Assignment A7: Image Features Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Use image called MASK in file chars45.mat to study shape analysis using Hu’s moments for the characters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,R,S,T,U,V,Y a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u,v,y 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Use a character from the image as a model, (A1, (A2, (A3, (A4, (A5, (A6), for each charac-ter above. Develop the functions listed below and report performance in terms of overall and per character success.…

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  1. Use image called MASK in file chars45.mat to study shape analysis using Hu’s moments for the characters:




Use a character from the image as a model, (A1, (A2, (A3, (A4, (A5, (A6), for each charac-ter above. Develop the functions listed below and report performance in terms of overall and per character success.

function Mpq = CS4640_central_moment(pts,p,q)

  • CS4640_central_moment – compute a central moment

  • Mpq = sum sum (xˆp*yˆq)

% x y

  • On input:

  • pts (nx2 array): row and cols of points

  • p (int): exponent for x

  • q (int): exponent for y

  • On output:

  • Mpq (float): Mpq moment

  • Call:

  • M00 = CS4640_central_moments([1 1; 2 2; 3 3],0,0);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson


  • UU

function Epq = CS4640_normal_moment(pts,p,q)

  • CS4640_normal_moment – compute a central normal moment

% Epq = <pq/M00ˆb where b = 1+(p+q)/2

  • On input:

  • pts (nx2 array): row and cols of points

  • p (int): exponent for x

  • q (int): exponent for y

  • On output:

  • Epq (float): Epq moment

  • Call:

  • E00 = CS4640_normal_moment([1 1; 2 2; 3 3],0,0);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU


function H = CS4640_Hu_moments(pts)

  • CS4640_Hu_moments – compute Hu’s 6 moments

  • On input:

  • pts (nx2 array): row and cols of points

  • On output:

  • H (6×1 vector): Hu moments

  • Call:

  • H = CS4640_Hu_moments([1 1; 2 2; 3 3]);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU


function H_models = CS4640_Hu_build(templates)

  • CS4640_Hu_models – produce Hu models for image templates

  • On input:

  • templates (n-element vector struct): template images

  • (k).im (MxN binary image): image template

  • On output:

  • H_models (nx7 array): Hu models

  • Call:

  • Hm = CS4640_Hu_models(templates);


  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU


function classes = CS4640_Hu_classify(im,H_models)

  • CS4640_Hu_classify – classify characters using Hu models

  • On input:

  • im (MxN binary image): input image

  • H_models (nx7 array): Hu models for n characters

  • On output:

  • classes (kx2 array): class and distance for each CC

  • Call:

  • Hm = CS4640_Hu_classify(im,Hm);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU


  1. Implement an eigenchars classification approach similar to the eigenfaces method dis-cussed in the text. Develop a template database of 100 images (2 examples of each charac-ter). Build the models and then report performance on overall and per character success on MASK from chars45.mat. Develop the following functions.

function classes = CS4640_Hu_classify(im,H_models)

  • CS4640_Hu_classify – classify characters using Hu models

  • On input:

  • im (MxN binary image): input image

  • H_models (nx7 array): Hu models for n characters

  • On output:

  • classes (kx2 array): class and distance for each CC

  • Call:

  • Hm = CS4640_Hu_classify(im,Hm);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU



function [V,MM,PCA_models] = CS4640_PCA_model(templates)

  • CS4640_PCA_model – build PCA model from templates

  • On input:

  • templates (vector struct): n template images

  • (k).im (MxN binary array): template image for character k

  • On output:

  • V (M*nxM*n array): eigenvectors

  • MM (M*nx1 vector): mean vector

  • PCA_models (nxk array): weight values for first k eigenvectors

  • Call:

  • [V,MM,PCA_models] = CS4640_PCA_model(templates);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU


function c = CS4640_PCA_classify(im,V,MM,PCA_models)

  • CS4640_PCA_classify – classify image using PCA models

  • On input:

  • im (MxN binary array): input image

  • V (M*NxM*N array): eigenvectors

  • MM (M*Nx1 vector): mean vector

  • PCA_models (nxk array): weight values for first k eigenvectors

  • On output:

  • c (int): class

  • Call:

  • [V,MM,PCAm] = CS4640_PCA_model(templates);

  • Author:

  • T. Henderson

  • UU



Assignment A7: Image Features Solution
$30.00 $24.00