* Practice how to apply a systematic object-oriented design process
* Gain experience in implementing an object-oriented program with multiple interacting classes
* Learn more about the Java class libraries
In this assignment, you will design and implement a prototype system that could serve as the “back-end” of a venue hire system (such as for holding conferences). Pay careful attention to the requirements and make sure you have a complete and sound understanding of them before developing a design and implementing it.
In this venue hire system, customers can make, change and cancel reservations. Each venue has a number of rooms of various sizes: rooms are either small, medium or large. A reservation request has a named identifier and is for one or more rooms of a certain size (e.g. two small rooms and one large room) for a period of time given by a start date and an end date. A reservation request is either granted in full or is completely rejected by the system (a request cannot be partially fulfilled).
Assessment will be based on the design of your program in addition to correctness. You should submit at least a UML class diagram used for the design of your program, i.e. not generated from code afterwards.
The implementation should input and output data in the JSON format. It will read from STDIN (`` in Java) and output to STDOUT (`System.out` in Java). The input will be a series of JSON objects, each containing a single command (each on its own line). After reading in a JSON object, the implementation will immediately process that command; i.e. it cannot wait for all commands to be input before acting on them. You can assume `room` commands will precede all other commands, but beyond that there are no guarantees of the order or quantity of each command. The commands are as follows (the text in italics is what will vary):
* Specify that venue *venue* has a room with name *room* and that has size *size*.
> { “command”: “room”, “venue”: *venue*, “room”: *room*, “size”: *size* }
* Request *id* is from *startdate* to *endate* for *small* number of small rooms, *medium* number of medium rooms, and *large* number of large rooms.
> { “command”: “request”, “id”: *id*, “start”: *startdate*, “end”: *enddate*, “small”: *small*, “medium”: *medium*, “large”: *large* }
* Change existing reservation *id* to be from *startdate* to *endate* for *small* number of small rooms, *medium* number of medium rooms, and *large* number of large rooms.
> { “command”: “change”, “id”: *id*, “start”: *startdate*, “end”: *enddate*, “small”: *small*, “medium”: *medium*, “large”: *large* }
* Cancel reservation *id* (if it exists) and free up rooms
> { “command”: “cancel”, “id”: *id* }
* List the occupancy of each room in the venue *venue*
> { “command”: “list”, “venue”: *venue* }
To remove any ambiguity, reservation requests and changes are fulfilled as follows: each venue is checked (in order of definition in the input) to determine whether it can satisfy all requested rooms, and if so, the first available rooms (again in order of definition in the input) are assigned to the reservation. The output should list rooms assigned to the reservation in order of the declarations at the start of the input (see first example below). Do not try to fulfil requests by allocating larger rooms when a small room is requested, or by reassigning rooms to different reservations to create space, etc. For the `list` command, output an array containing the occupancy of each room at the specified venue in order of room declarations, then date (see below).
Starter code has been provided for in your repository for this assignment, available here (replace z5555555 with your own zID):
Create all your Java source files in the `unsw.venues` package. You may create subpackages if you wish, but this is not required. The main Java file is ``. Do not rename this class. The starter code includes the [JSON-java]( library and shows how to use it read and write JSON formatted data. Other than this, you are **NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY THIRD PARTY LIBRARIES**
For machine marking, the output will be directly compared to the expected output, so do not print out any extra debugging information or include extra fields in your JSON objects. You can assume that reservation identifiers are unique (e.g. there won’t be two reservations under the name `Annual Meeting`). Similarly, dates will be in the ISO-8601 format `uuuu-MM-dd` (e.g. `2019-05-27`). This is the format output by `LocalDate.toString()`. All characters in venues, rooms and reservation identifiers will be alpha-numeric except for spaces. The input to this system is trusted, so you can assume it will not be malformed, fields will be of the right type, dates will be valid, etc.
