Cache-Poisoning Attack Lab -Solution

$30.00 $24.00

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a communication protocol used for discovering the link layer address, such as the MAC address, given an IP address. The ARP protocol is a very simple protocol, and it does not implement any security measure. The ARP cache poisoning attack is a common attack against the ARP protocol. Using…

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The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a communication protocol used for discovering the link layer address, such as the MAC address, given an IP address. The ARP protocol is a very simple protocol, and it does not implement any security measure. The ARP cache poisoning attack is a common attack against the ARP protocol. Using such an attack, attackers can fool the victim into accepting forged IP-to-MAC mappings. This can cause the victim’s packets to be redirected to the computer with the forged MAC address, leading to potential man-in-the-middle attacks.

The objective of this lab is for students to gain the first-hand experience on the ARP cache poisoning attack, and learn what damages can be caused by such an attack. In particular, students will use the ARP attack to launch a man-in-the-middle attack, where the attacker can intercept and modify the packets between the two victims A and B. Another objective of this lab is for students to practice packet sniffing and spoofing skills, as these are essential skills in network security, and they are the building blocks for many network attack and defense tools. Students will use Scapy to conduct lab tasks. This lab covers the following topics:

• The ARP protocol

• The ARP cache poisoning attack

• Man-in-the-middle attack

• Scapy programming

Videos. Detailed coverage of the ARP protocol and attacks can be found in the following:

• Section 3 of the SEED Lecture at Udemy, Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, by Wenliang Du. See details at

Lab environment. This lab has been tested on the SEED Ubuntu 20.04 VM. You can download a pre-built image from the SEED website, and run the SEED VM on your own computer. However, most of the SEED labs can be conducted on the cloud, and you can follow our instruction to create a SEED VM on the cloud.

• Environment Setup using Container

In this lab, we need three machines. We use containers to set up the lab environment, which is depicted in Figure 1. In this setup, we have an attacker machine (Host M), which is used to launch attacks against the other two machines, Host A and Host B. These three machines must be on the same LAN, because the ARP cache poisoning attack is limited to LAN. We use containers to set up the lab environment.
SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab






Host A
Host M (Attacker)
Host B


Figure 1: Lab environment setup

2.1 Container Setup and Commands

Please download the file to your VM from the lab’s website, unzip it, enter the Labsetup folder, and use the docker-compose.yml file to set up the lab environment. Detailed explanation of the content in this file and all the involved Dockerfile can be found from the user manual, which is linked to the website of this lab. If this is the first time you set up a SEED lab environment using containers, it is very important that you read the user manual.
In the following, we list some of the commonly used commands related to Docker and Compose. Since we are going to use these commands very frequently, we have created aliases for them in the .bashrc file (in our provided SEEDUbuntu 20.04 VM).

docker-compose build
# Build the
container image
Start the
Shut down
the container
// Aliases for the Compose commands

# Alias for: docker-compose build
for: docker-compose up
for: docker-compose down

All the containers will be running in the background. To run commands on a container, we often need to get a shell on that container. We first need to use the “docker ps” command to find out the ID of the container, and then use “docker exec” to start a shell on that container. We have created aliases for them in the .bashrc file.


ps –format “{{.ID}} {{.Names}}”
exec -it <id> /bin/bash





• The following example shows how to get a shell inside hostC $ dockps

b1004832e275 hostA- 0af4ea7a3e2e hostB- 9652715c8e0a hostC-

• docksh 96 root@9652715c8e0a:/#
SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab


• Note: If a docker command requires a container ID, you do not need to

• type the entire ID string. Typing the first few characters will

• be sufficient, as long as they are unique among all the containers.

If you encounter problems when setting up the lab environment, please read the “Common Problems” section of the manual for potential solutions.

2.2 About the Attacker Container

In this lab, we can either use the VM or the attacker container as the attacker machine. If you look at the Docker Compose file, you will see that the attacker container is configured differently from the other containers. Here are the differences:

• Shared folder. When we use the attacker container to launch attacks, we need to put the attacking code inside the container. Code editing is more convenient inside the VM than in containers, because we can use our favorite editors. In order for the VM and container to share files, we have created a shared folder between the VM and the container using the Docker volumes. If you look at the Docker Compose file, you will find out that we have added the following entry to some of the containers. It indicates mounting the ./volumes folder on the host machine (i.e., the VM) to the /volumes folder inside the container. We will write our code in the ./volumes folder (on the VM), so they can be used inside the containers.


