Chocopy Code Generation

$75.00 $69.00

The three programming assignments in this course will direct you to develop a compiler for ChocoPy, a statically typed dialect of Python. The assignments will cover (1) lexing and pars-ing of ChocoPy into an abstract syntax tree (AST), (2) semantic analysis of the AST, and (3) code generation. For this assignment, you are to implement…

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The three programming assignments in this course will direct you to develop a compiler for ChocoPy, a statically typed dialect of Python. The assignments will cover (1) lexing and pars-ing of ChocoPy into an abstract syntax tree (AST), (2) semantic analysis of the AST, and (3) code generation.

For this assignment, you are to implement a RISC-V code generator for ChocoPy. This phase of the compiler takes as input the type-annotated AST of a semantically valid and well-typed ChocoPy program, and produces as output RISC-V assembly code. Section 6 describes the version of RISC-V that we will be using, as well as the execution environment used for grading.

This assignment is also accompanied by the ChocoPy RISC-V implementation guide, which is a document that describes in detail the design decisions taken by the reference compiler. Unlike previous assignments, the starter code provided for this assignment is quite extensive. We encourage you to make full use of this code, since it will save you about half the development e ort of building a code generator. Reading the accompanying implementation guide is essential to understanding the provided starter code. This assignment can get a bit tedious, so start early. However, implementing a code generator can be a very rewarding task, since you will ( nally) be able to execute ChocoPy programs and observe their behavior.

  • Getting started

We are going to use the Github Classroom platform for managing programming assignments and submissions.

Visit for the assignment. You will need a GitHub account to join.

It seems that Github classroom is not terribly exible when it comes to changing teams. There-fore, for this assignment, you’ll form new ones, as for PA1. The rst team member accepting the assignment should create a new team with some reasonable team name. Team names should start with a capital letter and contain only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores (no blanks). The second team member can then nd the team in the list of open teams and join it when ac-cepting the assignment. A private GitHub repository will be created for your team. It should be of the form<team> where <team> is the name of your team.

Ensure you have Git, Apache Maven and JDK 8+ installed. See Section 3 for more information regarding software.

If your team name is <team>, then clone the git repository:


It will contain all the les required for the assignment. Your repository must remain private; otherwise, you will get 0 points in this assignment.

Add the upstream repository in order to receive future updates to this repository. This must be done only once per local clone of your repository. Run

git remote add upstream \

Run mvn clean package. This will compile the starter code, which analyzes all declarations in a ChocoPy and emits everything that is needed in the data segment, as well as a skeleton text segment for the top-level statements. Your goal is to emit code for top-level statements as well as for every function/method de ned in the ChocoPy program.

Run the following command to test your analysis against sample inputs and expected outputs| only one test will pass with the starter code:

java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy –pass=..s \ –run –dir src/test/data/pa3/sample –test

Windows users should replace the colon between the JAR names in the classpath with a semicolon: java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar;target/assignment.jar” …. This applies to all java commands listed in this document.

  • Software dependencies

The software required for this assignment is as follows:

Git, version 2.5 or newer:

Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8 or newer: java/javase/downloads/index.html

Apache Maven, version 3.3.9 or newer:

(optional) An IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA (free community editor or ultimate edition for students):

(optional) Python, version 3.6 or newer, for running ChocoPy programs in a Python interpreter:

If you are using Linux or MacOS, we recommend using a package manager such as apt or homebrew. Otherwise, you can simply download and install the software from the websites listed above. We also recommend using an IDE to develop and debug your code. In IntelliJ, you should be able to import the repository as a Maven project.


  • External Documentation

RISC-V speci cation:

Venus wiki: We are using a modi ed version of Venus for this course. Section 6 describes our simulator and its di erences from the original.