This is a concrete example input demonstrating the commands supported (comments are for explanation and will **not** appear in the actual input):
# Venue Zoo has the Penguin room which is small
{ “command”: “room”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “room”: “Penguin”, “size”: “small” }
# Venue Zoo has the Hippo room which is large
{ “command”: “room”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “room”: “Hippo”, “size”: “large” }
# Venue Zoo has the Elephant room which is large
{ “command”: “room”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “room”: “Elephant”, “size”: “large” }
# Venue Gardens has the Figtree room which is large
{ “command”: “room”, “venue”: “Gardens”, “room”: “Figtree”, “size”: “large” }
# Request ‘Annual Meeting’ is for 1 large and 1 small room from 2019-03-25 to 2019-03-26
# Assign Penguin and Hippo rooms of Zoo
{ “command”: “request”, “id”: “Annual Meeting”, “start”: “2019-03-25”, “end”: “2019-03-26”, “small”: 1, “medium”: 0, “large”: 1 }
# Request ‘Mattress Convention’ is for 1 large room from 2019-03-24 to 2019-03-27
# Assign Elephant room of Zoo since Hippo room is occupied
{ “command”: “request”, “id”: “Mattress Convention”, “start”: “2019-03-24”, “end”: “2019-03-27”, “small”: 0, “medium”: 0, “large”: 1 }
# Request ‘Dance Party’ is for 1 large room from 2019-03-26 to 2019-03-26
# Assign Figtree room of Gardens
{ “command”: “request”, “id”: “Dance Party”, “start”: “2019-03-26”, “end”: “2019-03-26”, “small”: 0, “medium”: 0, “large”: 1 }
# Change reservation ‘Annual Meeting’ to 1 small room from 2019-03-27 to 2019-03-29
# Deassign Penguin and Hippo rooms of Zoo and assign Penguin room of Zoo
{ “command”: “change”, “id”: “Annual Meeting”, “start”: “2019-03-27”, “end”: “2019-03-29”, “small”: 1, “medium”: 0, “large”: 0 }
# Request ‘CSE Autumn Ball’ is for 1 small room from 2019-03-25 to 2019-03-26
# Assign Penguin room of Zoo
{ “command”: “request”, “id”: “CSE Autumn Ball”, “start”: “2019-03-25”, “end”: “2019-03-26” , “small”: 1, “medium”: 0, “large”: 0 }
# Cancel reservation ‘Dance Party’
# Deassign Figtree room of Gardens
{ “command”: “cancel”, “id”: “Dance Party” }
# Request “Vivid” is for 1 small room from 2019-03-26 to 2019-03-26
# Request cannot be fulfilled
{ “command”: “request”, “id”: “Vivid”, “start”: “2019-03-26”, “end”: “2019-03-26”, “small”: 1, “medium”: 0, “large”: 0 }
# Output a list of the occupancy for all rooms at Zoo, in order of room declarations, then date
{ “command”: “list”, “venue”: “Zoo” }
Of these commands, `request`, `change`, `cancel`, and `list` will produce output. Inputting the above should yield the following (ordering of fields and indentation may differ):
{ “status”: “success”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “rooms”: [“Penguin”, “Hippo”] }
{ “status”: “success”, “venue”: “Zoo” ,”rooms”: [“Elephant”] }
{ “status”: “success”, “venue”: “Gardens”, “rooms”: [“Figtree”] }
{ “status”: “success”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “rooms”: [“Penguin”] }
{ “status”: “success”, “venue”: “Zoo”, “rooms”: [“Penguin”] }
{ “status”: “success” }
{ “status”: “rejected” }
[ { “room”: “Penguin”, “reservations”: [
{ “id”: “CSE Autumn Ball”, “start”: “2019-03-25”, “end”: “2019-03-26” },
{ “id”: “Annual Meeting”, “start”: “2019-03-27”, “end”: “2019-03-29” }
] },
{ “room”: “Hippo”, “reservations”: [] },
{ “room”: “Elephant”, “reservations”: [
{“id”: “Mattress Convention”, “start”: “2019-03-24”, “end”: “2019-03-27”}
] }
Note that all commands produce a JSON object as output, except for `list` that produces a JSON array.
For commands that do not always succeed, the `status` field indicates whether the result was successful. If a reservation request, change, or cancellation cannot be fulfilled, the status should be `rejected`. In the case of such a rejection, no reservations should be added, changed or deleted. You can assume `list` always has a valid venue, and `room` is not used to add a room that has already been added.
* Focus on the requirements as given.
* The only data structures you will need are lists.
* The JSON-Java library is intended for serialisation, not as an alternative to Java collections.
* You can pipe a file to STDIN on Eclipse by opening the **Run** menu, clicking on **Run Configurations**, selecting the **VenueHireSystem** configuration, navigating to the **Common** tab, ticking the checkbox next to **Input File**, and using either the **Workspace** or **File System** buttons to select the input file. **NOTE:** You will still need to manually stop your program by clicking the red button above the console.
You should ensure the following are in your GitLab repository:
* All your .java source files
* A .pdf file containing your design documents (a UML class diagram and, optionally, other diagrams necessary to understand your design)
* A series of .json files (at least three) that you have used as input files to test your system, and the corresponding .json output files (call these input1.json, output1.json, input2.json, output2.json, etc.)
Submit the contents of your repository with:
2511 submit ass1
A simple check will be done to ensure your code compiles and works correctly with the sample input. If your solution does not work for the sample input you can still submit, but you should not expect high marks.
Any commits in your repository that were made after a submission will not be considered when marking.
Marks for this assignment are allocated as follows:
* Correctness (automarked): 6 marks
* Design: 3 marks
* Style: 1 mark
**Late penalty: 3 marks per day or part-day late off the mark obtainable for up to 2 (calendar) days after the due date**
Assessment Criteria
* Correctness: Automatically assessed on a series of input tests
* Design: Adherence to object-oriented design principles, clarity of UML diagrams and conformance of UML diagrams to code
* Programming style: Adherence to standard Java programming style, understandable class and variable names, adequate Javadoc and comments
Remember that ALL work submitted for this assignment must be your own work and no code sharing or copying is allowed. You may use code from textbooks or the Internet only with suitable attribution of the source in your program. You should carefully read the UNSW policy on academic integrity and plagiarism, noting, in particular, that collusion (working together on an assignment, or sharing parts of assignment solutions) is a form of plagiarism.