CS Language Assignment #1: Scheme Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Purpose This assignment asks you to begin using a functional programming language named Scheme, which is a modern dialect of the venerable language Lisp. Lisp was designed by John McCarthy, at MIT, in 1958. Scheme was designed by Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman, at MIT, in 1975. Submission Homework is due at 11:59PM, Mountain Time,…

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This assignment asks you to begin using a functional programming language named Scheme, which is a modern dialect of the venerable language Lisp. Lisp was designed by John McCarthy, at MIT, in 1958. Scheme was designed by Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman, at MIT, in 1975.


Homework is due at 11:59PM, Mountain Time, on the day it is due. Late work is not accepted. To submit your solution to an assignment, login to a lab computer, change to the directory containing the les you want to submit, and execute:

  • submit jbuffenb class assignment

For example:

  • submit jbuffenb cs101 hw1

The submit program has a nice man page.


Scheme lecture slides are at:

  • pub/slides/slides-scheme.pdf

CS 354-2 (S20) LA1 (Jan 28 Tue)


Scheme is described in Section 11.3 of our textbook.

The onyx cluster has a Scheme interpreter, named Guile, the documentation of which can be viewed by:

  • info Guile Reference

2info R5RS

and demonstrated by:

  • pub/sum/scheme

This documentation, in HTML, is also at:

  • https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/docs.html

The interactive interpreter also has online documentation, for some functions.

For example:

  • $ guile

  • Enter ‘,help’ for help.

  • scheme@(guile-user)> ,d append

  • – Scheme Procedure: append . args


  • Return a list consisting of the

8elements the lists passed as

  • arguments.



(append ’(x)






(append ’(a)

(b c d))



b c d)

  1. (append ’(a (b)) ’((c))) ==> (a (b) (c))


  1. Return a list consisting of the

  1. elements the lists passed as

  1. arguments.


  1. (append ’(a b) ’(c . d)) ==> (a b c . d)


(append ’() ’a)

==> a

  1. scheme@(guile-user)>

CS 354-2 (S20) LA1 (Jan 28 Tue)



Write and fully demonstrate a function named super-duper, with this interface:

  • (super-duper source count)

The function returns a copy of the list source, with every element duplicated count times. If source is an atom, it is immediately returned, without dupli-cation.

For example:

  • (super-duper 123 1)

  • ) 123


  • (super-duper 123 2)

  • ) 123


  • (super-duper ’() 1)

  • ) ()


  1. (super-duper ’() 2)

  1. ) ()


  1. (super-duper ’(x) 1)

  1. ) (x)


  1. (super-duper ’(x) 2)

  1. ) (x x)


  1. (super-duper ’(x y) 1)

  1. ) (x y)


  1. (super-duper ’(x y) 2)

  1. ) (x x y y)


  1. (super-duper ’((a b) y) 3)

  1. ) ((a a a b b b) (a a a b b b) (a a a b b b)

  1. y y y)

CS 354-2 (S20) LA1 (Jan 28 Tue)


Of course, you can de ne other functions and call them from super-duper.

You are required to use only the pure subset of Scheme:

no side-e ecting functions, with an exclamation mark in their names (e.g., set-car! and set-cdr!)

no loops (e.g., do, foreach, and map)

Historically, students often want to use the built-in function append. There are several reasons why you should not use append:

It doesn’t really do what you want. Use cons. It is just a function. See:





It does not make a copy of its arguments, as required by the assignment. Paraphrasing the reference manual: append doesn’t modify the given argu-ments, but the return value may share structure with the nal argument.

Test your solution thoroughly. The quality of your test suite will in uence your grade.

Finally, do not try to nd a solution on the Internet. You’ll possibly be asked to solve a similar problem on an exam, and if you have not developed a solution on your own, you will not be able to do so on the exam.

CS Language Assignment #1: Scheme Solution
$30.00 $24.00