Pacman Assignment:

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Implement Breadth-first search in the class BFSAgent, Depth-first search in the class DFSAgent, A* search in the class AStarAgent, within the in file, using admissibleHeuristic as a heuristic function for the AStarAgent. Notes: ⁃Python 2.7 is required to run the Framework. ⁃All your code must be inside the file. RandomAgent and OneStepLookAheadAgent are…

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  1. Breadth-first search in the class BFSAgent,

  1. Depth-first search in the class DFSAgent,

  1. A* search in the class AStarAgent,

within the in file, using admissibleHeuristic as a heuristic function for the AStarAgent.


Python 2.7 is required to run the Framework.

All your code must be inside the file.

  • RandomAgent and OneStepLookAheadAgent are implemented as example agents.

External libraries are not allowed (as you won’t submit them).

Ways to fail the assignment if:

You try to change any of the system params.

Your code didn’t run (has errors).

You didn’t write the code yourself.

You submit anything beside file.

You changed the name of the agent classes.

You implemented your own heuristic.

You are only allowed to use these system functions (accessing/ changing any other functions or variables is considered cheating):

state.getLegalPacmanActions(): return all the legal actions

in this state

state.generatePacmanSuccessor(action): return the next

state if pacman take a certain action (return a new copy, doesn’t modify the current state)

admissibleHeuristic(state): estimates the remaining cost from the current state to the goal state

state.isWin(): check if this state is win state

state.isLose(): check if this state is lose state

  • The forward model (generatePacmanSuccessor) is limited to a certain amount of calls, don’t waste them. If you exceed the limit, None will be returned.

If you did not reach a terminal state, return the action leading to the node with the minimum total cost.

For A* algorithm: f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

  • f(n): the total cost of the next node

  • g(n): is the cost of the path since the start node (in this exercise, this cost is the depth of the current node, i.e. the number of actions from the start till that node)

  • h(n): is a heuristic function that estimates the remaining cost till the goal (in this exercise, this heuristic can be calculated using admissibleHeuristic(state) function on the current state)

For array sorting, you can use python internal sorting function. example: array.sort(key=lambda x: admissibleHeuristic(x)). This example sort the array based on the admissibleHeuristic function.

How to run:

To play pacman:


To run a certain agent using graphics use the following command:

python -p AgentName

Pacman Assignment:
$24.99 $18.99