Assignment-4 Solution

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Please submit the solution to each problem on Canvas. (5 points) You get the full points if either all the rest of the assignment elements work or you spend a considerable amount of time working on trying to get the assignment working o Record the approximate amount of time working on the assignment o Detail…

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Please submit the solution to each problem on Canvas.

  1. (5 points) You get the full points if either

    • all the rest of the assignment elements work or

    • you spend a considerable amount of time working on trying to get the assignment working o Record the approximate amount of time working on the assignment

o Detail the parts you struggled with and your attempts to get them working

  1. Solve the 8-queens problem using Simulated Annealing and First Choice Hill Climbing.

One starts by placing one queen per column. Then, a single state is given as an array Q of 8 integers, where each integer represents the position of the queen on the appropriate column, i.e., if Q[i]=j means that on column i, the queen is placed on row j. Columns are rows are numbered 0 through 7.

  1. (1 point) Implement a function that given a random placement of the queens, will return the # of conflicts (as discussed in the book and in class (a conflicts occur anytime two queens can attack each other).

int getAttackScore(int Q[])

  1. (1 point) Implement a function that given a queen position, will return a neighbor position obtained by randomly “moving one of the queens to a different row on the same column. Implement a function that given a E and a temperature T, will return true with probability eE/T.

void nextPosition(int Q[], int nextQ[]);

bool acceptNext(double dE, double T);

  1. (1 point) Using the functions from part a and b, implement simulated annealing using a linear temperature schedule, with T0 and maximum number of steps N (i.e., decrease temperature each time step by a T, such that after N steps T=0. The function should take a random state Q, T0 and N as argument. After each run the function should return true if solution is found and false if it is not. At the completion of the run Q should contain the value of the solution (or the last attempt if the solution is not found).

bool solveSimulatedAnnealing(int Sol[], double T0 = 4, int maxSteps = 5000);

  1. (1 point) Using the functions from part a and b, implement first choice hill climbing with maximum number of steps N. The function should take a random state Q and N as argument. After each run the function should return true if solution is found and false if it is not. At the completion of the run Q should contain the value of the solution (or the last attempt if the solution is not found).

Hint: First Choice Hill climbing is basically simulated annealing with a much simpler acceptNext function.

bool solveHillClimbingFC(int Sol[], int maxSteps = 5000);

  1. (1 point) Run the simulation 100 times with T0=4, N=5000 and record the number of times the solution is found each of the above algorithms (simulated annealing and first choice). Make sure you use the same starting queen position for both algorithms. Repeat with N=50000. Fill in the table below with the success rate percentage.

Success Rate

N=5000 N=50000

Simulated Annealing

First Choice Hill Climbing

Assignment-4 Solution
$30.00 $24.00