  • Files and directories

The assignment repository contains a number of les that provide a skeleton for the project. Some of these les should not be modi ed, as they are essential for the assignment to compile correctly. Other les must be modi ed in order to complete the assignment. You may also have to create some new les in this directory structure. The list below summarizes each le or directory in the provided skeleton.

pom.xml: The Apache Maven build con guration. You do not need to modify this as it is set up to compile the entire pipeline. We will overwrite this le with the original pom.xml while autograding.

src/: The src directory contains manually editable source les, some of which you must modify for this assignment. Classes in the chocopy.common package may not be modi ed, because they are common to your assignment and the reference implementation / test framework. However, you are free to duplicate/extend these classes in the chocopy.pa3 package or elsewhere. Section 8 describes in detail how the provided starter code is meant to be extended without requiring any duplication.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/pa3/ This class is the entry point to the code generation phase of your compiler. It contains a single method: public static String process(String input, boolean debug). The rst argument to this method will be the typed AST produced by the semantic analyis stage in JSON format, and the return value should be the RISC-V assembly program. The second argument to this method is true if the –debug ag is provided on the command line when invoking the compiler.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/pa3/ This class contains a skeleton imple-mentation of the abstract class chocopy.common.CodeGenBase. You will have to modify this le to emit assembly code for top-level statements and function bodies. Section 8 describes these classes in detail.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/astnodes/*.java: This package contains one class for every AST-node kind that appears in the input JSON. These are the same classes that were provided in previous assignments.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/analysis/ An interface contain-ing method overloads for every node class in the AST hierarchy. This is the same class that was provided in the previous assignment.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/analysis/ A dummy implementation of the NodeAnlyzer interface. This is the same class that was provided in the previous assignment.


{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/analysis/ This class contains a sample implementation of a symbol table, which is a essentially a map from strings to values of a generic type T. This is the same class that was provided in the previous assign-ment.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/analysis/types/*.java: This package contains a hier-archy of classes for representing types in the typed AST. These are the same classes that were provided in the previous assignment.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/codegen/*.java: These classes contain all the support classes for the extensive starter code provided to you. Section 8 describes these classes in detail, including how you can extend some of them.

{ src/main/java/chocopy/common/codegen/asm/*.s: These classes contain assembly-language implementations of built-in functions, which CodeGenBase copies into the out-put program. You can use the same technique for adding additional runtime support routines (for things such as string concatenation). Just put such routines in a directory src/main/java/chocopy/pa3/codegen/asm and look to see how CodeGenBase uses the emitStdFunc routines.

{ src/test/data/pa3: This directory contains ChocoPy programs for testing your code generator.

/sample/*.py – Sample test programs covering a variety of semantics that you will need to implement in this assignment. Each sample program is designed to test a small number of language features.

/sample/*.py.out.typed – Typed ASTs corresponding to the test programs. These will be the inputs to your code generator.

/sample/*.py.out.typed.s.result – The results of executing the test programs. The assembly programs generated by your compiler should produce exactly these results when executed in order for the corresponding tests to pass.

/benchmarks/*.py – Non-trivial benchmark programs, meant to test the overall work-ing of your compiler. The testing for these programs will be done in the same manner as done for the tests in the sample directory, but these tests will have higher weight during grading.

/benchmarks/*.py.out.typed – Typed ASTs corresponding to the benchmark test programs. These will be the inputs to your code generator.

/benchmarks/*.py.out.typed.s.result – The results of executing the benchmark programs.

target/: The target directory will be created and populated after running mvn clean package. It contains automatically generated les that you should not modify by hand. This directory will be deleted before your submission.

chocopy-ref.jar: A reference implementation of the ChocoPy compiler, provided by the in-structors. You will have to modify this le with a writeup.

checkpoint tests.txt: List of tests used for grading at the checkpoint (ref. Section 9). This list is same as Appendix A of this document.


  • Execution Environment

The target architecture for this code generation assignment is RV32IM, which is the 32-bit version of RISC-V that supports basic integer arithmetic plus the multiplication (and division) extensions.

In order to execute RISC-V code in a platform-independent manner, we will be using a version of the Venus simulator, which was originally developed by Keyhan Vakil. Venus dictates the execution environment, which includes the initial values of registers, the addresses of the various memory segments, and the set of supported system calls. Section 4 points to some documentation for Venus.

6.1 Venus 164

To support the goals of this project, our version of Venus has been modi ed|we refer to this variant as Venus 164. The modi cations mainly try to make the assembly language conform to the one supported by the o cial GNU-based RISC-V toolchain.

.word directive: We have added support for emitting addresses in the data segment using the syntax .word <label>. Originally, Venus only allowed emitting integer literals.

