CM-Problem Set 3: SVM and Kernels-Solution

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1 Kernels [8 pts] For any two documents x and z, de ne k(x; z) to equal the number of unique words that occur in both x and z (i.e., the size of the intersection of the sets of words in the two documents). Is this function a kernel? Give justi cation for your answer.…

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1 Kernels [8 pts]

  1. For any two documents x and z, de ne k(x; z) to equal the number of unique words that occur in both x and z (i.e., the size of the intersection of the sets of words in the two documents). Is this function a kernel? Give justi cation for your answer.

  1. One way to construct kernels is to build them from simpler ones. We have seen various \construction rules”, including the following: Assuming k1(x; z) and k2(x; z) are kernels, then so are

(scaling) f(x)k1(x; z)f(z) for any function f(x) 2 R (sum) k(x; z) = k1(x; z) + k2(x; z)

(product) k(x; z) = k1(x; z)k2(x; z)

Using the above rules and the fact that k(x; z) = x z is (clearly) a kernel, show that the following is also a kernel:

1 +






(c) Given vectors x and z in R2, de ne the kernel k (x; z) = (1 + x z)3 for any value > 0. Find the corresponding feature map ( )1. What are the similarities/di erences from the kernel k(x; z) = (1 + x z)3, and what role does the parameter play?

  • SVM [8 pts]

Suppose we are looking for a maximum-margin linear classi er through the origin, i.e. b = 0 (also hard margin, i.e., no slack variables). In other words, we minimize 12 jj jj2 subject to yn T xn 1; n = 1; : : : ; N.

Parts of this assignment are adapted from course material by Tommi Jaakola (MIT), and Andrew Ng (Stanford), and Jenna Wiens (UMich).

1You may use any external program to expand the cubic.


(a) Given a single training vector x = (a; e)T with label y = 1, what is the that satis es the above constrained minimization?

  1. Suppose we have two training examples, x1 = (1; 1)T and x2 = (1; 0)T with labels y1 = 1 and y2 = 1. What is in this case, and what is the margin ?

  1. Suppose we now allow the o set parameter b to be non-zero. How would the classi er and the margin change in the previous question? What are ( ; b ) and ? Compare your solutions with and without o set.

  • Twitter analysis using SVMs [26 pts]

In this project, you will be working with Twitter data. Speci cally, we have supplied you with a number of tweets that are reviews/reactions to movies2,

e.g., \@nickjfrost just saw The Boat That Rocked/Pirate Radio and I thought it was brilliant! You and the rest of the cast were fantastic! < 3″.

You will learn to automatically classify such tweets as either positive or negative reviews. To do this, you will employ Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a popular choice for a large number of classi cation problems.

Download the code and data sets. It contains the following data les:

tweets.txt contains 630 tweets about movies. Each line in the le contains exactly one tweet, so there are 630 lines in total.

labels.txt contains the corresponding labels. If a tweet praises or recommends a movie, it is classi ed as a positive review and labeled +1; otherwise it is classi ed as a negative review

and labeled 1. These labels are ordered, i.e. the label for the ith tweet in tweets.txt corresponds to the ith number in labels.txt.

held_out_tweets.txt contains 70 tweets for which we have withheld the labels. Skim through the tweets to get a sense of the data.

The python le contains skeleton code for the project. Skim through the code to understand its structure.

3.1 Feature Extraction [2 pts]

We will use a bag-of-words model to convert each tweet into a feature vector. A bag-of-words model treats a text le as a collection of words, disregarding word order. The rst step in building a bag-of-words model involves building a \dictionary”. A dictionary contains all of the unique words in the text le. For this project, we will be including punctuations in the dictionary too. For example, a text le containing \John likes movies. Mary likes movies2!!” will have a dic-tionary {’John’:0, ’Mary’:1, ’likes’:2, ’movies’:3, ’movies2’:4, ’.’:5, ’!’:6}. Note that the (key,value) pairs are (word, index), where the index keeps track of the number of unique words (size of the dictionary).

