Assignment #3 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Purpose: To practice working with POSIX threads, mutexes and conditions; and to practice good pointer programming in C Assignment: The “telephone” game (50 Points) Overview We are going to simulate the children’s game of “telephone”. In this game N (in our case, 10) children are in a circle. The first one says something to the…

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To practice working with POSIX threads, mutexes and conditions; and to practice good pointer programming in C


The “telephone” game (50 Points)


We are going to simulate the children’s game of “telephone”. In this game N (in our case, 10) children are in a circle. The first one says something to the second. The second one may or may not hear what the first one said accurately but he/she passes what he/she thinks was said to the third. This continues until the message gets to the last child.

The program for our game has two classes. The first one, Sentence holds the current state of a sentence. It has been written for you, and all you have to do is use it. The second one, MessageSystem holds mutexes, conditions and sentence pointer buffers between each child. You’ll have to finish this one.

For this assignment you have to:

    • You have to fill in the mutex and condition portions of MessageSystem.

    • Write the function void*
      child (void*)
      that the child threads will run.

    • Finish main() to invoke and wait for the child threads.

Each child i will get the pointer to its sentence from i-1 and will transmit it (imperfectly) to i. Thus it needs to access two buffers: one at i-1 and the other at i. All buffers are protected by mutexes, so child i-1 and child i don’t step on each other’s toes when trying to access the buffer at i-1.

Before child i can get the sentence pointer from the buffer at i-1 the sentence has to be there. If it is not it should temporarily surrender the lock (if it obtained it) and wait until the sentence becomes available.


Cut and paste the following

 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----          telephoneGame                                           ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----      This program simulates the children's game of "telephone",  ----*
 *----  where an original message mutates as it is imperfectly          ----*
 *----  transmited among children in a pairwise manner.                 ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----      It demonstrates Linux/Unix thread programming using         ----*
 *----  pthread_mutex_t and pthread_cond_t.                             ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----  Compile with:                                                   ----*
 *----          linux> g++ -lpthread telephoneGame.cpp -o telephoneGame ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----  ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----  Version 1.0             Joseph Phillips                         ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----                  Includes and namespace designations:            ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <pthread.h>

using    namespace      std;

 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----                      Definitions of constants:                   ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

/*  PURPOSE:  To tell the number of children among whom to pass the message.
const    int    NUM_CHILDREN                    = 10;

/*  PURPOSE:  To tell the number of terms in the sentence.
const    int    NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE           = 9;

/*  PURPOSE:  To tell the number of possible mutations for each term.
const    int    NUM_CHOICES_PER_POSITION        = 3;

/*  PURPOSE:  To tell the possible terms for each position in the sentence.
                = { {"The","He","Wee"},
                    {"over","clover","white cliffs of Dover"},
                    {"lazy","hazy","A to Z"},

 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----      Definitions of classes and their methods and functions:     ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

/*  PURPOSE:  To represent the current state of a Sentence.
class    Sentence

  int   wordChoices[NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE];

  //  Disallow copy-assignment
  Sentence&     operator=(const Sentence&);

public :

  //  PURPOSE:  To initialize '*this' sentence to its default state.  No
  //    parameters.  No return value.
  Sentence      ()
    for  (int index = 0;  index < NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE;  index++)
      wordChoices[index] = 0;

  //  PURPOSE:  To make '*this' a copy of 'source'.  No return value.
  Sentence      (const Sentence& source)
    for  (int  index = 0;  index < NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE;  index++)
      wordChoices[index] = source.wordChoices[index];

  //  PURPOSE:  To release the resources of '*this'.  No parameters.  No
  //    return value.
  ~Sentence ()

  //  PURPOSE:  To return the current word at position 'index'.
  const string& getWord (int index) const

  //  PURPOSE:  To (potentially) mutate one term of '*this' sentence.   No
  //    parameters.  No return value.
  void  imperfectlyTransmit     ()
    wordChoices[rand()%NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE] = rand()%NUM_CHOICES_PER_POSITION;


/*  PURPOSE:  To print the text of Sentence 'sentence' to output stream 'os'
 *      and to return 'os'.
ostream&        operator<<      (ostream& os, const Sentence& sentence)
  for  (int index = 0;  index < NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE;  index++)
    os << sentence.getWord(index);
    os << ((index == (NUM_WORDS_IN_SENTENCE-1)) ? '.' : ' ');


/*  PURPOSE:  To hold the state of the messaging system, including the
 *      mutexes, conditions and sentence buffers.
class   MessageSystem



  Sentence*             sentenceArray[NUM_CHILDREN+1];

