Assignment No: 7 Binary Search Trees Solution

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Let a0, a1, a2, . . . , an−1 be distinct keys inserted in an initially empty binary search tree (BST) T in the given sequence. The standard BST insertion procedure is followed. In particular, no attempt is made to balance the tree. Any permutation of these keys, the inserion of which generates exactly the…

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Let a0, a1, a2, . . . , an−1 be distinct keys inserted in an initially empty binary search tree (BST) T in the given sequence. The standard BST insertion procedure is followed. In particular, no attempt is made to balance the tree. Any permutation of these keys, the inserion of which generates exactly the same BST is said to be isogenic to the given sequence. The following figure shows that there are exactly 20 isogenic sequences for the given BST. This assignment deals with counting and generating all sequences isogenic to a given sequence A = (a0, a1, a2, . . . , an−1) supplied by the user. Assume that ai are distinct positive integers.

Entire tree

















Left Subtree

Right Subtree














Part 1: Counting isogenic sequences

For n 6 2, the given sequence is the only sequence that can generate the same BST. So take n > 3. The first key a0 in the sequence must be the root of the BST. Separate out two subsequences of a1, a2, a3, . . . , an−1. The first subsequence AL = (ai1 , ai2 , . . . , ail ) consists of keys smaller than a0 (we must have i1 < i2 < · · · < il ). This subsequence generates the left subtree of the root. The second subsequence AR = (a j1 , a j2 , . . . , a jr ) (with j1 < j2 < · · · < jr ) consists of keys larger than a0, and is responsible for generating the right subtree of the root. These subsequences are of size l and r, respectively. We have l + r = n − 1.

Recursively compute the counts iso(AL ) and iso(AR ) of sequences isogenic to AL and AR , respectively. The number of sequences isogenic to A is then given by the formula

iso(A) = iso(AL ) × iso(AR ) ×


= iso(AL ) × iso(AR ) ×



l + r

n − 1

In order to see why, take any sequence BL isogenic to AL , and any sequence BR isogenic to AR . Construct any sequence C of length l + r, in which BL and BR are subsequences. Then, a0 followed by C is a sequence isogenic to A. C is uniquely specified by the choice of l out of l + r positions to be filled by the keys in BL . The remaining r positions are filled by the keys in BR .

Write a recursive function countseq(A, n) to compute and return the count iso(A) using the ideas mentioned above. The function must not create any BST, but play only with subsequences.

Part 2: Finding all isogenic sequences

Write a recursive function findallseq(A, n) that, in addition to the count iso(A), generates and returns all sequences isogenic to A. Again, do not create any BST, but follow the ideas given in Part 1. In order to construct the stitched sequences C from BL and BR , let a variable t run through integer values in the range [0, 2l+r 1]. Consider the (l + r)-bit binary expansion of t . If t contains exactly l zero bits and exactly r one bits, insert the keys from BL at the zero-bit positions, and the keys from BR at the one-bit positions. If t is not of this form, discard it.

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Part 3: BST functions

Write the following functions.

BSTins(T, x) to insert a key x in a BST T .

BSTcons(A, n) to return a BST T generated by inserting in an empty tree the n keys in the array A (in the sequence specified by the array).

BSTprn(T ) to print the preorder and inorder listings of the keys in a BST T . You need two other functions for generating these two listings.

BSTsame(T1, T2) to check whether two BST’s T1 and T2 (may be assumed to be node-disjoint) are identical (same tree structure storing the same keys).

BSTfree(T ) to recursively free the memory allocated to the nodes of a BST T .

Part 4: Verifying isogenic property

In the main function, you generate a BST T from the sequence A supplied by the user. This tree will be used for comparing with other trees. Consider the list L of isogenic sequences, returned by findallseq of Part 2. For each such sequence, generate a fresh BST T , and verify whether T and T are the same BST by calling BSTsame. After each check, call BSTfree on T . Report how many sequences generated in Part 2 are actually not isogenic to A. If your implementation of Part 2 is correct, there will be no such non-isogenic sequence. Write a function checkall(T, L) to implement this check (pass other appropriate size parameters to this function).

The MAIN() function

  • The user enters n, a0, a1, a2, . . . , an−1. Store the keys ai in an array A in the same order as supplied by the user. Do not construct any BST now.

  • Call countseq on A, and report the count of sequences isogenic to A.

  • Call findallseq on A to get a list L of all sequences isogenic to A. Print each sequence of L.

  • Call BSTcons on A to generate a BST T from the keys stored in A. Print T by calling BSTprn.

  • Call checkall to verify the correctness of your implementation of Part 2.

Submit a single C/C++ source file. Do not use global/static variables.

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Sample output


661 615 695 573 675 652

  • Sequence count

Total number of sequences = 20

  • All sequences

Sequence 1: 661 695 675 615 652 573

Sequence 2: 661 695 615 675 652 573

Sequence 3: 661 615 695 675 652 573

Sequence 4: 661 695 615 652 675 573

Sequence 5: 661 615 695 652 675 573

Sequence 6: 661 615 652 695 675 573

Sequence 7: 661 695 615 652 573 675

Sequence 8: 661 615 695 652 573 675

Sequence 9: 661 615 652 695 573 675

Sequence 10: 661 615 652 573 695 675

Sequence 11: 661 695 675 615 573 652

Sequence 12: 661 695 615 675 573 652

Sequence 13: 661 615 695 675 573 652

Sequence 14: 661 695 615 573 675 652

Sequence 15: 661 615 695 573 675 652

Sequence 16: 661 615 573 695 675 652

Sequence 17: 661 695 615 573 652 675

Sequence 18: 661 615 695 573 652 675

Sequence 19: 661 615 573 695 652 675

Sequence 20: 661 615 573 652 695 675

  • BST constructed from input array

















  • Checking all sequences All trees match

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Assignment No: 7 Binary Search Trees Solution
$35.00 $29.00