For this project, you are to write a program in Python3 that reads in a grammar file and generates all terminal strings up to a specified length. In the file, the grammar rules will appear one rule per line, with each symbol separated from the next symbol by white space. For example:
N = D
D = 0
D = 1
With a specified length of 2, your program should generate:
Your program should begin by reading the file containing the productions of a grammar. The following specifications describe the format of the file:
only one production appears per line
the start symbol is the lhs of the first production, in the above example, N
the set of nonterminal symbols is precisely the set of symbols that appear at least once as a lhs symbol; all the remaining symbols are terminals
all productions for a given nonterminal are grouped together
the metasymbol for “derives” or “can be replaced by” is always the second symbol and is the same for all productions (but not all grammars)
all symbols, including metasymbols (e.g., =), nonterminals (e.g., N D), and terminals (e.g., 9), must be separated from each other by one or more spaces
The output generated by your program should adhere to the following guidelines:
output should be limited to generated strings only
each generated string should appear only once and on a separate line from other strings
each string should be preceded by 3 values in brackets: [smallest number of steps in a derivation, largest number of steps in a derivation, number of times string was derived]
generated strings should appear in order according to length first, then alphabetically
in any generated string, all characters should be delimited by spaces
Do not make any of the following assumptions:
the metasymbol for “derives” is “=” or one character in length
any symbol (metasymbol, terminal, or nonterminal) is restricted to one character
a grammar test file contains errors
a grammar will cause the algorithm to cycle
Your program should be written using the following algorithm:
read length N from the command line argument read the grammar file and store all productions
push the start symbol onto the worklist
while the worklist is not empty:
get and delete one potential sentence s from the worklist
if | s | > N, continue
if s has no nonterminals, update entry for s and continue
choose the leftmost nonterminal NT
for all productions NT -> rhs:
replace NT in s with rhs and store in tmp push tmp onto the worklist
Python Notes
Your program must be written in Python3 and must compile and run on the department’s machines. Additionally, the following guidelines should be followed:
store the candidate terminal strings (worklist) as a simple list reading a line from a file, one at a time:
for line in open(filename, “r”):
splitting a string into an array with whitespace delimiters:
import string
list = astring.split( )
adding a new value to a list: array.append(stringval)
store each production in a dictionary with the lhs nonterminal as the key and a list of strings as the value
checking a dictionary for a given key: if dict.has_key(key)
creating a list and assigning it to a dictionary: dict[key] = [ ]
store the final string, along with derivation info, in a dictionary
convert to list for sorting
The program should be invoked with the following command:
python3 [-llength] grammarfile
-l is an optional parameter which gives the maximum string length (default: 3); there should be no space between the -l and the number, e.g., -l3
grammarfile is the name of the file containing the grammar
Your python source file, named, should be submitted through the assignment link in Blackboard. You may also be required to submit a hardcopy of your program.