Assignment-1 Solution

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In this assignment, you will perform Ridge, Lasso Regression and Ordinary Least Squares using the old school method of gradient descent.

This Assignment carries a total of 7 marks for CS337 Theory and 12 marks for CS335 Lab

1 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression in one variable

    1. Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to nd the values of parameters (coe – cients) of a function (f) that minimizes a cost function.

    1. As for linear regression for the single variable case (that for 1 dimensional input x), we will use the standard y = wx + b slope equation where1 w is the line’s slope and b is the line’s y-intercept. To nd the best line for our data, we need to nd the best set of slope w and y-intercept in the form of b’s value.

    1. To get started with, w and b are randomly initialized. Hence, we get a random line in the beginning. Our goal is to update these values so that the resulting line gives the least error.

1Adopting the notation from ’single var’, we try to maintain the same notation across the theory and lab problems in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 respective


4. We will use mean squared error ‘mse’ as the cost function, that calculates the error between the actual value output, and prediction from the hypothesis. mse = (1=2N)((wx + b) y)2

  1. This error function is typically convex – that is, cup-shaped. In simple terms, we can say that the result of convexity is that this error function typically has just one minimum (the global minimum).

  1. When we start with random values of w and b, we get some value of y correspondingly. Error is minimum at the lowest point on this graph, so our goal is to move down the slope to nally reach the bottom-most point.

  1. The slope of the tangent at any point on a graph is equal to the derivative of the graph w.r.t. input variables.

  1. The slope of tangent at the bottom-most point on the graph is 0, i.e., the partial derivatives of mse at the bottom-most point are 0. To get to the bottom-most point, we have to move in the direction of the slope. That is, we will update values of w and b, such that we eventually get to the optimum values, where error function is minimum.

  1. The update equations are




rmse(wold; bold)



  1. Here, rmse(wold; bold) denotes the ‘gradient’ vector rmse(w; b) evaluated at wold; bold. Fur-ther, rmse(w; b) is de ned as



rmse(w; b) =




and is called the ‘learning rate’ that determines how large the steps should be in the direction of the gradient. If the value of is set to be very small, reaching the optimum value is guaranteed, but it will take a lot of time to converge. If is very large, the values of w and b might overshoot the optimal values, and then the error will start to increase instead of decreasing. Hence, learning rate plays an important part in convex optimization.

1.1 CS337: Theory

Based on the directions speci ed above, write down the speci c expression for rmse(w; b). (0.5 marks)


CS335: Lab


Complete the function split

data() in

(0.5 marks)


Complete the function mse() in single var

(0.5 marks)


Complete the ordinary


squares() function in single var You can modify lr

and max

iter if needed. Your code will be tested using submitted values.

(3 marks)


Add the generated gure in the report. Interpret and explain the right gure

(1 mark)


  • OLS and Ridge Regression

2.1 CS337: Theory

Let N be the number of samples each having D features. Given2 the feature matrix X (N D dimensional matrix) the outputs Y (vector of size N) and W the weights to be learnt, solve following


(a) The predicted outputs Y for all the N samples

(b) For the minimum squared error loss function mse = formula for @mse@W

(0.5 marks)





2N Pi=1(^yi

yi) . Derive

(1 Mark)

(c) For Ridge regression loss function mse =



yi)+ kW k2. Derive vectorized formula





(0.5 marks)


2.2 CS335: Lab

Complete the following functions

(a) normalize() and preprocess() in (0.5 + 1 marks)

  1. mse() in multi var

  1. ordinary least squares() and ridge regression() in multi var You can modify

lr and max

iter if needed. Your code will be tested using submitted values.

(1.5 + 1.5


  • Weighted Linear Regression

3.1 CS337: Theory

Consider a dataset of n points where each point xi is weighted by a factor ri such that the sum of squares error function becomes-

E(w) =



r2(y wT x )2



i i



Find a closed form solution w which can minimize this error.

Hint : First convert the above expression into a matrix expression containing X, Y , W and R,

where R is some amalgamation of ri. (3 marks)

3.2 CS335: Lab

Complete the function weighted regression() using the closed form solution obtained above. (1 mark)

  • Adopting the notation from ’multi var’, we try to maintain the same notation across the theory and lab problems in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 respectively


  • Failure cases of linear regression

4.1 CS335: Lab

This problem uses the code you developed in problem 3 to t a linear regression to the dataset in le data 4.csv. The program throws an error. The command to run the program is

$ python3 problem 4 . py

Rectify this error by modifying the dataset and writing it in the le modified data 4.csv. The command

$ python3 problem 4 . py data m o d i f i e d d a t a 4 . c s v

should now run without errors. Submit the dataset. The modi ed dataset should contain atleast 3

features. Brie y describe the modi cation and the reasoning in the answers le as well. (1.5 marks)

4.2 CS337: Theory

Under what condition on the columns of data matrix X (denoted by in our notes) does there exist no solution for the closed form of OLS. Does gradient descent converge to a solution in that

case? (1.5 marks)


Assignment-1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00