◦ ./volumes:/volumes

• Privileged mode. To be able to modify kernel parameters at runtime (using sysctl), such as enabling IP forwarding, a container needs to be privileged. This is achieved by including the following entry in the Docker Compose file for the container.

privileged: true


2.3 Packet Sniffing

Being able to sniffing packets is very important in this lab, because if things do not go as expected, being able to look at where packets go can help us identify the problems. There are several different ways to do packet sniffing:

• Running tcpdump on containers. We have already installed tcpdump on each container. To sniff the packets going through a particular interface, we just need to find out the interface name, and then do the following (assume that the interface name is eth0):

# tcpdump -i eth0 -n

It should be noted that inside containers, due to the isolation created by Docker, when we run tcpdump inside a container, we can only sniff the packets going in and out of this container. We won’t be able to sniff the packets between other containers. However, if a container uses the host mode in its network setup, it can sniff other containers’ packets.
SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab

• Running tcpdump on the VM. If we run tcpdump on the VM, we do not have the restriction on the containers, and we can sniff all the packets going among containers. The interface name for a network is different on the VM than on the container. On containers, each interface name usually starts with eth; on the VM, the interface name for the network created by Docker starts with br-, followed by the ID of the network. You can always use the ip address command to get the interface name on the VM and containers.

• We can also run Wireshark on the VM to sniff packets. Similar to tcpdump, we need to select what interface we want Wireshark to sniff on.

• Task 1: ARP Cache Poisoning

The objective of this task is to use packet spoofing to launch an ARP cache poisoning attack on a target, such that when two victim machines A and B try to communicate with each other, their packets will be intercepted by the attacker, who can make changes to the packets, and can thus become the man in the middle between A and B. This is called Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack. In this lab, we use ARP cache poisoning to conduct an MITM attack.
The following code skeleton shows how to construct an ARP packet using Scapy. Please replace the interface name br-05f0c56e8085 with the one in your own setup (see the previous section).

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *

E = Ether()

A = ARP()

pkt = E/A

sendp(pkt, iface=’br-05f0c56e8085’)

The above program constructs and sends an ARP packet. Please set necessary attribute names/values to define your own ARP packet. We can use ls(ARP) to see the attribute names of the ARP class. If a field is not set, a default value will be used (see the third column of the output):

$ python3

>>> from scapy.all import *

>>> ls(ARP)

: XShortField
= (1)
: XShortEnumField
= (2048)


: ByteField
= (6)
: ByteField
= (4)
: ShortEnumField
= (1)
: ARPSourceMACField
= (None)
: SourceIPField
= (None)
: MACField
= (’00:00:00:00:00:00’)


: IPField
= (’’)


In this task, we have three machines (containers), A, B, and M. We would like to attack A’s ARP cache, such that B’s IP address is mapped to M’s MAC address. We can check a computer’s ARP cache using the following command. If you want to look at the ARP cache associated with a specific interface, you can use the -i option.
SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab




$ arp -n


Flags Mask



There are many ways to conduct ARP cache poisoning attack. Students need to try the following three methods, and report whether each method works or not.

• Task 1.A (using ARP request). On host M, construct an ARP request packet and send to host A. Check A’s ARP cache, and see whether M’s MAC address is mapped to B’s IP address.

• Task 1.B (using ARP reply). On host M, construct an ARP reply packet and send to host A. Check A’s ARP cache, and see whether M’s MAC address is mapped to B’s IP address. Try the attack for two different scenarios:

– Scenario 1: B’s IP is already in A’s cache.

– Scenario 2: B’s IP is not in A’s cache.

• Task 1C (using ARP gratuitous message). On host M, construct an ARP gratuitous packets, and use it to map M’s MAC address to B’s IP address. Please launch the attack under the same two scenarios as those described in Task 1.B.

ARP gratuitous packet is a special ARP request packet. It is used when a host machine needs to update outdated information on all the other machine’s ARP cache. The gratuitous ARP packet has the following characteristics:

– The source and destination IP addresses are the same, and they are the IP address of the host issuing the gratuitous ARP.

– The destination MAC addresses in both ARP header and Ethernet header are the broadcast MAC address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).

– No reply is expected.

• Task 2: MITM Attack on Telnet using ARP Cache Poisoning

Hosts A and B are communicating using Telnet, and Host M wants to intercept their communication, so it can make changes to the data sent between A and B. The setup is depicted in Figure 2. We have already created an account called “seed” inside the container, the password is “dees”. You can telnet into this account.