.align directive: We have added limited support for specifying byte alignment in the data segment. The supported syntax is .align <n>, which inserts zero-valued bytes as padding such that the next available address is a multiple of 2n. Originally, Venus did not support alignment.

.string directive: We have added support for emitting ASCII strings using the syntax .string <string in quotes>. Originally, Venus supported a directive called .asciiz for emitting strings; this still works, but it is not supported by the GNU toolchain. We like to use the standardized version instead.

.space directive: .space <n> inserts n 0-bytes into the data segment.

.equiv directive: .equiv <sym>, <value> de nes the label <sym> to have the value <value>. Here, <value> may be a numeral or another symbol (possibly de ned by .equiv). As for ordinary labels, the directive may appear after uses of <sym>, allowing you to include a value in an assembler instruction before guring out precisely what that value will be.

The original Venus supports some extra non-standard pseudo-instructions (such as seq and sgt). We enforce strict mode in Venus 164: the pseudo-instructions we support include only the ones listed on page 110 of the RISC-V speci cations, version 2.2 (ref. Section 4).

The simulator is distributed both as a JAR in our instructional maven repo (for use with the auto-grader) and in web form to enable interactive debugging. The web version of Venus 164 is hosted at the following URL:

You can enter RISC-V assembly code in the editor and then switch to the simulator tab to run the program. You can add break-points and step through instructions one at a time to observe changes to the registers and to the memory. The CS164 sta cannot provide support on using the web UI.


  • Assignment goals

The objective of this assignment is to build a code generator for ChocoPy, which takes as input a typed AST corresponding to a ChocoPy program in JSON format, and produces as output a RISC-V assembly program that can execute in the Venus 164 execution environment.

7.1 Running the compiler

7.1.1 Four-step process

The process of executing a ChocoPy program consists of four basic steps:

  1. java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=r <chocopy_input_file> –out <ast_json_file>

  1. java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=.r <ast_json_file> –out <typed_ast_json_file>

  1. java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=..s <typed_ast_json_file> –out <assembly_file>

  1. java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –run <assembly_file>

where <chocopy


file> is

a ChocoPy program








file> is the parsed

AST in JSON format






<typed ast json file> is the type-annotated AST in JSON format (usually with a .out.typed extension) and <assembly file> is the compiled RISC-V assembly program (usually with a

.out.typed.s extension).

7.1.2 Reference implementation

To observe the assembly program produced by the reference implementation, replace step 3 above with the following command:

java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=..r <typed_ast_json_file> –out <assembly_file>

7.1.3 Shortcuts: chained commands

To simplify development, you can also club the above commands into a single command that pipes the output of the each phase to the input of the next phase. The combined command to produce an assembly le from an input ChocoPy program (which is equivalent to running steps 1{3) is as follows:

java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=rrs <chocopy_input_file> –out <assembly_file>


You can also add –run at the end of this chain to actually execute an input ChocoPy program in one step.

java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=rrs –run <chocopy_input_file>

Finally, the command

java -cp “chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar” chocopy.ChocoPy \ –pass=rrr –run <chocopy_input_file>

will run the combined command with the reference implementation.

In any command, you can omit the –out <file> argument to have the result be printed to standard output instead of a le.

7.2 Input/output speci cation

The interface to your code generation assignment will be the static method StudentCodeGen.process(). The input to this method is a typed AST in JSON format, corresponding to a semantically valid and well-typed ChocoPy program. The typed AST will be in the same format that was used as the output format for the previous assignment. The eld inferredType will be non-null for every expression in the AST that evaluates to a value. The output is expected to be a RISC-V assembly program, which is executed in the Venus 164 environment. The assembly program that your compiler generates need not match the program generated by the reference compiler.

7.3 Memory Management

In this assignment, all compiled ChocoPy programs will have 32MB of memory to work with. The register gp will point to the beginning of the heap before the rst top-level statement is executed. Garbage collection (GC) has not yet been implemented in the reference implementation; therefore, newly allocated objects block space for the entire remaining duration of the program. You are not expected to implement GC in this assignment, though the heap and object layouts have been designed in such a way that GC can be easily integrated. The tests used by the auto-grader require far less than 32MB of memory to execute.

