HW5 Solved

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NOTE: If working in pairs, you can pair up with the same person for a maximum of two assignments/projects in this course. After that, you must either find another partner or complete the assignments individually. Any team in violation of this would receive a zero for their submissions after the first two submissions. You may…

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NOTE: If working in pairs, you can pair up with the same person for a maximum of two

assignments/projects in this course. After that, you must either find another partner or complete the assignments individually. Any team in violation of this would receive a zero for their submissions after the first two submissions.

You may discuss background issues and general solution strategies with others, but the programs you submit must be the work of just you (and your partner). We assume that you are thoroughly familiar with the discussion of academic integrity that is on the course website. Any doubts that you have about “crossing the line” should be discussed with Tas or the instructor before the deadline.

Assignment Objectives. Lists of strings. Lists of numbers. List methods. Return-from-loop body. More intricate Boolean/string computations. A main function. Reading data from a text file.

1. Background

I’m shopping for colleges and use Google to search for “northestren.” The response is “Do you mean northeastern?” I’m texting my spouse with the message “Honey I’m Home”1 but it goes out as “Money I’m Home.” I’m checking out some sequences of nucleotides and want to know how close a match ‘AGTCGTC’ is to ‘TAGTCGT’.

Each of these examples points to an underlying “nearness” problem that involves strings. The big question that we will explore in this assignment is this: When might we regard one string as being close to another? Or better, when might we regard one string as a “neighbor” of another?

Here are three possible definitions of string neighbors based on how Professor Careless makes mistakes when texting:

    • Two strings are neighbors if they are the same except in one position. (“abc” and “abe”)

    • Two strings are neighbors if they are different but we can obtain one by swapping an adjacent pair of characters in the other. (“abc” and “acb”)

    • Two strings are neighbors if deleting one character from one string produces the other string. (“abc” and “abxc”)

  1. Getting Set Up

Download and unzip hw5.zip into a folder/directory called (for example) hw5. It contains a text file called EnglishWords.txt and a module called GetData.py, as well as a skeleton file CloseWords.py.

You will be submitting a revised version of CloseWords.py to which you have added functions and code that showcases your implementation work.

3. Three Definitions of “Neighbor”

The first order of business is to develop three Boolean-valued functions each of which checks whether two strings are neighbors or not. They correspond to the “definitions” given above.

3.1 Off-By-One

Two non-empty strings s1 and s2 are said to be off-by-one if they have the same length and differ in exactly one position. Here some examples:

TODO: Implement a function offByOne(s1,s2) that takes two nonempty strings s1 and s2 and returns True if they are off-by-one and False otherwise.

3.1.1 Optional but potentially very helpful: Ideas for how to test

If you haven’t tried this already, one way to test your function is to get into Python interactive mode, and do:

  • import CloseWords

  • print (CloseWords.offByOne(“read”, “rexd”))

and similarly for all the test cases we’ve given you above, and any others you think might be good to try out. But remember: every time you change your code in your editor, you need to exit interactive mode and then re-enter it in order for Python to “see” your changes.

Alternatively, you can make a testing function that loops through test cases, like shown below:

def testem():

# test offByOne

for answer in [[“read”, “rexd”, True],

[“read”, “xexd”, False],

[“read”, “readx”, False],

[“read”, “eadx”, False],

[“a”,”x”, True],

[“a”, “a”, False],

[“a”, “A”, True]]:

response = offByOne(answer[0], answer[1]) #Note: answer[0]”read”, answer[1] “rexd”

right = answer[2] #Note: answer[2]”True”

if response != right:

print (“problem with”, answer)

print (“done testing off-by-one”)

Then, in your Application Script, you can temporarily put in a call to testem.

For your convenience, testem has been provided in the skeleton CloseWords.py. You can modify it any way you want, including adding tests for other functions you write later in this assignment; we won’t be looking at testem when grading.

