Assignment_5 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Please finish the lab according to this file – submit the report of lab 5 based on the lab report template. – submit your source code in zip file. ( comments is MUST DO NOT copy paste any existing source code of DNS resolver Assignment 5.1 make an DNS query which will invoke the EDNS0…

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  • Please finish the lab according to this file

submit the report of lab 5 based on the lab report template.

submit your source code in zip file. (

      • comments is MUST

      • DO NOT copy paste any existing source code of DNS resolver

Assignment 5.1

  • make an DNS query which will invoke the EDNS0

Screenshot on this command and its output

  • capture the packages using Wireshark

what is the content of this query message

      • Find the name, type and class of this query

      • How can you tell this DNS query is based on EDNS0

      • From this query massage , can it handle DNSSEC security RRs or not

what is the content of this response message

      • Is there any answers, what’s the ttl of each answer

      • Is there any authority RRs, what’s the type of each RR

      • Is there any special additional RRs with OPT type, what does its ‘Do bit’ say: Does it accept DNSSEC security RRs or not

Assignment 5.2

  • Make the query by using query method of “dns resolver”(a python package)

To query the type A value of based on TCP and UDP stream respectively

  • capture the related TCP stream and UDP stream using Wireshark

Screenshot on this two commands .

what’s the default transport lay protocol while invoke DNS query

Screenshot on the TCP stream of query by TCP.

how many TCP packets are captured in this stream, Which port is used?

Screenshot on the UDP stream of query by UDP.

how many UDP packets are captured in this stream, Which port is used?

Is there any difference on DNS query and response message while using TCP and UDP respectively

Assignment 5.3 (Class A Only)

implement a local resolver

  • Function:

Listen and accept DNS queries.

      • Support common query types: A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, NS, MX

      • EDNS implementation is not required.

Forward query to a upstream DNS resolver (or a public DNS server).

Check out the response and send response to your clients.

Maintain a cache of DNS query-response of all results.

  • Test method:

using dig sending query to your resolver

  • *comments is MUST

  • *DO NOT copy paste any existing source code of DNS resolver.

Assignment_5 Solution
$30.00 $24.00