Deliverable for Part 1 – Interview (5%) Solution

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Background: The CEO and CTO of the Montreal Central Station Development Company (MCSD) are inviting several consulting companies with the aim to improve the customer experience at the train station, one of the busiest in Canada. Depending on the success of the improvements at the Montreal train station, these improvements may also be considered for…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

Background: The CEO and CTO of the Montreal Central Station Development Company (MCSD) are inviting several consulting companies with the aim to improve the customer experience at the train station, one of the busiest in Canada. Depending on the success of the improvements at the Montreal train station, these improvements may also be considered for other major Canadian train stations afterwards. MCSD extends an invitation to your consulting company to a meeting with the CEO and CTO to learn more about the project.

Member Contributions: Each team member must contribute to each project deliverable. A team member who does not contribute to a project deliverable receives a mark of 0 (zero) for that deliverable. A team member may optionally email a confidential statement of work to the instructor before the due date of the project deliverable. A statement of work lists in point form how team members contributed to the project deliverables. In addition, the statement of work also describes whether the workload was distributed fairly evenly among the team members. A statement of work may be used to adjust the mark of a team member who is not contributing sufficiently to the project deliverable. It is not necessary to email a statement of work, if a team distributed the work for the project deliverable fairly evenly and each team member contributed sufficiently.

  1. Group in myCourses

Start forming your consulting company (i.e., group of six students) immediately. Once you have found your team members, sign up together for one of the groups in myCourses. If you have not signed up by the due date, you will be randomly assigned to a partial group. If you are looking for a group to join or for a team member for your partial group, use the “Looking for a group or team member” topic in the Project discussion forum in myCourses to let everyone know.

  1. Interview Time Slots

The time slots for the interviews are available in the “Interview” topic of the Project discussion forum in myCourses. Your team is required to select one time slot by replying to the post. Time slots are assigned on a first -come-first-serve basis. The instructor must approve your selection. An interview time slot is 40 minutes, but five minutes of the time slot are used to change from one team to the next. Therefore, plan for a 35-minute interview.

  1. Interview

All team members must be present for the interview with the CEO and CTO. See the course outline for a description of the penalties for not attending the interview. However, not all team members are required to talk during the interview. This is up to your team to decide. You are expected to be proactive before, during, and after the interview and conduct the interview in a professional manner as expected from a

Project: Deliverable for Part 1 ECSE326 / Fall 2018

consulting company. As a result of the interview, your consulting company will produce a high-level requirements document.

  1. High-Level Requirements Document

The high-level requirements document must contain the following sections:

  • Title page (see below for details)

  • Vision statement for the business following Moore’s template

  • Scope of the project (2-3 paragraphs) including a context diagram

  • Goals/business requirements of the CEO and CTO (a few well-structured requirement statements)

  • Brief description of the stakeholders (a few sentences for each stakeholder) including values from two to three top-level human value categories

  • Description of the users of the system in the form of personas (one per team member – each team member must individually take responsibility for one persona)

Clearly state the course name and number, term, group number, optionally the name of your consulting company, and team members on the title page of your high-level requirements document. The high-level requirements document is to be formatted with single line spacing, Calibri or Times New Roman 11pt font, and normal margins (2.54cm all around). If you are using an application other than MSWord for your report, convert your report first to either a PDF file or a DOC(X) file.


Your team is required to hand in a single doc(x) or pdf file in myCourses.

Marking Scheme

Deliverable for Part 1 of Project


Professional conduct before, during, and after the interview


Vision statement


Description of scope


Context diagram


Goals/business requirements


Brief description of stakeholders


Persona (individual part)


Appearance of document as well as grammar/spelling mistakes


Total Marks:


The total mark may be adjusted based on the actual contributions of a team member to the deliverable.


Deliverable for Part 1 – Interview (5%) Solution
$24.99 $18.99