Comparing Methods for Speed Dating Classi cation
In this programming assignment, you will be asked to implement Decision Trees, Bagging and Random Forests for the classi cation task that you explored in Assignments 2 and 3, and then compare the performance of di erent classi ers.
You should implement your solution using Python. You can use supporting libraries like numpy, scipy as before, but DO NOT use any publicly available code including but not limited to libraries such as sklearn. As before, you should submit your typed assignment report as a pdf along with your source code le.
In the following sections, we specify a number of steps you are asked to complete for this assignment. Note that all results in sample outputs are ctitious and for representation only.
Consider the data le dating-full.csv that you used in Assignment 2. For this assignment, we will only consider the rst 6500 speed dating events in this le. That is, you can discard the last 244 lines of the le. Write a Python script named that reads the rst 6500 speed dating events in dating-full.csv as input and performs the following operations.
For simplicity, drop the columns race, race o and eld.
For the categorical attribute gender, apply label encoding, as in Assignment 2. Then, repeat the preprocessing steps 1(iv) that you did in Assignment 2. (You can reuse the code there and you are not required to print any outputs.)
Discretize all the continuous-valued columns using 2 bins of equal-width, so that all the features you will use become binary. (You should use the cut function in pandas with number of bins as 2 and labels = [0, 1] to do so.)
Use the sample function from pandas with the parameters initialized as random state = 47, frac = 0.2 to take a random 20% sample from the entire dataset. This sample will serve as your test dataset, which you should output in testSet.csv; the rest will be your training dataset, which you should output in trainingSet.csv. (Note: The use of the random state will ensure all students have the same training and test datasets; incorrect or no initialization of this parameter will lead to non-reproducible results).
Implement Decision Trees, Bagging and Random Forests (10 points)
Please put your code for this question in a le called This script should take three arguments as input:
trainingDataFilename: the set of data that will be used to train your algorithms (e.g., train-ingSet.csv).
testDataFilename: the set of data that will be used to test your algorithms (e.g., testSet.csv).
modelIdx: an integer to specify the model to use for classi cation (DT = 1, BT = 2, RF = 3, where DT refers to decision trees, BT refers to bagging, and RF refers to random forests).
Write a function named decisionTree(trainingSet, testSet) that takes the training dataset and the testing dataset as input parameters. The purpose of this function is to train a decision tree classi er using the data in the training dataset, and then test the classi er’s performance on the testing dataset.
Use Gini-gain as your feature selection criteria. Grow trees using a depth limit of 8 and an example limit of 50 (i.e., stop growing when either the depth of the tree reaches 8 or the number of examples in a node is smaller than 50).
Write a function named bagging(trainingSet, testSet) that takes the training dataset and the testing dataset as input parameters. The purpose of this function is to train a bagged decision tree classi er using the data in the training dataset, and then test the classi er’s performance on the testing dataset.
Learn 30 trees, and the stopping criterion for growing each tree is the same as that in (i). Use sampling with replacement to construct pseudosamples (i.e., bootstrapped sample of the training data).
Write a function named randomForests(trainingSet, testSet) that takes the training dataset and the testing dataset as input parameters. The purpose of this function is to train a random forests classi er using the data in the training dataset, and then test the classi er’s performance on the testing dataset.
Learn 30 trees, and the stopping criterion for growing each tree is the same as that in (i). Use sampling with replacement to construct pseudosamples, use pp to downsample the features at each node of the tree (where p is the total number of features).
The sample inputs and outputs we expect to see are as follows (the numbers are ctitious):
$python trainingSet.csv testSet.csv 1 Training Accuracy DT: 0.71 Testing Accuracy DT: 0.68
$python trainingSet.csv testSet.csv 2 Training Accuracy BT: 0.75 Testing Accuracy BT: 0.74
$python trainingSet.csv testSet.csv 3 Training Accuracy RF: 0.73 Testing Accuracy RF: 0.77
The In uence of Tree Depth on Classi er Performance (10 points)
Please follow the procedure below to assess whether the depth of the tree a ects classi er perfor-mance.
Use the sample function from pandas with the parameters initialized as random state = 18, frac = 1 to shu e the training data (i.e., data in trainingSet.csv). Then, obtain a 50% sample of the above shu ed training data using random state = 32.
