Assignment 0. Welcome to CS106B! Solution

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Welcome to CS106B! This assignment is designed to help you get your development environment set up so that you can compile, run, and debug programs. There isn’t any programming involved, and we hope that this doesn’t take you too much time to complete. This assignment must be completed individually. Step One: Install Qt Creator You…

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Welcome to CS106B! This assignment is designed to help you get your development environment set up so that you can compile, run, and debug programs. There isn’t any programming involved, and we hope that this doesn’t take you too much time to complete. This assignment must be completed individually.

Step One: Install Qt Creator

You will frst need to install Qt Creator, the development environment that we use in CS106B. Follow the instructions in the Qt Installation Guide for your operating system.

If you run into an install snag, don’t panic! The course staf will hold a Qt Creator install help session 2PM – 4PM PT on Thursday, January 6th over Zoom. See Ed for the link. You can also ask for help with a post to the Ed forum.

Step Two: Download the Starter Files

We will confgure a starter project with the fles needed for each assignment and post it in the form of a .zip archive. The starter project for Assignment 0 contains the fles for the NameHash program.

Starter Code

Download the starter code archive and extract all. Double-click the fle to open the project in Qt Creator and confgure to use the default kit.

Step Three: Hash Your Name

Compile and run the program you’ve just downloaded. It will ask you to enter your (preferred) frst and last names. When you do, it will give back a hash code, a special number associated with your name. You can think of your hash code as a “fngerprint” associated with your name that’s unlikely to be the same as anyone else’s fngerprint. Write this number down; you’ll need it to complete the assignment!

Step Four: Use the Debugger

Open our handy debugger tutorial and follow along step-by-step. At some point, you’ll be asked to remember a special value. Write this special value down; you’ll need it when you submit.

Step Five: Join EdStem!

We have a course EdStem Q&A forum we’ll be using so you can ask us questions. Visit the forum, fnd Keith’s favorite tree, and write it down; you’ll need it to complete the assignment!

Step Six: Read Course Policies

Please read the handouts on the website that detail the course policies for the syllabus and Honor Code. We want to ensure that you know what to expect from us and what we will expect from you. If you have any questions or concerns about the course policies, make a post on Ed or via private email to clarify or resolve issues before choosing to enroll.

Step Seven: Submit Everything!

Once you’ve fnished everything, fll out this form:

Submit Google form:

Assignment 0. Welcome to CS106B! Solution
$30.00 $24.00