Step 1 (Launch the ARP cache poisoning attack). First, Host M conducts an ARP cache poisoning attack on both A and B, such that in A’s ARP cache, B’s IP address maps to M’s MAC address, and in B’s ARP cache, A’s IP address also maps to M’s MAC address. After this step, packets sent between A and B will all be sent to M. We will use the ARP cache poisoning attack from Task 1 to achieve this goal. It is better that you send out the spoofed packets constantly (e.g. every 5 seconds); otherwise, the fake entries may be replaced by the real ones.
SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab
A: Telnet Client
B: Telnet Server





























Telnet packet





M: Attacker



s Z

Change packet payload

Figure 2: Man-In-The-Middle Attack against telnet

Step 2 (Testing). After the attack is successful, please try to ping each other between Hosts A and B, and report your observation. Please show Wireshark results in your report. Before doing this step, please make sure that the IP forwarding on Host M is turned off. You can do that with the following command:

# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

Step 3 (Turn on IP forwarding). packets between A and B. Please observation.

Now we turn on the IP forwarding on Host M, so it will forward the run the following command and repeat Step 2. Please describe your

# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

Step 4 (Launch the MITM attack). We are ready to make changes to the Telnet data between A and B. Assume that A is the Telnet client and B is the Telnet server. After A has connected to the Telnet server on B, for every key stroke typed in A’s Telnet window, a TCP packet is generated and sent to B. We would like to intercept the TCP packet, and replace each typed character with a fixed character (say Z). This way, it does not matter what the user types on A, Telnet will always display Z.
From the previous steps, we are able to redirect the TCP packets to Host M, but instead of forwarding them, we would like to replace them with a spoofed packet. We will write a sniff-and-spoof program to accomplish this goal. In particular, we would like to do the following:

• We first keep the IP forwarding on, so we can successfully create a Telnet connection between A to B. Once the connection is established, we turn off the IP forwarding using the following command. Please type something on A’s Telnet window, and report your observation:

# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

• We run our sniff-and-spoof program on Host M, such that for the captured packets sent from A to B, we spoof a packet but with TCP different data. For packets from B to A (Telnet response), we do not

SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab

make any change, so the spoofed packet is exactly the same as the original one.

To help students get started, we provide a skeleton sniff-and-spoof program in the following. The pro-gram capture all the TCP packets, and then for packets from A to B, it makes some changes (the modification part is not included, because that is part of the task). For packets from B to A, the program does not make any change.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *

IP_A = “”

MAC_A = “02:42:0a:09:00:05”

IP_B = “”

MAC_B = “02:42:0a:09:00:06”


def spoof_pkt(pkt):

if pkt[IP].src == IP_A and pkt[IP].dst == IP_B:

• Create a new packet based on the captured one.

• 1) We need to delete the checksum in the IP & TCP headers,

• because our modification will make them invalid.

• Scapy will recalculate them if these fields are missing.

• 2) We also delete the original TCP payload.

newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))





• Construct the new payload based on the old payload.

• Students need to implement this part.

if pkt[TCP].payload:

data = pkt[TCP].payload.load # The original payload data newdata = data # No change is made in this sample code





elif pkt[IP].src == IP_B and pkt[IP].dst == IP_A:

• Create new packet based on the captured one

• Do not make any change

newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))





f = ’tcp’

SEED Labs – ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab


pkt = sniff(iface=’eth0’, filter=f, prn=spoof_pkt)

It should be noted that the code above captures all the TCP packets, including the one generated by the program itself. That is undesirable, as it will affect the performance. Students needs to change the filter, so it does not capture its own packets.

Behavior of Telnet. In Telnet, typically, every character we type in the Telnet window triggers an individ-ual TCP packet, but if you type very fast, some characters may be sent together in the same packet. That is why in a typical Telnet packet from client to server, the payload only contains one character. The character sent to the server will be echoed back by the server, and the client will then display the character in its window. Therefore, what we see in the client window is not the direct result of the typing; whatever we type in the client window takes a round trip before it is displayed. If the network is disconnected, whatever we typed on the client window will not displayed, until the network is recovered. Similarly, if attackers change the character to Z during the round trip, Z will be displayed at the Telnet client window, even though that is not what you have typed.

• Task 3: MITM Attack on Netcat using ARP Cache Poisoning

This task is similar to Task 2, except that Hosts A and B are communicating using netcat, instead of telnet. Host M wants to intercept their communication, so it can make changes to the data sent between A and B. You can use the following commands to establish a netcat TCP connection between A and B:

On Host B (server, IP address is, run the following:

# nc -lp 9090

On Host A (client), run the following:

# nc 9090

Once the connection is made, you can type messages on A. Each line of messages will be put into a TCP packet sent to B, which simply displays the message. Your task is to replace every occurrence of your first name in the message with a sequence of A’s. The length of the sequence should be the same as that of your first name, or you will mess up the TCP sequence number, and hence the entire TCP connection. You need to use your real first name, so we know the work is done by you.

• Submission

You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any explanation will not receive credits.

Cache-Poisoning Attack Lab -Solution
$30.00 $24.00