  //  Disallow copy-construction
  MessageSystem         (const MessageSystem&);

  //  Disallow copy-assignment
  MessageSystem&        operator=(const MessageSystem&);

public :

  //  PURPOSE:  To initialize the array of mutexes, the array of conditions
  //    and the array of sentence pointers to be NULL.
  MessageSystem ()
    for  (int index = 0;  index <= NUM_CHILDREN;  index++)
       sentenceArray[index] = NULL;

  //  PURPOSE:  To destroy the mutexes in their array, to destroy the conditions
  //    in their array, to delete() the sentence pointers in their array.  No
  //    parameters.  No return value.
  ~MessageSystem        ()
    for  (int index = 0;  index <= NUM_CHILDREN;  index++)

  //  PURPOSE:  To return a *pointer* to the lock at position 'index'.
  pthread_mutex_t*      getLockPtr      (int    index)

  //  PURPOSE:  To return a *pointer* to the condition at position 'index'.
  pthread_cond_t*       getCondPtr      (int    index)

  //  PURPOSE:  To "give away" (set equal to NULL) the pointer to the sentence
  //    at position 'index'.
  Sentence*     giveSentencePtr (int index)
    Sentence*   ptr = sentenceArray[index];

    sentenceArray[index]        = NULL;

  //  PURPOSE:  To set the sentence pointer at position 'index' equal to
  //    'sentencePtr'.  No return value.
  void          setSentencePtr  (int index, Sentence* sentencePtr)
    sentenceArray[index]        = sentencePtr;

  //  PURPOSE:  To return 'true' if the sentence at position 'index' is ready
  //    to be transmitted.
  bool          isReady         (int index) const
    return(sentenceArray[index] != NULL);


 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----                  Definitions of global variables:                ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

/*  PURPOSE:  To hold the global messaging system.
MessageSystem   messageSystem;

 *----                                                                  ----*
 *----                  Definitions of global functions:                ----*
 *----                                                                  ----*

/*  PURPOSE:  To get the necessary locks, get the sentence, print it,
 *      transmit it (imperfectly), and unlock and signal the next child.
void*   child   (void*  argPtr)

  //  I.  Applicability validity check:

  //  II. Run for current child:

  //  II.A.  Get 'index':


  //  II.B.  Announce that this child is ready:


  //  II.C.  Get both locks and wait until signaled (if need to):

  if  ( (rand() % 2) == 1)


  //  II.D.  Get pointer to sentence, print it and transmit it:


  //  II.E.  Signal next child that message is ready and unlock their 


  //  III.  Finished:

/*  PURPOSE:  To play the telephone game.  'argc' tells how many command line
 *      arguments there are.  'argv[]' points to each.  Returns 'EXIT_SUCCESS'
 *      to OS.
int     main (int argc, const char* argv[])

  //  I.  Applicability validity check:

  //  II.  Play game:

  //  II.A.  Seed random number generator:

  int           randNumSeed;

  if  (argc >= 2)
    randNumSeed = strtol(argv[1],NULL,10);
    string      entry;

    cout << "Random number seed? ";
    randNumSeed = strtol(entry.c_str(),NULL,10);


  //  II.B.  Play game:

  Sentence      sentence;
  int           childIndex;
  int           indices[NUM_CHILDREN+1];


  for  (childIndex = NUM_CHILDREN;  childIndex > 0;  childIndex--)
    indices[childIndex] = childIndex;

  for  (childIndex = 1; childIndex <= NUM_CHILDREN;  childIndex++)

  cout << "Finally we have: \"" << *messageSystem.giveSentencePtr(10) << "\""
       << endl;

  //  III.  Finished:


Finish class

The class needs two more arrays: one of NUM_CHILDREN+1 pthread-mutexes and another of NUM_CHILDREN+1 pthread-conditions. All the objects in both arrays should be initialized in the constructor, destroyed in the destructor, and should have pointers returned in getLockPtr() and getCondPtr().

Write void*
child (void* argPtr)

      1. It might be useful to define an integer variable index corresponding to the integer pointed to by argPtr. Please note that argPtr has type void* and therefore does not know it points to an integer.

      2. A simple cout statement should suffice here.

      3. Time for mutexes! See that if statement? In the “then” part of it lock messageSystem.getLockPtr(index) first and messageSystem.getLockPtr(index-1) second. In the “else” part of it lock messageSystem.getLockPtr(index-1) first and messageSystem.getLockPtr(index) second. (We do this to try to convince ourselves that our program is robust over the vagaries of timing.) Then we cout. Finally we loop while our incoming message is not yet ready (method isReady(index-1)). In this loop we should wait to be signaled.

