CENG-Logic Design Lab 5-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

  • Introduction MM needs you! Elevators in the MM building are broken down! Rektorluk has hired you to program the elevators. Program the elevators as a computer engineer and they won’t ever break down (show our department’s class :)). People has to climb for 15 oors every day. This makes them lose weight every…

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• Introduction

MM needs you!

Elevators in the MM building are broken down! Rektorluk has hired you to program the elevators. Program the elevators as a computer engineer and they won’t ever break down (show our department’s class :)). People has to climb for 15 oors every day. This makes them lose weight every single day and they will melt away in approximately three weeks. So, you have to be quick…











• Part 1: Naive Elevator (Individual Work)

This part of the lab will be performed and submitted individually (NOT WITH YOUR GROUP PARTNER!). In this part of the assignment, you are expected to draw an ASM chart showing the behavior of naive elevator.

In the naive elevator problem, you will design a system that consists of only one elevator. The system has a task pool, in which the incoming call requests are stored. Each task shows the oor number of the request. Each task is 4 bits long. The available oors in the building are from 1 to 15 (The building does not have a 0th oor). The task pool works in FIFO (First In First Out) fashion and is capable of holding at most 8 requests at a time. So, when 8 requests are already stored in the task pool, a new incoming request is rejected. The elevator has two states. IDLE state and WORK state. In the IDLE state requests can be added/deleted to/from the task pool or added requests can be listed. The WORK state is the place where the elevator takes the next request from the pool and starts to move to the oor of that request. The detailed explanation of the states are provided below.








Figure 1: Task Pool

2.1 IDLE State

This is the state the elevator is initially at. In this state: it can read(add) new tasks, it can show the tasks that are currently in the task pool or it can cancel(delete) some of the tasks in the task pool.

The system takes a two bit input named mode in the IDLE state. These two bits are de ned as follows:

mode = 00: This mode is used to add tasks to the task pool. The task pool can take 8 tasks at most. Initially all these places are lled with zeros (ex. each element is 4’b0000). As there is no 0th oor, no tasks will have 4’b0000 as its value.

mode = 01: This mode is used to list the tasks in the task pool in order of their addition order. At each rising edge of the clock, the next task is printed to the speci ed leds. Until the listing is done, the mode variable will not be changed (by the user). While the listing continues listBusy led has to be on. After the listing nished, listBusy led is turned o and a new mode can be chosen.

mode = 10: This mode is used to delete tasks from the task pool. If the provided task exists in the task pool, that task is deleted from the pool and the task order must be preserved. If the given task does not exist in the task pool, no actions will be taken.

mode = 11: This mode is used to trigger the elevator to go to WORK state. Before changing the state, the elevator must read the next task from the task pool as its current task and delete that task from the pool.

2.2 WORK State

This is the state where elevator moves from one oor to another. In this state elevator moves towards to requested oor at the each rising clock edge. For example, if the elevator is at 3rd oor and the requested oor is 9. With the rst rising clock edge elevator closes its door and moves to 4, with the next rising clock edge it moves to 5 etc. When the elevator reaches the requested oor, it opens its door and changes its state to IDLE without changing its oor. Note that, elevator only performed one request and returned back to IDLE state.

2.3 Clari cations

1. Each task represents a oor and a task consists of a 4-bit number.

2. No task can have a value 0. Task values changes between 1 and 15.

3. Initially elevator is in IDLE state.

4. Initially elevator is in 1st oor and its door is open.

5. Initially task pool is lled with 8 zero lled tasks (which means the task pool is empty).

6. To move from IDLE state to WORK state, mode must be changed to 11. After mode is changed, with the rising clock edge elevator goes to WORK state.



7. To move from WORK state to IDLE state, current job must be nished (Changing modes makes no e ect in the WORK state. When elevator nishes its current job it must automatically go to IDLE state with the rising clock edge).

8. When elevator is in IDLE state, changing between modes 00, 01 and 10 does not change the state of the elevator (still IDLE).

9. In IDLE state, state bit is 0.

10. In WORK state, state bit is 1.

11. In add mode (mode = 00 ) (in IDLE state), requests must be added in the order they made. If a request that already exist in task pool arrives, it must be ignored. If the task pool is full (8 tasks in it), then the incoming requests must be ignored. No task with the value 0 will be added (the user won’t enter a task with value 0 ).

12. When in show mode (mode = 01 ) (in IDLE state), listing starts from rst added request and continues until the last added element. Empty places (places with 0000) won’t be listed. Element to be listed should be written into the variable listingLeds. While the listing continues, listBusy bit must be set to 1. When the listing nishes, with the rising edge of the clock after the last element is shown listBusy must be set to 0. User won’t change the mode, until listing nishes.

13. In delete mode (mode = 10 ) (in IDLE state), if the given element is in the list it must be deleted and the order of the tasks must be preserved. If the given element does not exist in the list, no actions will be done. If the task pool is empty and a deletion request arrived, no actions will be done.