7.4 Validation

Testing is performed by executing the generated RISC-V program in Venus 164 and comparing the contents of the output stream with that produced by the reference-implementation-generated program. The program is expected to behave as per the operational semantics de ned in the ChocoPy language manual: chocopy language reference.pdf. The output should contain a sequence of lines, where the ith line corresponds to the string representation of the str, int, or bool object provided as argument to the ith dynamic invocation of the prede ned print function.


7.5 Error handling

In case of run-time errors, your program is expected to print an appropriate error message and exit with an appropriate exit code. The error messages and exit codes used by the reference implementation are described in chocopy implementation guide.pdf. Fortunately, you do not have to hand-code the error messages or corresponding exit codes. The errors corresponding to invalid arguments to prede ned functions and out-of-memory are generated by the code that has already been provided to you. For errors corresponding to operations on None, division by zero, and index out-of-bounds, we have provided you built-in routines that are emitted in the method CodeGenImpl.emitCustomCode(). Your generated programs can simply jump to one of these labels when the appropriate condition is met and the error message will be printed for you before aborting the program with an appropriate exit code. You do need to jump to these error handlers exactly when the appropriate condition is met. A run-time error is raised when one of the pre-conditions in the operational semantics fails to be true. For example, in the operational rule [dispatch], if the object on which a method is dispatched turns out to be the value None, then the second line fails to be true; therefore, the run-time error is reported after evaluating the object expression but before evaluating any of the arguments of the method call. These rules have been designed to conform to the error-reporting logic used by Python.

You will not be tested on program executions that lead to arithmetic integer over ow or out-of-memory. You will also not be tested on programs that use the prede ned function input, which has not currently been implemented by the reference compiler.


Before submitting your completed assignment, you must edit the and provide the following information: (1) names of the team members who completed the assignment, (2) acknowl-edgements for any collaboration or outside help received, and (3) how many late hours have been consumed (refer to the course website for grading policy).

  • Implementation Notes

In this assignment, you are provided a signi cant amount of skeleton code. You are not strictly required to use this code; however, we strongly recommend that you do, since it performs about half of the work required to implement a code generator for ChocoPy. This section describes the design of the skeleton code. The code itself is also heavily documented using Javadoc-style comments.

Although the entry point for this assignment is the static StudentCodeGen.process() method, this method does little more than handle input/output. Most of the heavy lifting is done within the CodeGenImpl class in the chocopy.pa3 package, which itself is a sub-class of CodeGenBase from the chocopy.common package. The CodeGenImpl class contains skeletons for emitting RISC-V code corresponding to top level statements and function bodies. You are expected to edit this skeleton and emit code corresponding to all types of program statements and expressions. In doing so, you will most likely want to use inherited elds and methods from the base class, CodeGenBase, which you cannot modify (but can override if needed).

8.1 Code generation base

The following tasks have already been performed by CodeGenBase:


  1. Analysis of the entire program to create descriptors for classes, functions/methods, variables, and attributes. These descriptors, whose class names end with Info, are placed in appropriate symbol tables. The symbol tables and Info objects are described in Section 8.2. The globalSymbols eld in CodeGenBase references the global symbol table. Every FuncInfo object references its corresponding function’s symbol table, which takes into account local de nitions, implicitly inherited names, as well as explicit nonlocal/global declarations. You likely do not need to modify the symbol tables in this assignment.

  1. Code generation for prototypes of every class (refer to chocopy implementation guide.pdf to understand what prototype means). The ClassInfo objects contain labels pointing to their corresponding prototypes in memory.

  1. Code generation for method dispatch tables for every class. The ClassInfo objects contain labels pointing to their corresponding dispatch tables in memory.

  1. Code generation for global variables. For every global variable in the program, there exists exactly one GlobalVarInfo object in the global symbol table (these may be inherited by a function’s symbol table). A GlobalVarInfo object contains a label pointing to the global variable allocated in memory. Global variables are emitted in the data segment using their initially de ned values from the ChocoPy program.

  1. Management of and code generation for constants. The constants eld in CodeGenBase refer-ences a manager for constant integers, booleans, and strings encountered in the program. The method constants.getIntConstant(int x) method returns a label that points to a globally-allocated ChocoPy int object having the same value as the Java integer x. Similar methods are available for booleans and strings. The constants’ manager performs caching, so that ev-ery distinct constant label references a unique constant. Once code is emitted for all program statements, the CodeGenBase emits all encountered constants to the global data segment.

