Assignment-Questions Week-2Solution

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1. Create a TCP/IP client-server program. The client should send a message asking for the current date. The server should respond with the current date that will be displayed on the client. 2. Create a TCP/IP server-client program in which both client and server can send and receive messages (Chat application). Repeat the experiment using…

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1. Create a TCP/IP client-server program. The client should send a message asking for the current date. The server should respond with the current date that will be displayed on the client.

2. Create a TCP/IP server-client program in which both client and server can send and receive messages (Chat application). Repeat the experiment using UDP.

3. Create a chat room such that multiple clients can connect to a server. The clients must be able to both send and receive messages to each other via the server. Create chat rooms using TCP and UDP.

4. Create a server and client communication wherein the client should ask the services of a math server. It should be implemented using concurrent servers where multiple clients can request the service from server. The user enters a simple arithmetic expression string (e.g., “1 + 2”, “5 – 6”, “3 * 4”). The expression is evaluated by the server and then the result is send back to the client from the server side. The client should display the server’s reply to the user, and prompt the user for the next input, until the user terminates the client program with Ctrl+C.

Assignment-Questions Week-2Solution
$35.00 $29.00