      4. Here we’ve got to get a Sentence* (method giveSentencePtr(index-1)). We print out what we got and call method imperfectlyTransmit() on it (how do you run a method on an object given a pointer to it?). Finally we set the updated sentence with setSentencePtr(index,yourSentencePtrVar)

      5. We got both locks index-1 and index, and here we unlock them. Further, we should signal that there’s a Sentence pointer in the buffer at index for child index+1.

Finish int
main ()

We need an array of NUM_CHILDREN+1 pthreads. This array will be initialized in the first loop, where all child threads are to run your function child() and all are passed the address of indices[childIndex]. The child threads are initialized in reverse order to show how robust our solution is; our children are well-behaved and will not throw a tantrum if made to wait.

In the second loop we wait for each thread to finish.

Sample output:

[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 1
Child 9 ready to start
Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 7 ready to start
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child Child 106 ready to start
 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locks
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 2 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the lazy dog."
Child 5 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the lazy dog."
Child 6 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the hazy dog."
Child 7 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the hazy hog."
Child 8 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the hazy hog."
Child 9 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the hazy hog."
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 says "The quick brown fox jumped clover the hazy frog."
Finally we have: "The slick brown fox jumped clover the hazy frog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 2
Child Child 10 ready to start9 ready to start
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 surrendering lock waiting for signal

Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 6 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 7 ready to start
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locks
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 2 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "Wee quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "Wee quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 5 says "Wee quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 6 says "Wee quick brown locks jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 says "Wee quick brown locks jumped over the lazy hog."
Child 8 says "Wee quick brown locks jumped over the lazy hog."
Child 9 says "Wee slick brown locks jumped over the lazy hog."
Child 10 says "Wee slick brown locks jumped over the lazy hog."
Finally we have: "The slick brown locks jumped over the lazy hog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 3
Child 10 ready to start
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 9 ready to start
Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 7 ready to start
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 6 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locks
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 2 says "The quick brown fox thumped over the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "He quick brown fox thumped over the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "He quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 5 says "He quick brown fox jumped over be lazy dog."
Child 6 says "He quick brown fox jumped over be lazy dog."
Child 7 says "He quick brown fox jumped over be lazy dog."
Child 8 says "He quick brown fox jumped over be lazy dog."
Child 9 says "He quick brown fox pumped over be lazy dog."
Child 10 says "He quick found fox pumped over be lazy dog."
Finally we have: "He slick found fox pumped over be lazy dog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 4
Child Child Child 109 ready to start ready to start
Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal
8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal

Child 7 ready to start
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 6 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locksChild 
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 says "The quick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "The quick brown fox pumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "The quick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 5 says "The slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 6 says "The slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover three lazy dog."
Child 7 says "The slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover three lazy dog."
Child 8 says "The slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 9 says "He slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 says "He slick brown fox jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
Finally we have: "He slick brown box jumped white cliffs of Dover the lazy dog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 5
Child Child 9 ready to start10 ready to start
Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal

Child 8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 6 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 7 ready to start
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locks
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 2 says "Wee quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "The thick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 5 says "The thick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 6 says "The thick brown fox pumped over the lazy dog."
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 says "The thick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 8 says "The thick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 9 says "The thick brown locks pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 says "The thick brown locks thumped over the lazy frog."
Finally we have: "The thick brown locks thumped clover the lazy frog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ telephoneGame 6
Child 9 ready to start
Child 9 got all his/her locks
Child 9 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 8 ready to start
Child 8 got all his/her locks
Child 8 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 7 ready to start
Child 7 got all his/her locks
Child 7 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 6 ready to start
Child 6 got all his/her locks
Child 6 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 5 ready to start
Child 5 got all his/her locks
Child 5 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 4 ready to start
Child 4 got all his/her locks
Child 4 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 3 ready to start
Child 3 got all his/her locks
Child 3 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 2 ready to start
Child 2 got all his/her locks
Child 2 surrendering lock waiting for signal
Child 1 ready to start
Child 1 got all his/her locks
Child 1 says "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
Child 2 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy dog."
Child 3 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy dog."
Child 4 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 5 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 6 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 7 says "The quick brown fox pumped over the lazy frog."
Child 8 says "The quick brown fox pumped clover the lazy frog."
Child 9 says "The quick brown locks pumped clover the lazy frog."
Child 10 ready to start
Child 10 got all his/her locks
Child 10 says "The quick brown locks pumped clover the lazy dog."
Finally we have: "The quick brown locks pumped over the lazy dog."
[jphillips@localhost Assign3]$ 