Finally, a really effective, if non-obvious, strategy is to think up test cases on paper and before you write your code; try, just from reading the specification, to create test cases that cover all the “types” of inputs you could get. If nothing else, this activity helps you figure out the scope of the problem your code needs to solve. Also, it’s incredible hard to think about cases your code doesn’t handle once you’ve written your program: unfortunately, “most code tends to look right”.

3.2 Off-By-Swap

Two non-empty strings s1 and s2 are said to be off-by-swap if s1 and s2 are different, but s2 can be obtained by swapping two adjacent characters in s1. Here some examples:

TODO: Implement a function offBySwap(s1,s2) that takes two nonempty strings s1 and s2 and returns True if they are off-by-swap and False otherwise.

We strongly suggest you think of other test cases to try beyond those we have supplied you, and we make no guarantees that the test cases we’ve provided cover all the possible types of inputs.

3.3 Off-By-Extra

Two non-empty strings s1 and s2 are off-by-extra if removing one character from s1 gives s2 or if removing one character from s2 gives s1. Here are some examples:

TODO: Implement a function offByExtra(s1,s2) that takes two nonempty strings s1 and s2 and returns True if they are off-by-extra and False otherwise.

We expect you to implement this Boolean-valued function with a helper function ListOfDeleteOnes(s) that takes a nonempty string s of letters and returns a list of all those strings that can be obtained from s by deleting one character, e.g.,

“abcd” —-> [ “bcd”, “acd”, “abd”, “abc” ]

Note that if w is a string and w in ListOfDeleteOnes(s) is True, then w and s are off-by-extra. And to repeat, your implementation of offByExtra must make effective use of ListOfDeleteOnes.

3.4 Testing

Thoroughly test your implementations of offByOne, offBySwap and offByExtra before proceeding. You are free to implement additional helper functions if you wish. Make sure that they are fully specified (using docstrings).

4. Computing a List of Neighbor Words

In the next part of the assignment, you write a pair of functions that return lists of strings. We need to define what we mean when we say that one string is a neighbor of another:

Definition: Two strings s1 and s2 are neighbors if they are not the same string and they are either off-by-one, off-by-extra, or off-by-swap. (As described in Section 3 above.)

TODO: Implement the following two functions so that they perform as specified:

def ListOfNeighbors(s,L):

“”” Returns a list of all entries in L that are neighbors of s.

PreC: s is a nonempty string and L is a list of nonempty strings.


def ListOfNeighbors2(s,L):

  • Returns a sorted list of all entries in L that are neighbors of neighbors of s. The returned list has no duplicate entries.

PreC: s is a nonempty string and L is a list of nonempty strings.


Clarification: when we talk about the entries in L that are neighbors of neighbors of s, we mean the entries in L that are neighbors of something *in L* that is a neighbor of s. See the example given in section 4.1.

The Python functions list and set can be used to remove duplicate entries from a list:

  • x = [20,20,10,10,10,40,40,30,30,30,30]

  • x

[20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 40, 40, 30, 30, 30, 30]

  • y = list(set(x))

  • y

[40, 10, 20, 30]


Warnings: your code should not alter the input list L. Note: it is legal for L to be the empty list.

4.1 Testing/debugging

One way to debug ListOfNeighbors and ListOfNeighbors2 is to temporarily use a “dictionary” that is smaller than EnglishWords.txt. You can either do this “by hand”, e.g.,

smallList = [“abc”, “abcd”, “abcde”]

or by pulling out a small slice from the list L above, e.g.,

smallList = L[1000:1050]

Another very small test case is that, for the full dictionary EnglishWords.txt, the only neighbor of “transform” is “transforms”, and the only neighbor of its neighbors is “transform” again. An additional example is “largest”, which has two neighbors, “larges” and “largess”; there are 11 neighbors of neighbors.

In any case, make sure your implementations are correct before proceeding.

