Assignment-2 Topological Sort using Source Removal;Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Your goal is to implement an algorithm that takes as input a directed graph and produces a topological sort of the vertices if the graph is a DAG and otherwise produces a partial topological sort of the vertices of the graph. (See below for details.) Your algorithm must have a worst case performance of O(|E|+|V|)…

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Your goal is to implement an algorithm that takes as input a directed graph and produces a topological sort of the vertices if the graph is a DAG and otherwise produces a partial topological sort of the vertices of the graph. (See below for details.) Your algorithm must have a worst case performance of O(|E|+|V|) Deliverable: One .java file

  1. A class containing a method that tries to find a topological sort of the vertices of the graph. The class must be called TopSorter and have a method topSortGenerator. topSortGenerator has a single input parameter (String type) that is the filename containing the graph to be topologically sorted. It will return an ArrayList of Integers of a valid topological sort from the graph.

public ArrayList<Integer> topSortGenerator (String)

  1. Modify the GraphStart class provided for the lab as a base for your TopSorter class by adding the topSortGenerator method and any necessary helper functions. Submit the TopSorter class.

Requirements and constraints

  1. Here the graph is directed and an input file consists of one test case.

    • Each test case will begin with a line containing 1 or 0 to tell your program if the graph is directed or undirected. For this assignment the line will always contain 1.

    • The second line contains an integer n, that is the number of vertices in the graph to be tested, where 1<n<200. Each vertex in the graph is represented by a number from 1 to n.

    • The third line is the number of edges, e

    • This is followed by e lines each containing a pair of integers (each integer is between 1 and n) that represents an edge between the vertices represented by the numbers. The edge “goes” from the first vertex to the second vertex in the pair.

  1. The method topSortGenerator must return the proposed topological sort in an ArrayList.

For example, the array list for 5 vertices might be 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 where 3 comes first in the proposed linear order. If there is no topological sort for the graph (not a DAG) then the ArrayList should contain the vertices that can be topologically sorted followed by -1’s for the missing vertices. If no partial sort exists then return an ArrayList containing n -1’s (recall n is the number of vertices)

  1. Your algorithm may NOT use recursion and must be based on the Source Removal Algorithm covered in class.

  1. Clearly comment your code.

  2. We will call your class and method assuming the above signature with the call:

ArrayList<Integer> list = TopSorter.topSortGenerator(“filename”)

Example: Input parameter is a string that is the name of a text file containing:




  1. 2

  1. 3

  1. 4

  1. 5

  1. 5

  1. 5



Avoid the usual pitfalls:

  • Use the exact Class name specified (check spelling!)

  • Use the exact method signatures specified

  • Remove all package statements and extraneous imports

January 4, 2019 2 Src RemovTopSort.docx 1

Assignment-2 Topological Sort using Source Removal;Solution
$30.00 $24.00