Based on lab 3, remove the static heap array and use brk() and sbrk() commands to make the heap. Also, imlement “best fit”.
Be aware, that the heap size starts at 0, which means, you don’t even have a chunk header. Make sure to catch that condition! Maybe with a global variable “heapsize”?
From here on, when mymalloc is called, move the program break as far as you need to allocate your first chunk.
This time make sure, that the chunkhead is part of the PAGESIZE! Also, assume the PAGESIZE is 4096 bytes.
From now on, move through the chunklist similar to lab3, but if no chunk is free, move the program break further and assign a new chunk!
If some earlier chunk is free and you allocate less size than that, split as usual.
Move the program break back again when the last chunk in the list is removed!
You analyse function should print the address of the program break!
Best fit: Search the chunks for the smallest possible chunk which satisfies the request.
The whole project folder zipped as filename:
analyze();//50% points
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
a[i]= mymalloc(1000);
for(int i=0;i<90;i++)
analyze(); //50% of points if this is correct myfree(a[95]);
a[95] = mymalloc(1000);
analyze();//25% points, this new chunk should fill the smaller free one //(best fit)
for(int i=90;i<100;i++)
analyze();// 25% should be an empty heap now with the start address //from the program start
You can use following functions (they come handy)
chunkhead* get_last_chunk() //you can change it when you aim for performance
if(!startofheap) //I have a global void *startofheap = NULL; return NULL;
chunkhead* ch = (chunkhead*)startofheap;
for (; ch->next; ch = (chunkhead*)ch->next); return ch;
void analyze()
printf(“no heap”);
chunkhead* ch = (chunkhead*)startofheap;
for (int no=0; ch; ch = (chunkhead*)ch->next,no++)
printf(“%d | current addr: %x |”, no, ch);
printf(“size: %d | “, ch->size);
printf(“info: %d | “, ch->info);
printf(“next: %x | “, ch->next);
printf(“prev: %x”, ch->prev);
printf(“ \n”);
printf(“program break on address: %x\n”,sbrk(0));
————————————————————– |
no heap, program break on address: 5fff9000 |
————————————————————– |
0 |
| current addr: 5fff9000 |size: 368640 |
| info: 0 |
| next: 60053000 |
| prev: 0 |
1 |
| current addr: 60053000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60054000 | |
prev: 5fff9000 |
2 |
| current addr: 60054000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60055000 | |
prev: 60053000 |
3 |
| current addr: 60055000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60056000 | |
prev: 60054000 |
4 |
| current addr: 60056000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60057000 | |
prev: 60055000 |
5 |
| current addr: 60057000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60058000 | |
prev: 60056000 |
6 |
| current addr: 60058000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60059000 | |
prev: 60057000 |
7 |
| current addr: 60059000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005a000 | |
prev: 60058000 |
8 |
| current addr: 6005a000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005b000 | |
prev: 60059000 |
9 |
| current addr: 6005b000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005c000 | |
prev: 6005a000 |
10 | current addr: 6005c000 |size: 4096 | info: 1 | next: 0 | prev: |
6005b000 |
program break on address: 6005d000 |
————————————————————– |
0 |
| current addr: 5fff9000 |size: 368640 |
| info: 0 |
| next: 60053000 |
| prev: 0 |
1 |
| current addr: 60053000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60054000 | |
prev: 5fff9000 |
2 |
| current addr: 60054000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60055000 | |
prev: 60053000 |
3 |
| current addr: 60055000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60056000 | |
prev: 60054000 |
4 |
| current addr: 60056000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60057000 | |
prev: 60055000 |
5 |
| current addr: 60057000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60058000 | |
prev: 60056000 |
6 |
| current addr: 60058000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 60059000 | |
prev: 60057000 |
7 |
| current addr: 60059000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005a000 | |
prev: 60058000 |
8 |
| current addr: 6005a000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005b000 | |
prev: 60059000 |
9 |
| current addr: 6005b000 |size: 4096 | |
info: 1 | |
next: 6005c000 | |
prev: 6005a000 |
10 | current addr: 6005c000 |size: 4096 | info: 1 | next: 0 | prev: |
6005b000 |
program break on address: 6005d000 |
no heap, program break on address: 5fff9000
We will measure the performance of your code on one and the same computer. The 5 fastest get 2% bonus on the whole course grade. Be creative!
My results: 521 micro seconds (VirtualBox, Xubuntu, i7-4770, 3.4 GHz)
Test case for speed test (same as above, no print statement except time duration):
clock_t ca, cb;
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
a[i]= mymalloc(1000);
for(int i=0;i<90;i++)
a[95] = mymalloc(1000);
for(int i=90;i<100;i++)
cb = clock();
printf(“\nduration: % f\n”, (double)(cb – ca);