Assignment2 – A bit of crypto Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Your assignment is to download and build the mbed TLS package and to make a tiny modification to it’s sample AES file encryption program as described below. For class: scan through Arm’s mbed TLS coding standards. It’d be a fine thing (but is not mandatory for marking) if students followed those standards too when working with this code.…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

Your assignment is to download and build the mbed TLS package and to make a tiny modification to it’s sample AES file encryption program as described below.
For class: scan through Arm’s mbed TLS coding standards. It’d be a fine thing (but is not mandatory for marking) if students followed those standards too when working with this code.
IMPORTANT: Keep your work, including the build of mbed TLS, you’ll need it again for other assignments! (You could repeat the work, but that’d be boring:-)
Setup a working environment
Let’s say your working directory is going to be $HOME/code then you need to do the following (or equivalent) in a shell:
$ mkdir $HOME/code
$ cd $HOME/code
$ git clone
…various output
$ cd assignments/assignment2
$ wget
…various output
$ tar xzvf mbedtls-2.6.0-apache.tgz
…various output
$ cd mbedtls-2.6.0
$ make
… lots of output, takes a minute or two
$ cd ..
$ make
…various output
I’ll explain those one by one:
First you make a working directory:
$ mkdir $HOME/code
Then go there…
$ cd $HOME/code
Then get a copy of the git repo for the course (you should have done that already btw!)
$ git clone
Now go to the directory for this assignment:
$ cd assignments/assignment2
… and download a copy of the mbed TLS tarball:
$ wget
… explode the tarball
$ tar xzvf mbedtls-2.6.0-apache.tgz
… cd into the mbed TLS directory
$ cd mbedtls-2.6.0
… build the mbed TLS code
$ make
… go back up one level to the assignment2 directory
$ cd ..
… and run the build for the assignment st
$ make
What’s there?
The files in this assignment directory you should see now are:
• assignment2 – the excutable form of the base tool you’ll modify in a bit
• assignment2.c – the base file encrypting tool you’ll modify in a bit
◦ (Note: This is just a straight copy of what’ll be in ./mbedtls-2.6.0/programs/aes/aescrypt2.c)
• assignment2.o – the object file for encrypting tool you’ll modify in a bit
• Makefile – the Makefile to builld the above and link in the mbed TLS library
• mbedtls-2.6.0 – the directory with the mbed TLS stuff
• mbedtls-2.6.0-apache.tgz- the tarball you downloaded
• README.html – this HTML file
• – the markdown source for this HTML file
Run the tool as-is:
$ ./assignment2

asssignment2 <mode> <input filename> <output filename> <key>

<mode>: 0 = encrypt, 1 = decrypt

example: aescrypt2 0 file file.aes hex:E76B2413958B00E193
A simple modification…
This week, all you need to do is replace the clumsy “0” (for encryption) with any case-insensitive substring prefix of the word “encryption” and then simlarly replace the “1” for decryption, with any case-insensitive substring prefix of the word “decryption” and otherwise leave everything else as-is.
So, when you’re done the following should work:
$ echo “hi” >plain.txt
$ ./asssignment2 eNcr plain.txt cipher.bin thisisnotagoodkey
$ ./asssignment2 De cipher.bin recoveredplain.txt thisisnotagoodkey
$ diff -s plain.txt recoveredplain.txt
Files plaintext and plaintext are identical
And of course any variants of the start of the words “encryption” and “decryption” provided in the right place should work just as well, regardless of upper or lowercase.
A hint…
The function strcasestr() might be your friend here, check out it’s man page – but if using that you’ll need to add this to nearly the top of your source file:
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
Otherwise, if you don’t want to use strcasestr(), that’s fine, you can write your own function to do the equivalent comparison.
The deadline for submission of this assignment is 2017-10-16
For this assignment you should only submit your single file of source code, which can be called assignment2.c

Assignment2 - A bit of crypto Solution
$30.00 $24.00