Assignment 3: Named Pipe for Exchanging Numbers Solution

$30.00 $24.00

A kernel module `numpipe` that implements a UNIX named pipe (FIFO queue) as a character device. User-level producers and consumers can add and remove integers to the shared FIFO queue, respectively. Build numpipe 1. Build kernel module: “` cd numpipe make “` 2. Build producer and consumer executables. If currently in the directory `numpipe/`, go…

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A kernel module `numpipe` that implements a UNIX named pipe (FIFO queue) as a character device. User-level producers and consumers can add and remove integers to the shared FIFO queue, respectively.

Build numpipe

1. Build kernel module:


cd numpipe



2. Build producer and consumer executables. If currently in the directory `numpipe/`, go back a directory:


cd ../



Loading kernel module

Load the kernel module, if the module has not been loaded (can check with `lsmod`). Can specify the maximum size N of the shared FIFO queue (default size is 20):


cd numpipe

sudo insmod numpipe.ko max_size=N


Using device with producers and consumers

Run a producer. If currently in the directory `numpipe/`, go back a directory:


cd ../

./producer /dev/numpipe


Run a consumer. If currently in the directory `numpipe/`, go back a directory:


cd ../

./consumer /dev/numpipe


Remove a producer/consumer with Control+C.

Can run multiple producers and consumers in separate terminal windows. Each should block if the desired conditions are not true (queue is full or empty).

Assignment 3: Named Pipe for Exchanging Numbers Solution
$30.00 $24.00