Assignment_2 Solution

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Consider an input file with the following example input: John Back, 23, B, CSC366 Bob Wilson, 11, B, CS201 John Back, 23, A, CSC369 In general, the input file will contain the student name, the student ID number, grade, and course. You need to write a Map/Reduce program that prints the student name, student id,…

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Consider an input file with the following example input:

John Back, 23, B, CSC366

Bob Wilson, 11, B, CS201

John Back, 23, A, CSC369

In general, the input file will contain the student name, the student ID number, grade, and course. You need to write a Map/Reduce program that prints the student name, student id, and the list of classes for that student. The output should be sorted by name and then sorted by grade for each name. Here is example output.

Bob Wilson, 11, (B, CS201)

// sorted by name and then by grade

John Back, 23, (A, CSC369), (B, CSC366)

  1. What is the natural and the composite key?

Natural:<Student Name>

Composite: <Student Name, Student ID, Grade-Class Pair>


  1. Show the composite key class (must implement WritableComparable and have compareTo method)

public class StudentKey implements Writable,

WritableComparable<StudentKey> {

private final Text name = new Text();

private final IntWritable id = new IntWritable(); private final Text grade = new Text();

public StudentKey() {}

public StudentKey(String name, int id, String grade, String className) {;;

// create format (grade, class)

String gradeClass = “(” + grade + “, ” + className + “)”; this.grade.set(grade);


public Text getName(){

return name;


public IntWritable getId(){

return id;


public Text getGrade(){

return grade;



public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { name.write(out);





public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { name.readFields(in);





public int compareTo(StudentKey other) {

int nameComp = name.compareTo(;

  • If same name, compare grades if (nameComp == 0)

return grade.compareTo(other.grade);

return nameComp;// Otherwise, compare names




  1. Show the mapper class

public class StudentMapper extends Mapper <LongWritable, Text, StudentKey, Text> {

public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

String line = value.toString();

String[] tokens = line.split(“,”);.trim(); if (tokens.length < 4)


  • Grab information from line

String name = tokens[0];

int id = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); String grade = tokens[2];

String className = tokens[3];

StudentKey stuKey = new StudentKey(name, id, grade, className);

    • Output: <CompositeKey, (grade, class)>

context.write(stuKey, stuKey.getGrade());



  1. Show the partitioner class

public class StudentPartitioner extends Partitioner<StudentKey, IntWritable> {


public int getPartition(StudentKey stuKey, Text stuGrade, int numPartitions) {

// Partition based on Student Name

return Math.abs(stuKey.getName().hashCode % numPartitions);



  1. Show the group comparator class

public class StudentGroupComparator extends WritableComparator { public StudentGroupComparator() {

super(StudentKey.class, true);



public int compare(WritableComparable o1, WritableComparable o2) { StudentKey stu1 = (StudentKey) o1;

StudentKey stu2 = (StudentKey) o2;

// Group nodes based on Student Name

return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName);




  1. Show the reducer class

public class StudentReducer extends Reducer <StudentKey, Text, Text, Text> {


protected void reduce (StudentKey stukey, Iterable<Text> grades, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptException {

// Make key include both name and id

String key = stukey.getName() + “, ” + stukey.getId() + “, “;

  • Construct value associated with key

String result = “”;

for (Text grade : grades) { result += grade + “, “;


  • Remove “, ” from the end

result = result.substring(0, result.length-2);

  • Output in format: student, ID, (grade, class), …

context.write(key, new Text(result));




Assignment_2 Solution
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