14. The building has 15 oors, starting from 1. Floors larger than 9 will be represented as A,B,C,D,E and F.

15. Door is open when the doorOpen variable is 1 and door is closed when the doorOpen variable is 0.

16. If the mode is changed to 11 and the task pool is empty elevator normally should go to WORK state with the clock cycle, then this situation must be checked in WORK state and elevator must return to IDLE state (in the same clock cycle).

2.4 Sample Input/Output

In the tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, the format of current and next states is as follows:

mode, request, state, listBusy, listingLeds, doorOpen, currentFloor

In table-1, add mode is demonstrated with adding 4, 1, 15 and 9.

current state
next state


00, 0100, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

00, 0100, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
added decimal 4 (0100)
00, 0001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

00, 0001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
added decimal 1 (0001)
00, 1111, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

00, 1111, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
added decimal 15 (1111)
00, 1001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

00, 1001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
suppose pool is full, reject decimal 9

Table 1: Add mode demonstration

In table-2, suppose we have added 4, 1, 15 to the task pool, respectively. Now task pool has only 3 tasks in it.

Then in list mode:

current state
next state


01, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0100, x, x
lists 4
01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0100, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0001, x, x
lists 1
01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0001, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 1, 1111, x, x
lists 15
01, xxxx, 0, 1, 1111, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
listing ends

Table 2: List mode demonstration

Suppose we again have 4, 1, 15 in the task pool.

In the table-3, we rst delete 1 from the task pool, then list the tasks in the current task pool:


current state
next state


10, 0001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

10, 0001, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
deleted 1
01, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0100, x, x
lists 4
01, xxxx, 0, 1, 0100, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 1, 1111, x, x
lists 15
01, xxxx, 0, 1, 1111, x, x

01, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, x, x
listing ends

Table 3: Delete mode demonstration

In the table-4, suppose we have 4, 1, 15, 14 in the task pool. The elevator reads the next task, which is 4, removes it from the task pool, then changes to WORK state. It then goes to 4th oor by climbing 1 oor at each rising edge. When it arrives to 4th oor, the door is opened and the state is changed to IDLE. When the user continues in mode 11, same procedure is applied. In the row, 11 times CLK rising edge is applied.

current state
next state


11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 1

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 4
reached 4th oor
11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 4

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 1
reached 1st oor
11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 1

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, E

11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, F
reached 15th oor
11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, F

11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, E
reached 14th oor

Table 4: WORK state demonstration

2.5 Input/Output Speci cations

CLK is the clock input for the module. mode is a 2-bit variable:

mode = 00 ) Add mode mode = 01 ) List mode mode = 10 ) Delete mode mode = 11 ) Work mode
request is a 4-bit variable.

state is a 1-bit variable that de nes the state: state=0 ) IDLE state
state=1 ) WORK state

listBusy is a 1-bit variable:

listBusy=0 ) Currently not listing the tasks. listBusy=1 ) Currently listing the tasks.

listingLeds is a 4-bit variable which is used to list the tasks. doorOpen is a 1-bit variable:

doorOpen=0 ) Door is closed. doorOpen=1 ) Door is opened.
currentFloor is a 4-bit variable which shows the current oor of the elevator.






Clock (CLK)
















Table 5: Input and output variables for part 1

2.6 Deliverables

In this part of the assignment, you are expected to draw an ASM chart showing the behavior of the Naive Elevator problem de ned in Part 1.

Don’t forget that this is an individual assignment, so any kind of collaboration will be counted as cheating. You can use any input-output de nitions or abbreviations of them (by stating the exact names of it in your assignment) de ned in input/output speci cations. Also you can use VARIABLE[a:b] in order to refer a
variable while implementing Naive Elevator.

Please make sure that you cover all the details of Naive Elevator problem and conform to the ASM notation. You can draw ASM chart with the any drawing tool you want (we don’t want any hand writing). Any les
that have hand writing won’t be accepted.

You are supposed to send a le named NaiveElevator e1234567.pdf/jpg/png any of these le extensions will be accepted.

Submit the le through the COW system before the given deadline. May 9, 2018, 23:59 Use the newsgroup metu.ceng.course.232 for any questions regarding the homework.

• Part 2: 2-Elevators (Teamwork)

This part of the lab will be performed and submitted with your group partner. Only submit a single copy per group.

3.1 Problem De nition









You will implement the provided 2-Elevators problem that is de ned below in FPGA boards.

2-Elevators problem is an improved version of the Naive Elevator problem. In this problem, we have two ele-vators instead of one elevator. We have again a single task pool. Elevators take tasks from task pool in an ordered


fashion (check the clari cations part). They are always in the same state (IDLE or WORK). Clari cations of this problem are provided below:

1. There are two elevators in the system. Named elevator1 and elevator2.

2. Elevators are always in the same state, they go from IDLE state to WORK state and return from WORK state to IDLE state at the same time.

3. They share the same task pool.

4. Only mode=11 and WORK state changes from Part1, apart from that all of the explanations from Part 1 applies here.

5. In mode = 11: both of the elevators go to WORK state. Before changing the state, the elevator1 must read the next task from the task pool as its current task and delete that task from the pool. Then elevator2 reads its task from task pool and deletes that task from the task pool. This means that when in mode=11 in IDLE state, rst request in the task pool is given to elevator1 and the second task in the task pool is given to elevator2.

