Dr. Xenovian has developed a fantastic new computer game

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Description Dr. Xenovian has developed a fantastic new computer game, but it requires a new type of multi-core computer that she designed. The cores in this computer must come in multiples of 12 AND they must be arranged on the motherboard in a perfect square. Atfter talking to each customer, Dr. Xenovian determines the minimum…

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Dr. Xenovian has developed a fantastic new computer game, but it requires a new type of multi-core computer that she designed. The cores in this computer must come in multiples of 12 AND they must be arranged on the motherboard in a perfect square.

Atfter talking to each customer, Dr. Xenovian determines the minimum number of cores they need ( x ) and the maximum number of cores they can afford ( y ). Given this range in the number of cores possible, she then needs to calculate how many of these values are divisible by 12 (d ), how many are perfect squares ( s ), and how many values have both qualities ( b ).

Write a program to perform these calculations.

Input Format

The first line contains C, the number of customers she needs to perform calculations for. C ranges then follow, each on a new line.

Each test contains two space-separated integers denoting the MIN( x ) and the MAX( y ) number of cores, inclusive.


1 ≤ C ≤ 100

1 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 109

Output Format

With each customer result on a new line, print out d, s, and b (where d is the number of values divisible by 12, s is the number of perfect squares, and b is the number of values that meet both criteria).

Example 0

Sample Input


6 12

25 37

Sample Output

1 1 0

1 2 1


Two customer orders are put in.

The first can afford a computer with 6 to 12 cores in it. Of those, only one possibility is a multiple of 12 (12 itself), one is a perfect square (9), and none meet both criteria.

The second customer can afford a computer with 25 to 37 cores. Of those, one is a multiple of 12 (36 cores), two are perfect squares (25 and 36) and one meet both criteria (36).

Dr. Xenovian has developed a fantastic new computer game
$24.99 $18.99