Assignment Zero: Base to Decimal Converter Solved

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ou are to write a simple C program that will take 1) a number written in a different base and 2) that base in decimal as command line arguments and output the decimal number. For example: $ ./dec 1101 2 13 $ ./dec 1234 5 194 $ ./dec ZZ 36 1295 $ ./dec CAFE 16 51966 $ ./dec A7 10 INVALID…

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ou are to write a simple C program that will take 1) a number written in a different base and 2) that base in decimal as command line arguments and output the decimal number. For example:

$ ./dec 1101 2 13 $ ./dec 1234 5 194 $ ./dec ZZ 36 1295 $ ./dec CAFE 16 51966 $ ./dec A7 10 INVALID VALUE $ ./dec Usage: conv <number> <base> $ ./dec 1111 37 INVALID BASE $ ./dec 1111 1 INVALID BASE

The dollar sign is not something you should type, it just represents the prompt in the terminal.

  1. Your program should be able to handle all bases from 2 to 36.

  2. You may not call any C library functions except for printf().


Makefile is provided for you. Simply type make to compile your program.

You can also type make
 to run some tests (basically what you see above). Be sure to test more values than this, though!

You can also type make
 if you want to remove the compiled program (and debugging symbols).

Converting Characters to Numbers

The character '1' is not the same as the number 1. The numeric values that correspond to the actual characters on your screen are outlined in the manpage, execute man
 in your terminal to view it. Press q to exit.


Assignment Zero: Base to Decimal Converter Solved
$30.00 $24.00