BMI-of patients application Assignment #3;Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Write a C# windows application to calculate the BMI of patients at the doctor office. The code must meet the following requirements: Your work needs to be unique. I will not consider giving credit for any work that is done by more than one student. Your code needs to be written using windows form. If…

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Write a C# windows application to calculate the BMI of patients at the doctor office. The code must meet the following requirements:

Your work needs to be unique. I will not consider giving credit for any work that is done by more than one student. Your code needs to be written using windows form. If your code including nice user interface, the selection and use of proper controls effectively, and use of objects to represent countries or events is Outstanding (I will let you know that), you will have the option to present your work to class for an extra 10 bonus points. Use files for input, not output.
Have a background picture related to the Olympics.
Input data using windows form.
Show the flag of the winning country when displaying the result.


However, your code needs to be concise where repeated steps need to be placed in functions or loops.

When different countries compete against each other (e.g., in the Olympics), they receive.
gold/silver/bronze medals. The countries can then be ranked in one of two ways: by “count” which is
based on the total number of medals (regardless of the medal colors) or by “color” which is based on
the number of gold medals (and silver medals if tied in gold medals, and bronze medals if tied in
gold and silver).
The Problem:
Given the gold/silver/bronze medal counts for USA and Russia, you are to determine if USA wins in
these two ranking methods.
The Input:
The first input line contains a positive integer, n, indicating the number of data sets to check. The sets
are on the following n input lines, one set per line. Each set consists of 6 integers (each integer
between 0 and 500 inclusive); the first three integers represent (respectively) the gold, silver, and
bronze medal counts for USA; the last three integers provide this info for Russia (in same order).
The Output:
Print each input set. Then, on the next output line, print one of four messages (count, color,
both, none), indicating how USA can win. USA will win by count if its total medal count is
higher than the total for Russia. USA will win by color if it has more gold medals than Russia (if
tied in gold, then the USA must have more silver; if tied in gold and silver, then the USA must have more.
bronze). Leave a blank line after the output for each test case.
Sample Input:
10 5 15 10 1 0
10 5 15 10 6 10
12 5 10 5 20 30
10 0 15 10 5 30
10 5 15 10 5 15
Sample Output: Please use an output style that best fit your own preference.

USA Scores: 10 5 15 Russia Scores: 10 1 0
The USA won based on both: count and the color of medals.

USA Scores: 10 5 15 1 Russia Scores: 0 6 10
The USA won based on count: The number of medals.

USA Scores: 12 5 10 Russia Scores: 5 20 30
The USA won based on the color of medals.

USA Scores: 10 0 15 Russia Scores: 10 5 30
The USA did not win this round.

USA Scores:10 5 15 Russia Scores: 10 5 15
The USA did not win this round.




BMI-of patients application Assignment #3;Solution
$30.00 $24.00