CENG 232-Logic Design Lab 3-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

• Introduction This assignment aims to make you familiar with Verilog language, related software tools, and the FPGA boards. There are two parts in this assignment. The rst part is a Verilog simulation of an imaginary ip- op design, which you are required to implement and test on your own. The second part consists of…

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• Introduction

This assignment aims to make you familiar with Verilog language, related software tools, and the FPGA boards. There are two parts in this assignment. The rst part is a Verilog simulation of an imaginary ip- op design, which you are required to implement and test on your own. The second part consists of simulation and implementation (on FPGA) of MarsAdventure system.

• Part 1: AF – Flip Flop (Individual Work)

This part of the lab will be performed and submitted individually (NOT WITH YOUR GROUP PARTNER !). You are given a speci cation of a new type of ip- op, and a new chip that uses the ip- op. Your task is to implement these in Verilog, and prove that they work according to their speci cations by simulation.


Implement the following AF ip- op in Verilog with respect to the provided truth table. An AF ip- op has 4 operations when inputs A and F are: 00 (complement), 01 (no change), 10 (set to 1), 11 (set to 0). Please note that the AF Flip-Flop changes its state only at rising clock edges.







Implement the following chip that contains two AF ip- ops which has output Y.

Use the following module de nitions for the modules:

module af(input a, input f, input clk, output reg q)

module ic1500(input a0, input f0, input a1, input f1, input clk, output q0, output q1, output y)




Table 1: AF – ip- op truth table.
































Figure 1: ic1500 module, inputs and outpus.

2.3 Simulation

A sample testbench for af- ip op module will be provided to you. It is your responsibility to extend the testbench, and also to write a testbench for ic1500 module.

2.4 Deliverables

Implement both modules in a single Verilog le: lab3 1.v. Do NOT submit your testbenches. You can share your testbenches on the newsgroup.

Submit the le through the COW system before the given deadline. April 4, 2018, 23:59

This part is supposed to be done individually, not with your partner. Any kind of cheating is not allowed.

• Part 2: MarsAdventure (Teamwork)

This part of the lab will be performed and submitted with your group partner. Only submit a single copy per group.













3.1 Problem De nition

Not too distant future…

Humankind was beginning to move to Mars. That was the rst attempt to transfer humankind to Mars. As a successful and intelligent student, you were a member of the crew too. Everything went well until a horrible crash took place, just before the landing. Luckily, you survived from that crash and successfully landed to Mars. But as a side e ect you lost contact with any member of the crew. At the place where you landed, there were people around you but they weren’t humans… So, you started to live with them. The bad thing was, you were not able to understand their language. To learn their language, you decided to design a hardware that helps you to memorize words of their language.

The rst thing you understand was, each word consisted of 5 bits. There were two di erent languages spoken by local residents. You named these di erent residents as hipsterians and nerdians. Each word can be a member of: hipsterians language, nerdians language, member of both of them or not a member of any of them.

As you are a systematically working, computer engineer wanna be; you generated your own speci cations before implementing the system:

1. Each word spoken by Mars residents consists of a 5-bit number.

2. If a word consists of at least one consecutive 0s (ex. 00 or 000 or 0000 etc.), then this word is a member of hipsterians language.

3. If a word consists of at least one consecutive 1s (ex. 11 or 111 or 1111 etc.), then this word is a member of nerdians language.

4. The current number of words memorized from any language is recorded for each language separately. If a word is memorized from a language, the current number of words memorized from that language should be updated.

5. You have two modes in this system. The in-mode is active when the mode option is 1, out-mode is active when the mode option is 0.

6. If the system is in the in-mode, number of words in that language should be increased by one. If the system is in the out-mode, number of words in that language should be decreased by one.

7. To not memorize wrong words for the wrong language, you come with a selection option idea. selection option is 0 for hipsterians language and 1 for nerdians language.

