Assignment_#7 Solution

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In this assignment we look at the balancing of binary trees. In particular, you will implement a Scapegoat tree as an example of a self-balancing tree. Scapegoat trees are described in detail in chapter 8 of the textbook ( **High Level:** I have provided you with a simple implementation of a binary search tree for…

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In this assignment we look at the balancing of binary trees. In particular, you will implement a Scapegoat tree as an example of a self-balancing tree.

Scapegoat trees are described in detail in chapter 8 of the textbook (

**High Level:**

I have provided you with a simple implementation of a binary search tree for integer (int) data. This is the same implementation from the previous assignment and you will make use of the Height functions that you created for that assignment.

You will first explore the creation of very “unbalanced” binary search trees. These are trees where the height is much taller than it needs to be in order to hold the given data. For example, a tree with 256 values could be around height 8 if it is nicely balanced. However, depending on the order in which the values are inserted into the binary search tree, it could end up having a height of 100 or more!

You will then implement a Scapegoat tree which has a different insertion mechanism that ensures the tree stays roughly balanced as nodes are inserted.

Finally, you will obtain some timing data to see if your scapegoat tree is faster than the regular binary search tree. (You should find that if you are going to be doing a lot of searching in the tree, that the work that the scapegoat tree does to maintain a rough balance is well worth it.)

**Detailed Instructions:**

As indicated in the syllabus, you are welcome to collaborate and discuss these assignments with others in the class, but everyone should submit their own code. Additionally, in a comment at the top of your files, please include:

— Your Name

— The names of anyone that you collaborated with

— Any resources other than the textbook that were particularly helpful (Youtube videos, online examples, etc)

You can find the code for in the course GitHub repository

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**Part A:**

Write a function that inserts 1000 integers into an IntSearchTree in order. (That is, you insert the smallest integer first and then the rest of the integers in increasing order.)

Use your work from Assignment 6 (getTreeHeight) to find the height of the resulting tree. (The maximum height of any leaf in the tree.)

Create a textfile called readme.txt that tells me what heights you obtained.

**Part B:**

Create a Java ArrayList that contains 1000 integers. Use the function Collections.shuffle() to randomly order this array list.

Note: If my_list is an ArrayList then running the function:


Will result in the ArrayList having its order randomized.

Find the height of the resulting tree. Repeat this a couple times (We repeat a couple of times because due to randomness there could be some variation in the values. You should find that these heights are much smaller than in Part A.

Put the heights that you get in your readme.txt file.

**Part C:**

Create a class IntScapegoat that implements the IntDataSet interface. (We are using this interface to facilitate timing comparisons in Part E)

To start with, just implement an insert function that keeps track (as variables within your Node object) of two things:

— The height of the sub-tree rooted at the given node. That is, if this Node were the root of a tree what would be the height of that tree.

— The number of nodes in the sub-tree rooted at the given node. That is, how many descendents does this node have.

**Part D:**

Now we add the self-balancing part to our IntScapegoat class.

After you do an insert, walk up the tree (from the leaf that you just inserted) and see if you can find a scapegoat. (A node whose sub-tree is too tall given the number of nodes that it contains).

In particular, try to find a scapegoat where:

1.5^Height – 1 > Number_of_nodes in the subtree

Recall that for a perfectly balanced tree:

2^Height – 1 = Number_of_nodes

Therefore, if the number of nodes falls below 1.5^Height then we are very far from being balanced.

We then re-balance by collecting all of the nodes in the sub-tree. (All of the descendents of the Scapegoat) and re-arranging them to be well balanced. There are several ways that you can do this, but probably the easiest is to collect them into an ArrayList, shuffle them, and then insert them. (As we saw in Part B this will on average give you a pretty good balanced tree). Alternatively, the textbook describes how you can build a perfectly balanced subtree.

**Part E: (Optional)**

Your IntScapegoat class implements IntDataSet as does the IntSearchTree.

Do some timing mechanisms to see if searching your IntScapegoal is faster than searching an IntSearchTree.

Does the balancing lead to faster searches?

Is there a significant difference in the time to create the tree? (Do all of the insertions?)

Note: The worst case for the IntSearchTree is when all of the nodes are inserted in order (as you saw in Part A you get a very tall tree when items are inserted in order). You should use this worst-case when comparing with your IntScapegoat tree.

Include a chart that shows your timing measurements (in a separate file) and briefly describe your conclusions in readme.txt.


After you have completed the assignment, please submit a zip file containing:

A file that contains your chart from Part E

readme.txt (with the text answers for Parts A, B, and E)

Assignment_#7 Solution
$30.00 $24.00