Useful knowledge:


What it does

int pthread_create
(/* Pointer to a pthread_t object  */
 pthread_t*      restrict               threadPtr,

 /* Pointer to optional object for properties of child */
 const pthread_attr_t* restrict         attr,

 /* Name of function to run: void* fncName(void* ptr) */ 
 void *(*fncName)(void*),

 /* Ptr to object that is parameter to fncName() */
 void *restrict                         arg

Makes a thread in the space pointed to by threadPtr The thread run the function void*
fncName(void* )
and passes arg to it. Just leave attr as NULL for a generic thread.

int pthread_join
(/* Which thread to wait for */
 pthread_t              thread,

 /* Pointer to pointer to receive pointer
    returned by exiting thread's function.
 void**                 valuePtrsPtr


Waits for thread thread to finish. When it does valuePtr (the thing that valuePtrsPtr points to) is set to the thread’s function’s returned pointer value or it is ignored if valuePtr==NULL

int pthread_mutex_init
(/* Ptr to space for mutex */
 pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutexPtr,

 /* Type of mutex (just pass NULL) */
 const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr

Initializes lock object pointed to by mutexPtr. Just use NULL for 2nd parameter.

int pthread_mutex_destroy
(/* Ptr to mutex to destroy *.
 pthread_mutex_t *mutex

Releases resources taken by mutex pointed to by mutexPtr.

int pthread_mutex_lock
(/* Pointer to mutex to lock */
 pthread_mutex_t *mutexPtr


  1. Gains lock and proceeds, or

  2. Waits for lock to become available

int pthread_mutex_unlock
(/* Pointer to mutex to unlock */
 pthread_mutex_t *mutexPtr

Releases lock.

int pthread_cond_init
(/* Pointer to space in which to make condition */
 pthread_cond_t *restrict condPtr,

 /* Type of condition (just pass NULL) */
 const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr

Creates a condition.

int pthread_cond_destroy
(/* Pointer to condition to destroy */
 pthread_cond_t *condPtr

Destroys pointed to condition.

int pthread_cond_wait
(/* Pointer to condition on which to wait */
 pthread_cond_t *restrict condPtr,

 /* Pointer to mutex to surrender until receive signal */
 pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutexPtr

Suspends thread until receives signal on condPtr. While thread is suspended it surrenders lock on mutexPtr

int pthread_cond_signal
(/* Ptr to condition which is signaled */
 pthread_cond_t *condPtr

Wakes up at least one thread waiting for signal on condPtr.

Heap programming (50 Points)

Please complete the C program below that puts items on the command line (except for the program name itself) into a linked list, prints that list, and then ‘free()’s it.

You must use struct

 *---                                                                   ---*
 *---           argList.c                                               ---*
 *---                                                                   ---*
 *---       This program assembles the command line arguments into a    ---*
 *---   linked list.  The linked list is printed, and then free()d.     ---*
 *---                                                                   ---*
 *---   ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ---*
 *---                                                                   ---*
 *---   Version 1a                              i       Joseph Phillips ---*
 *---                                                                   ---*

#include        <stdlib.h>
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <string.h>

//  PURPOSE:  To hold a node in a linked list of strings.
struct          Node
  char*         namePtr_;
  struct Node*  nextPtr_;

//  PURPOSE:  To create and return a linked list of strings from 'argv[1]' to
//      'argv[argc-1]', or to return 'NULL' if 'argc' <= 1.
struct Node*    makeList        (int            argc,
                                 char*          argv[]
  struct Node*  list    = NULL;
  struct Node*  end     = NULL;
  int           i;

  for  (i = 1;  i < argc;  i++)


//  PURPOSE:  To print the 'namePtr_' values found in 'list'.  No return value.
void            print           (const struct   Node*   list
  const struct Node*    run;


//  PURPOSE:  To do nothing if 'list' is NULL.  Otherwise to 'free()' both
//      'nextPtr_' and 'namePtr_' for 'list', and all of 'nextPtr_' successors.
//      No return value.
void            release         (struct Node*   list

//  PURPOSE:  To create, print, and 'free()' a linked list of the 'argc-1'
//      items on 'argv[]', from 'argv[1]' to 'argv[argc-1]'.  Returns
//      'EXIT_SUCCESS' to OS.
int             main            (int            argc,
                                 char*          argv[]
  //  I. 

  //  II.  :
  struct Node*  list;

  list  = makeList(argc,argv);

  //  III.  Finished:

Sample output:

$ ./argList hello there
$ ./argList hello there class
$ ./argList

Assignment #3 Solution
$35.00 $29.00