5. Scrabble

In the game of Scrabble there are 98 letter tiles. Each of the 26 letters has a certain value and there are a specific number of each letter tile. The strings and lists below capture it all:

Letters = string.ascii_uppercase

#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Supply= [9,2,2,4,12,2,3,2,9,1,1,4,2,6,8,2, 1,6,4,6,4,2,2,1,2, 1]

Value = [1,3,3,2, 1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1,3,10,1,1,1,1,4,4,8,4,10]

For example, there are 4 “D” tiles and each one is worth 2 points. Note that:

i = Letters.find(’D’) # i will have value 3

numberOfLetter = Supply[i]

valueOfLetter = Value[i]

assigns 4 to numberOfLetter and 2 to valueOfLetter. The Scrabble score of a string of uppercase letters is the sum of the individual character values, e.g.,


—–> 10+1+1+1+1+2+4=20.

But there’s one important exception: the Scrabble score of a string of letters that requires more of some letter tile than is available is 0. For example, the word “ZYZZYVA” has a score of zero because it requires 3 “Z” tiles, but only one “Z” tile is available.

TODO: Implement a function ScrabbleScore(s) that takes a string of letters (of any case or mixed case), converts all the characters to uppercase, and then returns the Scrabble score of the result (as an int). We’ve given you some skeleton code for ScrabbleScore to save you some typing.

6. The Final Application Script and main function

After all your functions are working, change the application script so that all it does is call a function called main(), which takes no arguments. This function must be based on the following skeleton and, when completed, obey the requirements given after the skeleton.

def main():

“””Showcases the code in this module.”””

# Read in the list of English words…

L = fileToStringList(’EnglishWords.txt’)

  • Until the user complies, keep prompting for a string of lowercase letters. while True:

s = input(’Enter a nonempty string of lowercase letters: ’)

  • Print all the neighbors of s and their Scrabble scores…

print (’\nNeighbors…\n’)

  • Print all the neighbors of the neighbors of s and their Scrabble scores…

print (’\nNeighbors of the Neighbors…\n’)

Reminder: when we talk about the entries in L that are neighbors of neighbors of s, we mean the entries in L that are neighbors of something *in L* that is a neighbor of s. See the example given in section 4.1. The while loop body should break as soon as the string s is made up entirely of lowercase letters; use a break statement appropriately to accomplish this. It is not necessary to pretty print the output, i.e., a statement like this:

print (theString, theScrabbleScore)

is an absolutely fine way to display a neighbor string and its Scrabble score.

In checking whether letters are lowercase, it’s convenient to consult the string string.ascii lowercase (as opposed to typing in ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’, and assuming you’ve imported module string).


Your programs will be tested against several test cases. For full credit, a program should pass all the test cases. Programs failing several test cases will receive a very low grade.

  1. The program should keep asking for user input until the user enters a nonempty string—S—of lowercase letters. (4 points)

  1. The program should correctly print all the neighbors of the input string S. (32 points)

  1. The program should correctly print all the neighbors of the neighbors of the input string S. (32 points)

  1. The program should correctly print the Scrabble scores of the neighbors of the input string S, and the neighbors of the neighbors of the input string S. (32 points)

What to submit?

  1. Prepare a README.txt file containing the following:

    1. Include a quick summary of how you run your program CloseWords.py.

    1. If any of the functionality in your programs is not working, include what is the issue in your opinion and how would you fix it if you had more time?

  1. Submit your files CloseWords.py, GetData.py, README.txt inside a single zip file on Canvas.

Additional directions

Following directions apply to all the problems above. Negative numbers indicate the penalty to be applied on your final score for a problem/direction if the directions are not followed.

  1. Start your programs with a docstring (comment) summarizing what it is doing, what are the inputs, and the expected output. (-5 points)

  1. At the beginning, as three comments, include your name (both teammates if applicable), date, and your email ids. (-5 points)

  1. For every variable defined in your program, include a brief comment alongside explaining what it stores. (-5 points)

  1. README.txt file needs to be submitted as described above. (-10 points)

  1. Submit all the files (.py and .txt files) as a single zip folder/file on Canvas. (-5 points)

  1. No new submissions, code files can be accepted after the deadline. Please double check and ensure that you are submitting everything needed to run your programs, and the code files are the best versions you want evaluated. Only the material submitted in the zip file uploaded on Canvas before the deadline shall be graded.

HW5 Solved
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