Instructions Submit your answers and code in Canvas. Include a brief README file explaining your code, especially if you implemented some of the suggestions for extra credit.
Question 1 (15 points)
Write a program void reverse_list(list **l)in pseudo-code or C++ to reverse the direction of a given singly-linked list. In other words, after the reversal all pointers should now point backwards. Your algorithm should take linear time. The node of this singly-linked list is defined as
typedef struct list {
item_type item;
struct list ∗ next ;
void reverse_list(list **l){
Remark: 15 points for completely correct. 10 points for correctly reversing the list with minor errors.
Question 2 (85 points)
Implement a stack and solutions to the following problems: balancing parenthesis, evaluating postfix
expressions and transforming infix expressions into postfix expressions.
We are providing some sample code and input files:
main method to check whether an expression is balanced infix2postfix.cpp
main method to transform an infix expression into postfix input_balanced.txt
test cases for balancing.cpp
test cases for infixtopostfix.cpp input_postfixEval.txt
test cases for postfixEval.cpp postfixEval.cpp
main method to evaluate postfix expressions stack.cpp
To compile, run
$ g++ -o stack.cpp balancing.cpp
$ g++ -o stack.cpp postfixEval.cpp
$ g++ -o stack.cpp infixtopostfix.cpp
To run each program, run $ ./a.out
The test cases follow this format: expected_solution input. Given input, your job is to implement code that gets the expected_solution. Obviously, you need to calculate expected_solution, not just print it.
balancing.cpp must balance round parentheses, and square and curly brackets (() [] {})
While we provide a few test cases, you are expected to add more to make sure your code works.
Implementing the stack is worth 15 points. Solving the balancing problem is worth 20 points, evaluating postfix expressions is worth 20 points, and transforming infix expressions into postfix is worth another 30 points.
You also have a few opportunities to earn extra credit:
Transform postfix expressions into infix expressions.
Evaluate postfix expressions when the operands can be any number (not only one digit). The easiest way to do this is to use whitespace as a delimiter.
Transform infix expressions into postfix, but also allow for the sign operator (‘−’). The code we say
in class assumes that all operators are binary, but the sign operator is unary, e.g., −(2∗4).