Assignment: A03 Solution

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A Class for a List In this assignment, we are going to work with some existing code and finish it to achieve the following goal. We want to create a special type of list which allows us to create something similar to a stack. Recall that a stack is a LIFO structure – which means…

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  • A Class for a List

In this assignment, we are going to work with some existing code and finish it to achieve the following goal.

We want to create a special type of list which allows us to create something similar to a stack. Recall that a stack is a LIFO structure – which means that the value we put in last comes back out first.

We are going to create a new class called List. This class is going to hold a list that we created during lectures.

For instance, we can use this class to hold a list which has the following elements:


The basic three operations are the following:

  1. push: This inserts a new element at the end of the list. For the above list, if we push 7 to it, the list will then

look like the following: [ 1 4 30 20 7 ]

  1. pop: Removes the last element from the list and returns it. For instance, after the push above, if we pop from the list, the list will look like [ 1 4 30 20] again and the function will return 7 to us.

  1. print_list: Simply outputs the list on the console in the above format.

Now take a look at the starter file. It already has the code for the push function defined. However, quite a few pieces are missing outside it which it needs. Let’s do that first.

  1. Define the node structure.

  1. Create two node pointers head and last as class members (making sure you initialize them). The head is obvious. The last pointer is used to keep track of the last node of the list – this will be useful later.

  1. Define the print_list function, which outputs the whole list as above.

After the above, you should be able to execute Part – 1 of the starter file. Make sure it runs properly and outputs the list as desired. Also make sure you understand the code of the push function. It has two cases: one where the list is empty and the other when there’s already an element in the list. We’ve done the second case during lectures but you will need to think just a little bit about how the first case works.

  • Pop

The second function, which is your main task, is to code the pop function. Let’s do this in two steps.

2.1 Case: More Than One Nodes

After Part – 1 executes, your list should look like the following:


Our pop function should return 30 but also remove it from the list. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. We already did a delete_after_node function during lectures. First, create a new delete_after_node method in class. You can copy the body for the method exactly from what we did during lectures.

  1. Then, you need to first save the value of the last node in some variable for returning it later.

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2.2 Case: A Single Node

  1. Finally, you need to find the node that is just before the last and send that to the delete_after_node method. That way, the last node will be deleted from the list and then you can return the value you saved earlier.

After doing this, you should be able to call pop two times from the main function on the above list. Try that and make sure you get the following list as a result.

[ 5 ]

Issue: This logic breaks down when you have just one node in the list because we can’t find the previous node if there is only one node. Let’s handle that in the next section.

2.2 Case: A Single Node

We need to modify the pop function you wrote above for this. First, we need to check if there is only one node in the list. This is very straight-forward. If the next pointer of the head is NULL, we have just one node in the list. So, now, in the pop function, we are going to decide: if we have one node, we do the following logic (and if we have more than one nodes, we have already done that above). You might want to take a look at push to get an idea of how two cases are handled.

For this case, the logic is again quite simple. Just save the value and delete head node (making sure the head and last pointer are not dangling).

Once this is done, you should be able to pop once more from the list and get an empty list.

  • Submission

After you’re done making your code work, write down (read: assignment must be hand-written) the full code you’ve created and submit that on or before the deadline. Late assignments (or soft copies) will not be accepted.

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Assignment: A03 Solution
$30.00 $24.00