Assignment-1 A Collection Class-Solution

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Problem Description – Part 3 (95 pts) (50 points) Write a templated version of the class Collection with the template parameters: Obj, F1, F2. The templated class Collection and all the templated functions should be in the header file collection.h (the file collection.cpp is not necessary and can be dropped). Test it with the class…

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Problem Description – Part 3 (95 pts)

  1. (50 points) Write a templated version of the class Collection with the template parameters: Obj, F1, F2.

    1. The templated class Collection and all the templated functions should be in the header file collection.h (the file collection.cpp is not necessary and can be dropped).

    1. Test it with the class Stress_ball as Obj, Stress_ball_colors as F1, and Stress_ball_sizes as F2. Use the file stress_ball_test.cpp.

Perform the same operations: make_copy, make_union, swap, and sort_by_size for testing. Modify the test file from Part 2 to do this. In order not to use long class names, use aliases:

using CollectionSB = Collection<Stress_ball, Stress_ball_colors, Stress_ball_sizes>;

using CollectionJN = Collection<Jeans, Jeans_colors, Jeans_sizes>;


    1. The input operator>> can be templated but you need to use a specific version for each template class. So for the class Stress_ball use this approach:

istream& operator>>(istream& is, CollectionSB& c);

where you explicitly use the class Stress_ball (do not use template parameters Obj, F1, or F2). And do not put it in the file collection.h but put in the file stress_ball_test.cpp.

  1. (30 points) Write a class Jeans similar to Stress_ball with the same class members: color and size. Feel

free to use your own colors and sizes. Suggested colors: white, blue, brown, black, and suggested sizes: small, medium, large, xlarge.

    1. Apply the Collection functions to Jeans objects

    1. Provide similar testing cases for the templated Collection with Jeans objects. Use the test file jeans_test.cpp.

    1. For the input operator>>, use the class Jeans explicitly (do not use template parameters Obj, F1, or


istream& operator>>(istream& is, CollectionJN& c);

Do not put it in the file collection.h but use it in the file jeans_test.cpp.

  1. Here is an example of the file collection_test.cpp but you can modify it.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void test_stress_balls(); void test_jeans();

int main() { int answer;

cout << “What version to test: stress_ball (=0) or jeans (=1): “; cin >> answer;

if (answer == 0) test_stress_balls();

else if (answer == 1) test_jeans();


cout << “Wrong value: ” << answer << endl; return 0;


  1. (15 points) Write about the generic programming using templates based on this assignment Part 3.

The templated class Collection and the class Jeans should be presented to your TA or PT during the labs by February 16 and submitted to eCampus. You should test all the implemented functions/operators.


Assignment-1 A Collection Class-Solution
$30.00 $24.00