CENG-Homework 3 – PC Parts System-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

• Introduction This assignment aims to familiarize you with Java 8 Streams (not to be confused with Java I/O Streams). You are hired by a PC parts store and asked to implement a query system in order to monitor their inventory. In this assignment you will use Java 8 Streams and lambda functions. • Problem…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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• Introduction

This assignment aims to familiarize you with Java 8 Streams (not to be confused with Java I/O Streams). You are hired by a PC parts store and asked to implement a query system in order to monitor their inventory. In this assignment you will use Java 8 Streams and lambda functions.

• Problem De nition

The PC Parts store has given you a csv le of their database1. Application you will create will use this le as the data source and provide 5 methods to query/process this information.All parts in the store have a Type, a Brand, a Model and a Price associated with them. The type of a part de nes the speci c properties the part has. For exam-ple parts with the type Monitor have an aspect ratio property while parts with type CPU have a core count property.

Each part’s type can be one of the following: Hard Drive,Monitor,PSU,Motherboard,CPU,GPU,Memory,Mouse,Keyboard. Speci c properties of di erent types are further explained in the CSV File Speci cations section.The Brand,Model and Price are self explanatory. These properties don’t have a special meaning like the Type,they are just needed to further describe a part. A point to note about the Price eld is that it can be set to 0 dollars. This means that the item is currently not available at the store.

2.1 CSV File Speci cations

Each line in the csv le corresponds to an item. Each line starts with the type of the item and are followed bythe properties associated with the type. Properties are seperated from each other by a single comma and nothing else. Properties for each type are listed below.

Hard Drive : Type, Brand, Model, Capacity (in GBs), Price

Monitor: Type, Brand, Model, Aspect Ratio, Size (in inches), Price

PSU: Type, Brand, Model, Form Factor, Wattage, Price

Motherboard: Type, Brand, Model, Socket, RAM Slots, Price

CPU: Type, Brand, Model, Core Count, Clock Speed (in GHz), Price

• All parts, their specs. and prices are taken from pcpartpicker.com



GPU: Type, Brand, Model, Chipset, Capacity (in GBs), Clock Speed (in MHz), Price

Memory: Type, Brand, Model, Socket, Capacity (in GBs), Clock Speed (in MHz), Price

Mouse: Type, Brand, Model, Connection type, Price

Keyboard: Type, Brand, Model, Connection type, Price

Properties of each type are ordered in the csv le in this order:

Hard Drive,Brand,Model,Capacity,Price Monitor,Brand,Model,Aspect Ratio,Size,Price PSU,Brand,Model,Form Factor,Wattage,Price Motherboard,Brand,Model,Socket,RAM Slots,Price CPU,Brand,Model,Core Count,Clock Speed,Price GPU,Brand,Model,Chipset,Capacity,Clock Speed,Price Mouse,Brand,Model,Connection type,Price Memory,Brand,Model,Socket,Capacity,Clock Speed,Price Keyboard,Brand,Model,Wired,Price

So with actual values it looks like this:

Hard Drive,ADATA,Premier,960GB,129.98 USD Monitor,Acer,V226HQL Abmid,16:9,21.5,102.99 USD PSU,Cooler Master,MWE Bronze V2,ATX,550,0.00 USD Motherboard,ASRock,FM2A68M-HD+,FM2+,2,53.98 USD CPU,Intel,Xeon E5-2670 V3,12,2.3GHz,694.56 USD GPU,Asus,GeForce RTX 2080,Turbo,8GB,1515MHz,819.95 USD Mouse,Logitech,M325c Urban Grey,Wireless,25.36 USD Memory,G.Skill,Trident Z Royal 64 GB,DDR4,8GB,3200MHz,838.99 USD Keyboard,MSI,Vigor GK30,Wired,49.99 USD


2.2 Implementation Speci cations

You are asked to implement 5 methods that queries or processes the parts in the csv le. These methods should be implemented in the class PartsStore which is provided to you.

FindPartsWithBrand(String type, String brand): Prints all the parts of type with brand. If the type is null it returns all items with brand regardless of their types.

TotalPrice(String type, String brand, String model): Prints the total price of the parts with type, brand and model. In case of one or many arguments being null, total price of all parts with the not null arguments are returned. For example, TotalPrice(null, “Asus”, null) will return total price of all parts with the brand “Asus”.

UpdateStock(): Discards the parts that are not in the stock right now (Parts with price value set to 0 USD) and prints how many items are discarded. After this method is called, other methods should work over the updated stock, so that they would never return an item with price 0 USD.

FindCheapestMemory(int capacity): Prints the details of the cheapest Memory part with equal or larger capacity than capacity.

FindFastestCPU(): Prints the details of the CPU with the highest value of (core count * clock speed)




• Input & Output

3.1 Input

You won’t be dealing with any input directly in this assignment. Instead we will use the class(es) you implemented during evalution. The methods you have implemented will be called from the main function in a similar fashion to the snippet below.

PartsStore ps = new PartsStore();

ps.FindPartsWithBrand(“Keyboard”, “Logitech”);



ps.FindFastestCPU(); // Output of this call may be different than the // previous one due to previous UpdateStock call.

Plase make sure that the method calls to PartsStore class works as expected.

3.2 Output

Each of the 5 methods you will implement will print their results to the stdout. When the output of a method is a part or a part list, each part should be printed on a separate line and the properties of the part should exactly be written as seen on the csv. Examples for output formats of methods:

• FindPartsWithBrand(“GPU”, “Asus”):

GPU,Asus,GeForce RTX 2080,Turbo,8GB,1515MHz,819.95 USD

GPU,Asus,GeForce RTX 2080 Ti,Turbo,11GB,1350MHz,1139.99 USD

GPU,Asus,GeForce GTX 1080 Ti,11GB,1480MHz,1145.99 USD

• TotalPrice(“GPU”, “Asus”, “GeForce RXT 2080”): 7754.52 USD

• UpdateStock():

1302 items removed.

• FindCheapestMemory(16):

Memory,Corsair,Vengeance RGB Pro 64 GB,DDR4,16GB,2666MHz,299.99 USD

• FindFastestCPU():

CPU,AMD,Threadripper 2990WX,32,3GHz,0.00 USD

Note that these outputs are just an example, it may not be the correct output. They are provided as a concrete example for the output formats of the methods. Also the output order of FindPartsWithBrand() doesn’t matter.


• Speci cations

Your code must be written in Java

You must use Java 8 Streams and Lamda Functions where possible. Try to utilize streams as much as youcan, e ciency of your programs is not important as long as they nish execution in a reasonable amount of time.

Submissions will be evaluated with both black box and white box techniques. Correctness of your outputs isimportant. White box evaluation will be employed to make sure that your code adheres to OOP principles.

Non-terminating submissions will su er a penalty, as well as submission that don’t adhere to OOP principles. Everything you submit should be your own work. Usage of binary source les and codes found on internet
is strictly forbidden.

Please follow the course page on ODTUClass for updates and clari cations.

Please ask your questions related to homework through ODTUClass instead of emailing directly to teachin-gassistant.

• Submission

Submission will be done via ODTUClass. Create a zip le named hw3.zip that contains all your java source code les without any directory. Make sure that your PartsStore is in this archive. Your code should be able to compile and run using this command sequence after being unzipped.

> javac *.java



















CENG-Homework 3 - PC Parts System-Solution
$30.00 $24.00