6. In WORK mode, both elevators start with their own tasks(if there are enough available tasks) and they continue their movement simultaneously with the each rising clock edge.

7. If one of the elevators nish its task before the other. It opens its door (as usual). Then with the next rising clock edge, it takes the next task from task pool and continues with its new task.

8. When all of the tasks in the task pool nishes both of the elevators move to IDLE state.

9. If one elevator nishes its task and there are no available tasks left in the task pool then that elevator waits for the other without changing its state (which is WORK state).

10. Door is open when the doorOpen1 variable is 1 for elevator1 and doorOpen2 variable is 1 for elevator2. Door is closed when the doorOpen1 variable is 0 for elevator1 and doorOpen2 variable is 0 for elevator2.

3.2 Sample Input/Output

For the add, show and delete modes, the same examples can be used from part-1 (you can check, table-1, table-2 and table-3 for examples) as changing the number of elevators does not change anything in these modes. In table-6, a sample WORK state demonstration of 2-elevators problem is given. The format of current and next states is as follows:

mode, request, state, listBusy, listingLeds, doorOpen2, currentFloor2, doorOpen1, currentFloor1

In table-6, suppose we have 11, 3, 5, 2 in the task pool in this order. Elevator1 reads the next task, which is 11, removes it from the task pool. Elevator2 reads 3 as its task, and removes it from the pool. Then both elevators change to WORK state simultaneously (as always they change state simultaneously). While elevator1 is climbing to 11th oor, elevator2 nishes its task, reads 5 as its new task and removes it from the pool, climbs to 5th oor and nishes the task, then again elevator2 reads 2 as its task and removes it from the pool, goes down to 2nd oor. As there is no tasks left in the pool, elevator2 now waits in WORK state for elevator1 to nish its task. When elevator1 is nished, as no tasks are left, both of the elevators change to IDLE state simultaneously.

current state
next state


11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 1, 1, 1

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 2, 0, 2

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 3, 0, 3
elevator2 reached 3rd oor
11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 3, 0, 3

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 4, 0, 4

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 4, 0, 4

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 5, 0, 5
elevator2 reached 5th oor
11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 5, 0, 5

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 4, 0, 6

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 4, 0, 6

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3, 0, 7

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 0, 3, 0, 7

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, 8
elevator2 reached 2nd oor
11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, 8

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, 9

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, 9

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, A

11, xxxx, 1, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 0, A

11, xxxx, 0, 0, 0000, 1, 2, 1, B
elevator1 reached 11th oor

Table 6: WORK state demonstration of 2-elevators



3.3 Input/Output Speci cations

CLK is the clock input for the module. mode is a 2-bit variable:

mode = 00 ) Add mode mode = 01 ) List mode mode = 10 ) Delete mode mode = 11 ) Work mode
request is a 4-bit variable.

state is a 1-bit variable that de nes the state: state=0 ) IDLE state
state=1 ) WORK state

listBusy is a 1-bit variable:

listBusy=0 ) Currently not listing the tasks. listBusy=1 ) Currently listing the tasks.

listingLeds is a 4-bit variable which is used to list the tasks. doorOpen1 is a 1-bit variable:

doorOpen1=0 ) Door is closed. doorOpen1=1 ) Door is opened.

doorOpen2 is a 1-bit variable: doorOpen2=0 ) Door is closed. doorOpen2=1 ) Door is opened.
currentFloor1 is a 4-bit variable which shows the current oor of elevator1. currentFloor2 is a 4-bit variable which shows the current oor of elevator2.



Clock (CLK)




















Table 7: Input and output variables

3.4 FPGA Implementation

You will be provided with a Board232.v le (and a ready-to-use Xilinx project), which will bind inputs and outputs of the FPGA board with your Verilog module. You are required to test your Verilog module on the FPGA boards.

3.5 Deliverables

Implement your module in a single Verilog le: lab5 2.v. Do NOT submit your testbenches.You may share your testbenches on the newsgroup.

Submit the le through the COW system before the given deadline. May 16, 2018, 23:59



FPGA Board


Clock (CLK)
Right-most button (A)


SW7, SW6
Left-most 2 switches (B)


SW3, SW2, SW1, SW0
Right-most 4 switches (C)


Left-most LED (D)


The LED next to LED7 (E)


LD3, LD2, LD1, LD0
Right-most 4 LEDs (F)


7-segment display
Right-most 7-segment display (G)


7-segment display
Second right-most 7-segment display (H)


7-segment display
Left-most 7-segment display (I)


7-segment display
Second right-most 7-segment display (J)


Table 8: Button descriptions









Figure 2: Board with the button informations.

This part is supposed to be done with your group partner. Make sure both of you take roles in implementation of the project. Any kind of inter-group cheating is not allowed.

Use the newsgroup metu.ceng.course.232 for any questions regarding the homework.
















CENG-Logic Design Lab 5-Solution
$30.00 $24.00