  1. Code generation for prede ned functions and built-in routines. The CodeGenBase class emits bodies of prede ned functions such as len, print, and object. init , as well as built-in routines such as abort and alloc. Although you do not need to modify this logic, you may want to read through the code that emits these functions/routines in order to get some inspiration for how to emit code in your own CodeGenImpl for user-de ned functions.

  1. Initialization of the heap and clean exit. The CodeGenBase class emits some start-up code that should execute before the rst top-level statement is executed. The start-up code includes logic for initializing the heap and setting the initial value of fp. The CodeGenBase class also emits some tear-down code that should execute after the last top-level statement has been executed. The tear-down code performs a successful exit from the execution environment. The code that you will emit in the method CodeGenImpl.emitTopLevel() will be placed in-between the start-up and tear-down logic.

To summarize, the CodeGenBase takes care of populating symbol tables, emitting everything that needs to be emitted to the global data segment, as well as emitting boilerplate code to the text segment. Your task in this assignment is to leverage the symbol tables and other available utilities to emit code in the text segment by lling in the CodeGenImpl.

Although you probably do not need to do so, it is possible to override virtually every single task that CodeGenBase performs, since all of its elds and methods are de ned with protected or public access.


8.2 Symbol table

A symbol table maps identi ers to their corresponding symbol descriptors. This mapping changes depending on the current scope. The starter code creates the following types of symbol descriptors in its analysis (you likely do not need to add to this hierarchy):

FuncInfo: A descriptor for functions and methods. A function has an associated depth: global functions and methods have a depth of 0, whereas nested functions that are de ned within a function of depth d have a depth of d + 1. A FuncInfo object contains the function’s depth, its symbol table, its parameter list (a list of names), its local variables (a list of StackVarInfo objects), a label corresponding to its entry point, and a reference to the FuncInfo of its enclosing function (if applicable). The FuncInfo class also contains a utility method, getVarIndex(), to retrieve the index of a parameter or local variable in order of de nition.

ClassInfo: A descriptor for classes. A ClassInfo object corresponding to a class contains its type tag, its attributes (a list of AttrInfo objects), its methods (a list of FuncInfo objects), a label corresponding to its prototype and a label corresponding to its dispatch table. This class also contains utility methods to get the index of an attribute or method in order of their original de nitions.

GlobalVarInfo: A descriptor for a global variable. A GlobalVarInfo object simply contains the label of its corresponding global variable.

AttrVarInfo: A descriptor for class attributes. A AttrVarInfo object contains the initial value of its corresponding attribute, represented as a label that points to a constant allocated in the data segment; the label may be null in case of an initial value of None.

StackVarInfo: A descriptor for variables allocated on the stack, such as parameters and local variables. A StackVarInfo object contains the initial value of its corresponding variable, rep-resented as a label that points to a constant allocated in the data segment; the label may be null in case of an initial value of None. A StackVarInfo object also references the FuncInfo object corresponding to the function which de nes the stack variable; this pointer is useful for determining the static depth of a stack-allocated variable, which may be necessary when emitting code for accessing non-local variables.

8.3 RISC-V backend

The class RiscVBackend contains a large number of methods for emitting RISC-V assembly instruc-tions to an output stream. The eld backend de ned within CodeGenBase references the backend whose output stream will be returned by the static method StudentCodeGen.process() as the as-sembly program produced by your ChocoPy compiler. The methods within RiscVBackend usually take the form of emitXYZ, where XYZ is a RISC-V instruction in uppercase. These methods are strongly typed: the arguments to these methods are expected to be objects of type Register (an enum de ned within RiscVBackend), type Label (for addresses), or type Integer (for immediates). Each such method also expects a comment string as the last argument. For example, to generate the RISC-V instruction lw a0, 4(fp), you might execute the following Java code in CodeGenImpl:

backend.emitLW(A0, FP, 4, “Load something”);


Similarly, to invoke a function whose descriptor is available in a variable say funcInfo, you might execute the following Java code in CodeGenImpl:

backend.emitJAL(funcInfo.getCodeLabel(), “Invoke function”);

8.4 Labels

The class Label is heavily used throughout the provided code framework to represent labels in the generated assembly. A Label object simply encapsulates the name of a label as a string. Several instruction-emitting methods of the RiscVBackend expect a Label as an argument.

