`v_0`,…,`v_n` such that

– `x` is equal to `v_0`

– `x’` is equal to `v_n`

– for each `i` between `0` and `n-2`, we have `f v_i` equals `(true, v_i+1)`

– `f v_n-1` equals `(false, v_n)`.

Your function should be tail recursive.

Once you have implemented the function,

you should get the following behavior:


ghci> let f x = let xx = x * x * x in (xx < 100, xx) in wwhile f 2



(d) 20 points

Fill in the implementation of the function


fixpointL :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int]


The expression `fixpointL f x0` should return the list

`[x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, … , x_n]` where

* `x = x_0`

* `f x_0 = x_1, f x_1 = x_2, f x_2 = x_3, … f x_n = x_{n+1}`

* `xn = x_{n+1}`

When you are done, you should see the following behavior:


>>> fixpointL collatz 1


>>> fixpointL collatz 2


>>> fixpointL collatz 3


>>> fixpointL collatz 4


>>> fixpointL collatz 5


>>> fixpointL g 0

[0, 1000000, 540302, 857553, 654289,









The last one is because `cos 0.739085` is approximately `0.739085`.

(e) 20 points

Without using any built-in functions,

**modify the skeleton** for `fixpointW`

to obtain a function


fixpointW :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int


such that `fixpointW f x` returns

**the last element** of the list

returned by `fixpointL f x`.

Once you have implemented the

function, you should get the

following behavior:


ghci> fixpointW collatz 1


ghci> fixpointW collatz 2


ghci> fixpointW collatz 3


ghci> fixpointW collatz 4


ghci> fixpointW collatz 5


ghci> fixpointW g 0



Problem 2: Random Art

At the end of this assignment, you should be able to produce

pictures like those shown below. To do so, we shall:

1) devise a grammar for a certain class of expressions,

2) design a Haskell datatype whose values correspond to these expressions,

3) write code to evaluate the expressions, and then

4) write a function that randomly generates such expressions and plots them — thereby

producing random psychedelic art.

**Color Images**

![](/img/color1.jpg)\ ![](/img/color2.jpg)\ ![](/img/color3.jpg)

**Gray Scale Images**

![](/img/art_g_sample.jpg)\ ![](/img/gray2.jpg)\ ![](/img/gray3.jpg)

The expressions are described by the grammar:


e ::= x

| y

| sin (pi*e)

| cos (pi*e)

| ((e + e)/2)

| e * e

| (e<e ? e : e)


where pi is the constant we all learned in grade school, rounded so that it

fits in a Dobule. All functions are over the variables

x,y, which are guaranteed to produce a value in the range [-1,1] when x and

y are in that range. We can represent expressions of this grammar

using values of the following datatype:


data Expr

= VarX

| VarY

| Sine Expr

| Cosine Expr

| Average Expr Expr

| Times Expr Expr

| Thresh Expr Expr Expr Expr


(a) 15 points

First, write a function


exprToString :: Expr -> String


to enable the printing of expressions. Once you have implemented

the function, you should get the following behavior:


ghci> exprToString sampleExpr0


ghci> exprToString sampleExpr1


ghci> exprToString sampleExpr2



(b) 15 points

Next, write a function


eval :: Double -> Double -> Expr -> Double


such that `eval x y e` returns the result of evaluating

the expression `e` at the point `(x, y)`. That is, evaluating

the result of `e` when `VarX` has the value `x` and `VarY` has

the value `y`.

* You should use functions from Prelude like

`sin`, `cos`, and `pi` to build your evaluator.

* Recall that `Sine VarX` corresponds to

the expression `sin(pi*x)`

Once you have implemented the function,

you should get the following behavior:


ghci> eval 0.5 (-0.5) sampleExpr0


ghci> eval 0.3 0.3 sampleExpr0


ghci> eval 0.5 0.2 sampleExpr2



If you execute


ghci> emitGray “sample.png” 150 sampleExpr3


(or just run `make` if your `ghci` is not working)

you should get a file `img/sample.png` in

your working directory. To receive full

credit, this image must look like the

leftmost grayscale image displayed above.

Note that this requires your `eval` to

work correctly. A message `Assert failure…` is an

indication that your `eval` is returning a value

outside the valid range `[-1.0,1.0]`.

(c) 20 points

Next, consider the skeleton function:


build :: Int -> Expr

build 0

| r < 5 = VarX

| otherwise = VarY


r = rand 10

build d = error “TBD:build”


Change and extend the function to generate interesting expressions `Expr`.

– A call to `rand n` will return a random number between (0..n-1)

Use this function to randomly select operators when

composing subexpressions to build up larger expressions.

For example, in the above, at depth `0` we generate the expressions

`VarX` and `VarY` with equal probability.

– `depth` is the nesting depth: a random expression of depth `d` is

built by randomly composing sub-expressions of depth `d-1` and the

only expressions of depth `0` are `VarX` and `VarY`.

With this in place you can generate random art using the functions


emitRandomGray :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()

emitRandomColor :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()


For example, running


ghci> emitRandomGray 150 (3, 12)


will generate a gray image `img/grag_150_3_12.png` by:

randomly generating an `Expr`

1. Whose `depth` is equal to `3`,

2. Using the **seed** value of `12`.

Re-running the code with the same parameters will yield

the same image. (But different `seed` values will yield

different images).

The gray scale image, is built by mapping out a single

randomly generated expression over the plane.

The color image (generated by `emitRandomColor`) is built

by generating three `Expr` for the Red, Green and Blue

intensities of each pixel.

Play around with how you generate the expressions, using the

tips below.

– Depths of 8-12 produce interesting pictures, but play around!

– Make sure your expressions don’t get *cut-off* early with

`VarX`, `VarY` as small expressions give simple pictures.

– Play around to bias the generation towards more interesting operators.

Save the parameters (i.e. the depth and the seeds)

for your favorite three color images in the bodies of

`c1`, `c2`, `c3` respectively, and favorite three gray

images in `g1`, `g2` , `g3`.

(d) 20 points

Finally, add **two** new operators to the grammar, i.e. to the

datatype, by introducing two new datatype constructors, and adding the

corresponding cases to `exprToString`, `eval`, and `build`.

The only requirements are that the operators must return

values in the range `[-1.0,1.0]` if their arguments (i.e. `VarX` and `VarY`)

are in that range, and that one of the operators take **three**

arguments, i.e. one of the datatype constructors is of the form:

`Ctor Expr Expr Expr`

You can include images generated with these new operators

when choosing your favorite images for part (c).

Assignment 2: Random Art (160 points)
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