8. If a word is a member of hipsterians language and the selection is 0, then the system should update (can be an increase or decrease) the number of words for hipsterians. If a word is a member of hipsterians and the selection is 1, then the system should not update the number. Instead of it, it should give a warning. Vice versa is correct for nerdians. If a word is a member of nerdians language and the selection is 1, then the system should update (can be an increase or decrease) the number of words for nerdians. If a word is a member of nerdians and the selection is 0, then the system should not update the number. Instead of it, it should give a warning.


9. If a word is a member of both languages, the system will increase the number of words for the language that is currently selected by the selection option. The number of words for the other language should not change.

10. If a word is not a member of any of the languages, the system should give a warning independent from the selection option and should not update the number of words for both of the languages.

11. Initially, number of words in both languages are 0.

12. If an out action is applied when the number of words for a language is 0, it should stay at 0 (without any warning).

13. When in out-mode, the word won’t be checked if it is registered before. (Actually we don’t have memory, we only check if the word is satisfying the conditions or not.)

14. Similarly, in in-mode the word won’t be checked if it is registered before.

15. The number of words for languages will be shown in decimal form with two digits.

16. The number of words for languages varies between 0 and 20. (2 is one digit and 0 is one digit)

17. If number of words exceeds 20, it should be returned to 0. (20 is included, after 20 it returns to 0.)

3.2 Sample Input/Output

The values in Current State column, which are seperated by \,” are de ned as: word, selection, mode, hipsterians1, hipsterians0 , nerdians1, nerdians0 respectively. (hipsterians1 is the most signi cant digit of number of hipsterians, hipsterians0 is the least signi cant digit of hipsterians. Same is applied for nerdians)

The values in Next State column, which are seperated by \,” are de ned as: hipsterians1, hipsterians0, nerdians1, nerdians0, warning, respectively.

Table 2: Sample inputs and outputs.
current state
next state


10010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0

00110, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 9

01010, 1, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0

01000, 0, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0

01100, 1, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0

00110, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 9


3.3 Input/Output Speci cations

word represents 5-bit code.

CLK is the clock input for the module.

selection is used for the selection of the language. selection = 0 ) hipsterians language
selection = 1 ) nerdians language

mode is used to indicate whether a word is added to the word count or a word is removed from word count. mode = 0 ) word is removed (out-mode)
mode = 1 ) word is added (in-mode)

hipsterians1, hipsterians0 and nerdians1, nerdians0 shows the number of words in each of the languages. Where 1 is the most signi cant digit and 0 is the least signi cant bit.

warning shows the warning situations. warning = 0 ) no warning occured. warning = 1 ) warning occured.


Table 3: Inputs and output variables


5 bits


Clock (CLK)
1 bit


1 bit


1 bit


8 bits


8 bits


8 bits


8 bits


1 bit



3.4 FPGA Implementation

You will be provided with a Board232.v le (and a ready-to-use Xilinx project), which will bind inputs and outputs of the FPGA board with your Verilog module. You are required to test your Verilog module on the FPGA boards. After the submission date, you will make a demo to course assistants.

Table 4: Button descriptions.
FPGA Board


SW7, SW6, SW5, SW4, SW3
Left-most 5 switches (A)


Clock (CLK)
Right-most button (B)


Right-most switch (C)


The switch next to SW0 (D)


7-segment display
Right-most 7-segment display (E)


7-segment display
Second right-most 7-segment display (F)


7-segment display
Left-most 7-segment display (G)


7-segment display
Second left-most 7-segment display (H)


Left-most led (I)



Figure 2: Board with the button informations.









3.5 Deliverables

Implement your module in a single Verilog le: lab3 2.v. Do NOT submit your testbenches.You may share your testbenches on the newsgroup.

Submit the le through the COW system before the given deadline. April 11, 2018, 23:59



This part is supposed to be done with your group partner. Make sure both of you take roles in implementation of the project. Any kind of inter-group cheating is not allowed.

Use the newsgroup metu.ceng.course.232 for any questions regarding the homework.

You will make a demo with the FPGA board the next week after the submissions (in your lab session hours). The exact dates and place will be announced later.

































CENG 232-Logic Design Lab 3-Solution
$30.00 $24.00