Assignment 3 Solution

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1. Write a real Fortran function SERIES(X) which returns an approximate sum of the sequence x x2 x3 x4 − + − +··· 1! 2! 3! 4! i.e., which adds consecutive elements of this sequence until the addition of another term does not change the value of the sum. Write also a Fortran program which…

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1. Write a real Fortran function SERIES(X) which returns an approximate sum of the sequence

x x2

x3 x4







i.e., which adds consecutive elements of this sequence until the addition of another term does not change the value of the sum.

Write also a Fortran program which reads consecutive values x and uses the function SERIES to find the approximate sum for each of these values. Assume that the value 0 indicates the end of data.

  1. The secant method of finding a root of a continuous function f (x) (i.e., solving the equation f (x) = 0) uses two initial values a and b which are “close” to the solution. In each iteration step an approximation x to the solution is determined by the straight line (the secant line) defined by the points (a, f (a)) and (b, f (b)), so:

    • (b)

x = b − (b − a) f (b) f (a)

The iteration continues using the most recent approximation x and b as the pair for the next iteration, so actually:

xI = xI−1 (xI−1 xI−2) f (xI−1) f (xI−2)

where x0 = b and x−1 = a. The iteration ends when two consecutive approximations are sufficiently close (i.e., when they differ by less than a small value ε).

Write a Fortran function Secant(a, b, eps, limit, iter) which finds the root of a function f un(x) using the secant method. limit is the limit on the number of iteration steps – the secant method can be non-convergent, especially when the initial values a and b are not close to the solution. iter returns the number of iterations used for finding the solution. Use several values of a and b to see how these values affect the required number of iterations.

Assignment 3 Solution
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