Assignment-02 Variables and Expressions;Solution

$30.00 $24.00

For this assignment you are to complete the given Java source code file,, so that it behaves as illustrated in the given sample executions. As you should see, this program prompts the user to enter an integer representing some number of seconds, and then the program produces an output that expresses that time value…

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For this assignment you are to complete the given Java source code file,, so that it behaves as illustrated in the given sample executions.

As you should see, this program prompts the user to enter an integer representing some number of seconds, and then the program produces an output that expresses that time value in alternate ways. Specifically, the program determines the equivalent number of days, hours and minutes, as real numbers. Then the program determines and prints the equivalent full days, residual full hours, residual full minutes and residual seconds corresponding to the input number of seconds.

You’ll note that the file, as given to you, contains several declarations that you are expected to make use of in your solution.

So, for this assignment you are submit your revised and completed version of to the AS02 folder on the CWS.

Before submitting your file please be sure that the comments appearing at the beginning of the file, fully match your situation. That is, your name should appear as an author, and you must change the “Collaboration” statement to provide the names of any and all individuals with whom you collaborated in developing the program you submit. If you did not collaborate with anyone then say so.

Good luck,


P. M. Jackowitz Page 1 of 1

Assignment-02 Variables and Expressions;Solution
$30.00 $24.00