Assignment 3 (Scheme) Solution

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Problems (deepSum L) – 15% The function deepSum takes a single argument, L, a list, and returns the sum of elements (atoms) contained in L and the sublists in L. You can assume that list L contains either integers or sublists containing integers. Example: (deepSum ‘(1 (2 3 4) (5) 6 7 (8 9 10)…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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  1. (deepSum L) – 15%

The function deepSum takes a single argument, L, a list, and returns the sum of elements (atoms) contained in L and the sublists in L. You can assume that list L contains either integers or sublists containing integers.


(deepSum(1 (2 3 4) (5) 6 7 (8 9 10) 11)) returns 66.

(deepSum( () )) returns 0.

(Note: deepSum should check whether each element in L is a list or not. Remember that the predicate function (pair? L) returns true if L is a pair value (such as a list). (pair? ‘()) returns #f (i.e., empty list is not a pair value.) )

  1. (numbersToSum sum L) – 15%

The function numbersToSum that takes an int (called sum)(which you can assume is positive), and an int list L (which you can assume contains positive numbers) and returns a list. The returned list should include the first n elements from the input list such that the first n elements of the list add to less than sum, but the first (n + 1) elements of the list add to sum or more. Assume the entire list sums to more than the passed in sum value.


(numbersToSum 100 ‘(10 20 30 40)) returns (10 20 30)

(numbersToSum 30 ‘(5 4 6 10 4 2 1 5)) returns (5 4 6 10 4)

  1. (isSorted L) – 15%

The function isSorted takes a list (which contains positive numbers) and returns true if the elements

in the list are in ascending order. isSorted will return false otherwise. (Hint: use length function

to check the length of a list)


(isSorted ‘(1 4 5 6 10)) returns #t

(isSorted ‘(1 3 6 5 10)) returns #f

(isSorted ‘(1)) returns #t

  1. (mergeUnique2 L1 L2) – 10%

The function mergeUnique2 takes two lists of integers, L1 and L2, each already in ascending order, and returns a merged list that is also in ascending order and that doesn’t include any duplicates. The resulting list should be the union of the elements of the two lists. Duplicates should be eliminated during the merge. You may assume that input lists, L1 and L2, don’t contain any duplicates. Examples:

(mergeUnique2 ‘(4 6 7) ‘(3 5 7)) returns (3 4 5 6 7 )

(mergeUnique2 ‘(1 5 7) ‘(2 5 7)) returns (1 2 5 7)

(mergeUnique2 ‘() ‘(3 5 7)) returns (3 5 7)

(fold L)

Just use the definition given in class. You’ll need it for the function below.

  1. (mergeUniqueN Ln) – 10%

  1. Using mergeUnique2 function defined above and the fold function, define mergeUniqueN which takes a list of lists, each already in ascending order, and returns a new list containing all of the elements in ascending order. (You may assume that the sublists in Ln don’t contain any duplicate values.)

(Provide an answer using fold; without using recursion).


(mergeUniqueN ‘()) returns ()

(mergeUniqueN ‘((2 4 6) (1 4 5 6))) returns (1 2 4 5 6)

(mergeUniqueN ‘((2 4 6 10) (1 3 6) (8 9))) returns (1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10)

Note that here fold returns a list, not just a simple value; but the solution is, in fact, a very simple use of fold once you choose the right value for the base case corresponding to the empty list as input.

  1. In a comment, discuss the question of how many cons operations your function uses to produce its result, in terms of the sizes of the input lists. Explain your answer. For this problem, I suggest looking first at how many cons operations are used by mergeUnique2 for lists of length len1 and len2. If mergeUniqueN is used for a list with a single sublisy, what is the answer? For 2 sublists? For n sublists?

6. (matrixMap f M) – 10%

A matrix M can be represented in Scheme as a list of lists, for example M='((1 2) (3 4)) Without using recursion, write a function matrixMap, which takes a function f and a matrix M as arguments and returns a matrix consisting of f applied to the elements of M.


(matrixMap (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘((1 2) (3 4)) ) returns ((1 4) (9 16)) (matrixMap (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) ‘((0 1 2) (3 4 5)) ) returns ((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

  1. (avgOdd L) – 10%

Without using recursion, write a function avgOdd which takes a list L and returns the average of the odd values in L.


(avgOdd ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) returns 3

(avgOdd ‘(1 3 5)) returns 3

(avgOdd ‘(1 2 4 6)) returns 1

Use (odd? n) and (even? n) predicate functions to check if a given number n is odd or even.

  1. (unzip L) – 15%

In class we defined a function named zip that takes two lists as its arguments and produces a list of pairs as its output. For this problem, define the inverse of zip without using recursion, namely unzip, that takes a list of two-element lists as input and produces a list of two lists as output. (Hint: Call the map function twice to get the first and second values from pairs) What should (unzip ‘()) be?


(unzip ‘((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) returns ((1 3 5) (2 4 6))

(unzip ‘((1 “a”) (5 “b”) (8 “c”))) returns ((1 5 8) (“a” “b” “c”))

Scheme resources:

R5RS (the standard)

How to Design Programs (with links to the DrScheme web page) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation

Assignment 3 (Scheme) Solution
$35.00 $29.00