Big Data-Analysis Homework 6;Solution

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Consider the following two data les (student.csv and transcript.csv). The content of these les are as follows: grunt> cat student.csv john,cs,senior mary,cs,junior lee,ece,junior bob,ece,junior grunt> cat transcript.csv cse101,john,3.0 cse101,mary,3.5 cse231,john,3.5 cse231,mary,3.5 cse231,bob,2.0 cse480,john,3.0 ece200,bob,3.0 ece200,lee,4.0 ece335,lee,3.5 State each of the following Pig Latin queries below in plain English and show the result obtained after processing…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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  1. Consider the following two data les (student.csv and transcript.csv). The content of these les are as follows:

grunt> cat student.csv john,cs,senior mary,cs,junior lee,ece,junior bob,ece,junior

grunt> cat transcript.csv cse101,john,3.0 cse101,mary,3.5 cse231,john,3.5 cse231,mary,3.5 cse231,bob,2.0 cse480,john,3.0 ece200,bob,3.0 ece200,lee,4.0 ece335,lee,3.5

State each of the following Pig Latin queries below in plain English and show the result obtained after processing the query.

    1. data = load ’student.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’); grp = group data by $2;

result = foreach grp generate group, COUNT(data); dump result;

    1. data = load ’transcript.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’); grp = group data by $1;

tmp = foreach grp generate group, AVG(data.$2); result = FILTER tmp by $1 >= 3.5;

dump result;

    1. s = load ’student.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’);

t = load ’transcript.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’); data = join s by $0, t by $1;

tmp = foreach data generate $2,$3,$5; tmp2 = filter tmp by $1 matches ’cse231’; grp = group tmp2 by $0;

result = foreach grp generate group, AVG(tmp2.$2); dump result;

    1. s = load ’student.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’); n = filter s by not($1 matches ’cs’);

t = load ’transcript.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’);


t2 = filter t by $0 matches ’cs.*’;

tmp = join t2 by $1, n by $0;

result = foreach tmp generate $1;

dump result;

    1. t = load ’transcript.csv’ using PigStorage(’,’); c = forech t generate $0;

c2 = distinct c;

c3 = filter c2 by $0 matches ’cse.*’; gc = group c3 all;

maxc = foreach gc generate COUNT(c3); tmp = join t by $0, c3 by $0;

grp = group tmp by $1;

tmp2 = foreach grp generate group, COUNT(tmp); tmp3 = join tmp2 by $1, maxc by $0;

result = foreach tmp3 generate $0; dump result;

  1. For this question, you will be using the dataset from Exercise 13. First, download the data from tar. After extracting the archived le, you will nd 2 data les: pa-tient.csv and visit.csv. The patient.csv le contains the following 4 comma-separated values: patient ID, name, gender, and age, while the visit.csv le contains the following 4 comma-separated values: visit ID, visitDate, pa-tientID, and diagnosis. Write the Pig Latin scripts to process each query below. For each question below, you need to submit the corresponding script le as well as the query result. The source code should be written in a script le named q2*.pig. For example, the script for the rst question is q2a.pig, the second question is q2b.pig, and so on. The query results must also be saved in their corresponding directories named q2*. Create a zip or tar le to compress/archive all the script and result les into a single le named question2.tar or and submit it to D2L.

    1. Write a Pig Latin script that returns all the patients diagnosed with hypertension. The query result should contain only 2 columns (pa-tient ID and patient name). Save the output into a directory named q2a.

    1. Write a Pig Latin script that counts the number of visits to the healthcare provider by each patient. The query result must have only 3 columns: patient ID, patient name and number of visits. Save the output into a directory named q2b.

    1. Write a Pig Latin script that returns the ID and names of patients who were diagnosed with both diabetes and hypertension. Save the output into a directory named q2c.

    1. Write a Pig Latin script that returns the most frequent diagnosis for patients who are at least 40 years old. The query result should


contain one row and 1 column. Save the result into a directory named q2d.

  1. For this question, you will use the same dataset as question 2. You should save the source code into a script le named q3*.sql (e.g., q3a.sql, q3b.sql, etc) and submit a compressed/archived version of the les ( or question3.tar). First, you need to upload the data les patient.csv and visit.csv to HDFS in the directories named patient and visit, respectively.

  1. Write the corresponding HiveQL queries for creating the following two external tables: Patient and Visit. The schema for the tables are as follows:

Patient(ID: int, Name: string, Gender: string, Age: int)

Visit(VisitID: int, VDate: string, PatientID: int, Diagnosis: string)

Store the HiveQL query in a script le named q3a.sql. Note that you can execute the script le in beeline by typing source q3a.sql.

  1. Write the corresponding HiveQL query to nd the ID and names of all patients diagnosed with hypertension. Store the query in a script le named q3b.sql.

  1. Write the corresponding HiveQL query to count the numebr of visits to the provider by each patient. The query result must return only 3 columns: patient ID, name, and number of visits. Store the query in a script le named q3c.sql.

  1. Write the HiveQL query to nd the ID and names of patients who were diagnosed to have both diabetes and hypertension. The query result must return only 2 columns: patient ID and patient name. Store the query in a script le named q3d.sql.

  1. Write the HiveQL query to nd the most frequent diagnosis for pa-tients who are at least 40 years old. The query result must return only 1 row and 2 columns: diagnosis and number of cases. Store the query in a script le named q3e.sql.


Big Data-Analysis Homework 6;Solution
$30.00 $24.00