Labels can be created in two ways: either by directly instantiating a new Label object with a speci c string provided as an argument to its constructor, or by invoking the utility method generateLocalLabel() de ned in CodeGenBase. The utility method generates a fresh label named label <n>, where <n> is a unique integer. This method is quite useful when generat-ing labels for use in local control structures such as conditional branches or loops. The method RiscVBackend.emitLocalLabel(Label) is typically used to emit such a label to assembly. By convention, the code generated for a given function should not contain jumps to a local label in a di erent function. On the other hand, the method RiscVBackend.emitGlobalLabel(Label) is used to emit labels which are meant to be referenced across function boundaries; this method also creates a global symbol for the emitted label using the .globl assembly directive. Global labels are used for function entry, global variables, constants, object prototypes, dispatch tables, and built-in routines. Almost all of the global labels that you will need to refer to have already been created by CodeGenBase.

You should only jump to global labels using unconditional jumps such as jr or jal. If you want to conditionally branch to a global label (e.g. with beqz), then rst conditionally branch to a local label, and then jump from there to the target global label. This is because in RISC-V, conditional branch instructions require some bits to encode the registers to test; therefore, the jump target cannot be very far (the o set has to t within 12 bits). Unconditional jump instructions can jump to targets that are further away.

8.5 Anticipated FAQ

This section answers some common questions that we anticipate may arise when working with the skeleton code.

Where can I nd the label corresponding to entity X? Labels for built-in routines are present in elds of CodeGenBase. For example, the eld allocLabel points to the label for the built-in routine alloc. Labels for class prototypes and dispatch tables are contained in the corresponding ClassInfo objects. Labels for function entry are contained in the corresponding FuncInfo objects. Labels for global variables are contained in the corresponding GlobalInfo objects.

How do I get a ClassInfo/FuncInfo object corresponding to X? The CodeGenBase has elds that reference ClassInfo objects corresponding to prede ned classes. For example, the eld objectClass references the class descriptor for class object, the eld intClass references the descriptor for int, and so on. Similar elds are present for prede ned functions, such as printFunc and lenFunc. In general, you can query the current symbol table to retrieve the descriptor for a class or a function that is currently in scope. One exception is the ClassInfo object for lists.


The eld listClass in CodeGenBase references a pseudo-class descriptor for lists, which is useful for getting a label that points to the prototype empty list object. There is no real list class in ChocoPy, and therefore there is no entry in any symbol table that references this descriptor.

How do I emit instruction XYZ? There isn’t an emitXYZ() de ned in RiscVBackend. There are two ways to handle this. First, you could call the emitInsn() method, which emits a raw instruction given as a string. This allows you to emit virtually any line of code to assembly, but it is not strongly typed. Alternatively, you can create a custom strongly typed emitXYZ method for an instruction XYZ by sub-classing RiscVBackend in the chocopy.pa3 package. Add the required method in the sub-class and then use an instance of this custom sub-class in StudentCodeGen instead.

How do I add functionality to one of the Info classes (e.g. FuncInfo)? If you feel the need to modify any of the Info classes, simply create sub-classes in the chocopy.pa3 package. Let’s say you create a subclass MyFuncInfo extends FuncInfo with some custom methods. Now, override the factory method makeFuncInfo, which is originally de ned in CodeGenBase, in your CodeGenImpl class. In this factory method, you can create instances of MyFuncInfo instead and the symbol table will now contain instances of this sub-class throughout the program. There is one factory method corresponding to every type of Info class whose instances are inserted into the symbol table. That said, you probably do not need to do this at all.

8.6 Recommendations

This assignment can get quite tricky if you are not comfortable with assembly code. We strongly recommend that you emit useful comments with your assembly code, so that you know what your code is doing when you have to debug it. The Venus Web UI can be a useful tool for interactive debugging.

You may also want to decide on a strategy in terms of which language features to implement rst, and in what order to proceed from there on. We recommend trying to tackle code genera-tion for function calls from the get go: this will enable you to actually invoke print and observe output. Other easy features to implement include global variables, function prologues and epi-logues, local variables, and basic arithmetic. Code generation for if-else and while loops is also straightforward. Of medium di culty would probably be code generation for object attribute ac-cess, method dispatch, nested functions (including nonlocal variable access), list instantiation and list-element access. The hardest features to implement would likely be string/list concatenation and for loops|make sure to allocate su cient time to tackle these once you are comfortable with the basics.

