Assignment A5: Geometry Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Use image chars45.jpg to study shape analysis using character templates for the charac-ters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,R,S,T,U,V,Y a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u,v,y 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Use a character from the image as a template, T, for each character above. Suppose the template is 25×15, then for an unknown character window, C, of size MxN, determine a fitness measure based on the formula: |T ==C|…

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  1. Use image chars45.jpg to study shape analysis using character templates for the charac-ters:




Use a character from the image as a template, T, for each character above. Suppose the template is 25×15, then for an unknown character window, C, of size MxN, determine a fitness measure based on the formula:

|T ==C|


Write a character classification function, CS4640 char template, which returns the mea-sure. Use the function to classify all characters in the image. Describe performance results per character and overall. State which connected components were used as character tem-plates.

function m = CS4640_char_template(T,C)

  • CS4640_char_template – measure similarity of template and character

  • On input:

  • T (25×15 binary array): character template

  • C (MxN binary array): input test character

  • On output:

  • m (float): distance measure between template and test character


  • Call:

  • m = CS4640_char_template(T_A,cc);

  • Author:

  • <Your name>

  • UU

  1. Develop a character classification scheme based on the Procrustes method. Use the same templates as in 1, and find a way to get a robust starting point. Then use bwboundarytrace to get the boundary points. Coerce them to be the same length as the template (use 75 pixels). Then use the D output from Matlab procrustes function as a distance measure. Report performance per character and overall.

  1. Develop a Matlab function, CS4640 persp t, to find the perspective transform between two point sets. Demonstrate it on the licences plate example from the text. Use point dis-tance squared for corresponding points as the measure of performance and give results on a set of known transformations (e.g., specify a set of points, specify a perspective transform, transform the points, use the function to find the transform and compare both the transforms and the transformed points.

function T = CS4640_persp_t(pts1,pts2)

  • CS4640_persp_t – find perspective transform between pts1 and pts2

  • On input:

  • pts1 (Nx2 array): first set of 2D points

  • pts2 (Nx2 array): second set of 2D points

  • On output:

  • T (3×3 array): perspective transform matrix

  • Call:

  • T = CS4640_persp_t(pts1,pts2);

  • Author:

  • <Your name>

  • UU


Assignment A5: Geometry Solution
$30.00 $24.00