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Submission guidelines: Assignments should be uploaded to Connex->Assignments. You can write your solutions using a text editor and upload the PDF file or you can write it by hand and take a CLEAR photo or scan it, and then upload it. Include your V number and your name as it appears on Connex Roster, otherwise,…

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  • Submission guidelines:

  1. Assignments should be uploaded to Connex->Assignments. You can write your solutions using a text editor and upload the PDF file or you can write it by hand and take a CLEAR

photo or scan it, and then upload it.

  1. Include your V number and your name as it appears on Connex Roster, otherwise, the TAs may not be able to enter your grades.

    1. Due date is Monday October 15th 3:30 pm. Late assignments are not accepted.

  1. [10 marks] For the following recurrence, prove using the substitution method (i.e. induction) that = (2). You can assume that ) = 1, and the exact form of induction is ≤ 2.



if = 1

1 +2

if > 1

Note that you should also show for what values of constant c this inequality holds just like any other Big-O proof.

  1. [20 marks] Assume that we have a binary heap that we are representing as a 0-based index array. (Similar to the binary heap in class with the difference that indices start from 0). Use these three methods below to answer to parts (a) and (b):





( − 1)/2

return 2 + 1

return 2 + 2

a) Write a recursive pseudocode for a method called Print-Grandparents(i). For a given

index i, this method prints i, then parent-of-parent of i, and so on.

For example, on the following heap Print-Grandparents(15) outputs “2 18 23”. Also, Print-Grandparents(8) outputs “6 21”.

  1. Write a pseudocode for a method called Print-Aunt(i). For a given index i, this method prints the sibling of the node’s parent.

For example, on the following heap Print-Aunt(5) outputs 21, and Print-Aunt(7) outputs 14.

  1. [5 marks] Say we have balls numbered from 1 to , and we have bins numbered from 1 to . We are throwing these balls one by one into the bins. When we throw a ball, it goes with equal probability of 1/ into any of the bins.

What is the expected number of balls in bin number 1 after throwing all balls into the bins? Hint: This problem is very easy if we define the random variables as follows. Assume that random variable Y represents answer which is the number of balls in bin 1. Also, assume that for each ball we have a random variable 7. 7 is 1 if the ball goes to bin 1 and is 0 otherwise. So, we can say that = 9 + : + … + <, because basically for each ball that goes into bin 1 we are adding 1 to the value of Y.

Now, compute [ 7] for each i, and then compute [ ] using linearity of expectation.

  1. [15 marks] For each of the following recurrences say which case of the Master method it falls into, and then write the solution to the recurrence.

  • 2 /16 + ).:B

  • 8 /2 + Θ( :)

  • 27 /3 + G log

$30.00 $24.00