  • Checkpoint

Part way through the assignment, on 29 April 2019, we will have a checkpoint to evaluate your progress. At that time, we want your code generation to work correctly on a small set of ChocoPy language features. In particular, we want your code to work on programs with only functions, variable access (global + local + nonlocal), integer and boolean operations, and simple control-structures: if-else and while. For the checkpoint, you are not required to have implemented


object instantiation, attribute access, method dispatch, or operations on lists and strings. Ap-pendix A lists the tests which you are expected to pass by the checkpoint. The same tests will also be included as part of the nal submission, where you are expected to generate code for the full ChocoPy language. The checkpoint accounts for a substantial part of your overall grade for this assignment, so do not take it lightly. Section 10.1 describes how to submit your checkpoint. Section 11.1 describes the grading rubric. For the checkpoint, you do not need to create custom tests in the student contributed directory and do not need to write anything in the README apart from your names. There are no slip hours available for the checkpoint.

10 Submission

10.1 Checkpoint

Submitting your checkpoint requires the following steps:

Run mvn clean to rid your directory of any unnecessary les.

Add and commit all your progress and push changes to the repository. Run git commit followed by git push origin to achieve this.

Tag the desired commit with pa3checkpoint. If the desired commit is the latest one, run git tag pa3checkpoint. Otherwise, run git tag pa3checkpoint <commit-id> where <commit-id> is the commit you want to tag as your nal submission.

Push the tag using git push origin pa3checkpoint.

10.2 Final submission

Submitting your nal assignment requires the following steps:

Run mvn clean to rid your directory of any unnecessary les.

Add and commit all your progress and push changes to the repository. Run git commit followed by git push origin to achieve this.

Tag the desired commit with pa3final. If the desired commit is the latest one, run git tag pa3final. Otherwise, run git tag pa3final <commit-id> where <commit-id> is the commit you want to tag as your nal submission.

Push the tag using git push origin pa3final.

11 Grading

The project as a whole is worth 25 points. Of these, 5 points will come from the checkpoint and 20 from the nal submission.


11.1 Checkpoint

We count the number of successful simple tests from the lesrc/test/pa3/data/samples and bench-marks from the src/test/pa3/data/benchmarks directory, which exercise only the features re-quired for checkpoints. Each benchmark program tests a combination of a subset of ChocoPy fea-tures to perform a non-trivial task. No hidden tests will be used for the checkpoint. Appendix A lists the tests that we will run.

11.2 Final submission

We count the number of successful sample, benchmark, and hidden tests, including the original checkpoint tests. The maximum score is 15 points.

2 points for test src/test/data/pa3/student contributed/, which should cover a range of ChocoPy features such as arithmetic, objects, lists, and string operations. Only exercise the semantics that your implementation handles!

3 points code cleanliness and structure. These include Clear naming for variables and other symbols, consistent spacing and punctuation conventions, reasonable modularization of functions and other components, code comments explaining non-obvious logic.

11.3 Extra credit: Bug reports

The reference implementation possibly contains some bugs. If you nd a bug, report it by making a post on Piazza with a sample input program and describe how the expected output should di er. The rst student/team to report a bug gets extra credit (5 points per unique bug with a maximum of 20 extra credits per team).

Bugs in the reference implementation are de ned as (1) unexpected exceptions being reported or (2) violations of the speci cations of the assignment or the speci cations of the ChocoPy manual, which would lead to incorrect results. Minor mistakes in the ChocoPy manual or this document itself are not considered bugs in the reference implementation, though we would appreciate any such feedback.

The decision on whether to accept a bug report as valid and distinct from previous bug reports is at the discretion of the instructors.

  • Checkpoint Tests

At the checkpoint, your code generator will be evaluated on the following 23 tests in src/test/data/pa3:

sample/ sample/ sample/ sample/ sample/ sample/ sample/ sample/










sample/ sample/

sample/ benchmarks/

sample/ benchmarks/


Chocopy Code Generation
$75.00 $69.00