Perform 10-fold cross validation on this sample of training data (consider the rst 10% lines of the sampled data as your rst fold, the second 10% lines of the sampled data as your second fold, and so on; notice you are asked to conduct cross validation on a sample of the training data to reduce the time cost of this assignment). Conduct the cross validation for each of the three models|decision tree, bagged trees, and random forests|where depth limit of the trees in each model is set to be d 2 [3; 5; 7; 9]. The example limit of the trees is xed at 50. Learn 30 trees for the ensemble models.
Plot the average accuracy for 10-fold cross validation on y-axis, and depth limit of tree on x-axis. Include error bars that indicate 1 standard error. Please include the curves for the three models in one gure.
Formulate a hypothesis about the performance di erence you observe as the depth limit of trees change. Discuss whether the observed data support the hypothesis or not (i.e., are the observed di erences signi cant?).
Compare Performance of Di erent Models (10 points)
Please follow the procedure below to assess whether ensemble methods improve performance. Use the sample function from pandas with the parameters initialized as random state =
18, frac = 1 to shu e the training data (i.e., data in trainingSet.csv). Conduct incremental cross validation, as described in Assignment 3, for the three models.
Speci cally, please rst divide the shu ed training data into 10 folds (i.e., the rst 10% lines is your rst fold, the second 10% lines is your second fold, and so on). Then, use fractions t frac 2 [0:05; 0:075; 0:1; 0:15; 0:2] with random state=32 to obtain train set in each iteration of cross validation. The depth limit of tree is 8, and example limit is 50. Learn 30 trees for the ensemble models
Plot the learning curves for the three models (in the same plot), with the average accuracy of the 10 trials on y-axis, and the training fraction on x-axis. Include error bars that indicate 1 standard error, from the evaluation based on the incremental cross validation results (as in Assignment 3, Q3(iii)).
Formulate a hypothesis about the performance di erence you observe between the decision tree and one of the ensemble methods. Discuss whether the observed data support the hypothesis or not (i.e., are the observed di erences signi cant?).
The In uence of Number of Trees on Classi er Performance (10 points)
Please follow the procedure below to assess whether the number of trees a ects performance.
Use the sample function from pandas with the parameters initialized as random state = 18, frac = 1 to shu e the training data (i.e., data in trainingSet.csv). Then, obtain a 50% sample of the above shu ed training data using random state=32.
Perform 10-fold cross validation on this sample of training data (consider the rst 10% lines of the sampled data as your rst fold, the second 10% lines of the sampled data as your second fold, and so on; notice you are asked to conduct cross validation on a sample of the training data to reduce the time cost of this assignment). Conduct the cross validation for each of the two ensemble methods, |bagged trees and random forests|where the number of trees in each model is set to be t 2 [10; 20; 40; 50]. The depth limit of tree is 8, and example limit is 50.
Plot the average accuracy for 10-fold cross validation on y-axis, and number of trees on x-axis. Include error bars that indicate 1 standard error. Please include the curves for the three models in one gure.
Formulate a hypothesis about the performance di erence you observe as the number of trees changes. Discuss whether the observed data support the hypothesis or not (i.e., are the observed di erences signi cant?).
Bonus question (5 points)
Implement a suitable model of your choice that has not been included in Assignments 2, 3, or 4, (e.g., boosted decision trees, neural networks, etc.), along with the optimal set of hyper-parameters, that gives highest possible accuracy on the testing dataset (i.e., testSet.csv) Recall that you should not touch the testing dataset until you are satis ed with your model. Report your tuning procedure, the hyper-parameters you end up with, your model selection procedure, training and testing procedures, and the level of accuracy you get on the testing dataset. Note that you have to implement the complete model without using any available softwares such as Weka, or libraries like sklearn.
Submission Instructions:
After logging into, please follow these steps to submit your assignment:
Make a directory named yourF irstN ame yourLastN ame and copy all of your les to this directory.
While in the upper level directory (if the les are in /homes/yin/ming yin, go to /homes/yin), execute the following command:
turnin -c cs573 -p HW4 your folder name
(e.g. your professor would use: turnin -c cs573 -p HW4 ming yin to submit her work)
Keep in mind that old submissions are overwritten with new ones whenever you execute this command.
You can verify the contents of your submission by executing the following command: turnin -v -c cs573 -p HW4
Do not forget the -v ag here, as otherwise your submission would be replaced with an empty one.
Your submission should include the following les:
1. The source code in python.
Your evaluation & analysis in .pdf format. Note that your analysis should include visualization plots as well as a discussion of results, as described in details in the questions above. The results obtained for all the questions must be mentioned in the report.
A README le containing your name, instructions to run your code and anything you would like us to know about your program (like errors, special conditions, etc).