Assignment 6 Solution

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Linear algebra is ubiquitous in engineering applications. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Sub-programs) libraries, implements a myriad of common linear algebra operations and are op-timized for high performance. Some of these libraries target HPC hardware. We will use cuBLAS, which targets Nvidia GPUs. See here for documentation. BLAS libraries group functions into three levels. What do…

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    1. Linear algebra is ubiquitous in engineering applications. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Sub-programs) libraries, implements a myriad of common linear algebra operations and are op-timized for high performance. Some of these libraries target HPC hardware. We will use cuBLAS, which targets Nvidia GPUs. See here for documentation.

      1. BLAS libraries group functions into three levels. What do all Level 1 functions have in common? Level 2? Level 3? In other words, how did they decide how to group these functions?

      1. Some functions are specialized for performing their operations when the structure of the input matrix or vector is known. List and brie y explain two such functions which assume something about their input structure in order to optimize the computation.

      1. Implement the mmul function as declared and described in mmul.h in a le called You should use a single call to the cuBLAS library to perform the entire matrix-matrix multiplication (gemm).

      1. Write a test le which does the following:

Creates three n n matrices, A, B, and C, stored in column-major order in managed memory with whatever values you like, where n is the rst command line argument as below.

Calls your mmul function n tests times, where n tests is the second command line argument as below.

Prints the average time taken by a single call to mmul in milliseconds using CUDA events.

Compile: nvcc -Xcompiler -O3 -Xcompiler -Wall -Xptxas -O3 -lcublas -ccbin $CC -o task1

Run (where n is a positive integer): ./task1 n n ntests Example expected output:


      1. On an Euler Tesla V1001, run task1 for each value n = 25; 26; ; 215 and generate a plot of the time taken by mmul as a function of n.

      1. Enable tensor core math in cuBLAS by adding the line cublasSetMathMode(handle, CUBLAS TENSOR OP MATH);

before calling your mmul function. Run the same scaling analysis on an Euler Tesla V100, and overlay the resulting plot on top of your result in part e). Submit the resulting plot as task1.pdf.

      1. Comment on the di erences that you see in the scaling analyses and explain brie y what the cublasSetMathMode call changed about the computation.

  • module load cuda/10.1 clang/7.0.0

#SBATCH -p ppc –gres=gpu:v100:1 -t 0-00:20:00

  • You are only allowed to use these settings this week and you need to follow the time limit. The reference solution takes about 20 seconds to multiply 215 215 matrices, so if your program takes much longer than that, you might have a mistake.

  • You will need to include the compile command in your slurm script so that it compiles on the compute node.


  1. a) Implement in a le called the function scan as declared and described in scan.cuh. Your scan should call a kernel called hillis steele, which you write to implement the Hillis-Steele exclusive scan given in Lecture 15. scan may also call other kernel functions that you write in None of the work should be done on host, only in the kernel calls. Note that it is important that your scan is able to handle general values of n (for example, values which are not multiples 32 (or your block size)). You have some freedom when writing the hillis steele kernel to add a small amount of work that may help complete the scan. Feel free to use any code that was provided in the ME759 slides, if at all useful.

    1. Write a test program which does the following.

Creates and lls however you like an array of length n where n is the rst command line argument as below.

Uses your scan to ll another array with the result of the exclusive scan. Prints the last element of the output array.

Prints the time taken to run the full scan function in milliseconds using CUDA events.

Compile: nvcc -Xcompiler -O3 -Xcompiler -Wall -Xptxas -O3 -o task2

Run (where n is a positive integer): ./task2 n Exampled expected output:



    1. On an Euler compute node, run task2 for each value n = 210; 211; ; 220 with threads per block of 1024 and generate a plot task2.pdf which plots the time taken by your algorithm

as a function of n.


Assignment 6 Solution
$30.00 $24.00