  • Please note that these data were selected at random and thus the content of these tweets do not re ect the views of the course sta . 🙂


Given a dictionary containing d unique words, we can transform the n variable-length tweets into n feature vectors of length d by setting the ith element of the jth feature vector to 1 if the ith dictionary word is in the jth tweet, and 0 otherwise.

  1. We have implemented extract_words(…) that processes an input string to return a list of unique words. This method takes a simplistic approach to the problem, treating any string of characters (that does not include a space) as a \word” and also extracting and including all unique punctuations.

Implement extract_dictionary(…) that uses extract_words(…) to read all unique words contained in a le into a dictionary (as in the example above). Process the tweets in the order they appear in the le to create this dictionary of d unique words/punctuations.

  1. Next, implement extract_feature_vectors(…) that produces the bag-of-words represen-tation of a le based on the extracted dictionary. That is, for each tweet i, construct a feature vector of length d, where the jth entry in the feature vector is 1 if the jth word in the dictionary is present in tweet i, or 0 otherwise. For n tweets, save the feature vectors in a feature matrix, where the rows correspond to tweets (examples) and the columns correspond to words (features). Maintain the order of the tweets as they appear in the le.

  1. In main(…), we have provided code to read the tweets and labels into a (630; d) feature matrix and (630; ) label array. Split the feature matrix and corresponding labels into your training and test sets. The rst 560 tweets will be used for training and the last 70 tweets will be used for testing. **All subsequent operations will be performed on these data.**

3.2 Hyperparameter Selection for a Linear-Kernel SVM [10 pts]

Next, we will learn a classi er to separate the training data into positive and negative tweets. For the classi er, we will use SVMs with two di erent kernels: linear and radial basis function (RBF). We will use the sklearn.svm.SVC class and explicitly set only three of the initialization parameters: kernel, gamma, and C. As usual, we will use,y) to train our SVM, but in lieu of using SVC.predict(X) to make predictions, we will use SVC.decision_function(X), which returns the (signed) distance of the samples to the separating hyperplane.

SVMs have hyperparameters that must be set by the user. For both linear and RBF-kernel SVMs, we will select the hyperparameters using 5-fold cross-validation (CV). Using 5-fold CV, we will select the hyperparameters that lead to the ‘best’ mean performance across all 5 folds.

  1. The result of a hyperparameter selection often depends upon the choice of performance mea-sure. Here, we will consider the following performance measures: accuracy, F1-Score, AUROC, precision, sensitivity, and speci city.

Implement performance(…). All measures, except sensitivity and speci city, are imple-mented in sklearn.metrics library. You can use sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(…) to calculate the other two.

  1. Next, implement cv_performance(…) to return the mean k-fold CV performance for the performance metric passed into the function. Here, you will make use of,y) and SVC.decision_function(X), as well as your performance(…) function.


You may have noticed that the proportion of the two classes (positive and negative) are not equal in the training data. When dividing the data into folds for CV, you should try to keep the class proportions roughly the same across folds. In your write-up, brie y describe why it might be bene cial to maintain class proportions across folds. Then, in main(…), use sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold(…) to split the data for 5-fold CV, making sure to stratify using only the training labels.

  1. Now, implement select_param_linear(…) to choose a setting for C for a linear SVM based on the training data and the speci ed metric. Your function should call cv_performance(…), passing in instances of SVC(kernel=’linear’, C=c) with di erent values for C, e.g., C = 10 3;10 2;:::;102.

  1. Finally, using the training data from Section 3.1 and the functions implemented here, nd the best setting for C for each performance measure mentioned above. Report your ndings in tabular format (up to the fourth decimal place):


accuracy F1-score AUROC precision sensitivity speci city

  1. 3

  1. 2

  1. 1




best C

Your select_param_linear(…) function returns the ‘best’ C given a range of values. How does the 5-fold CV performance vary with C and the performance metric?

3.3 Hyperparameter Selection for an RBF-kernel SVM [8 pts]

Similar to the hyperparameter selection for a linear-kernel SVM, you will perform hyperparameter selection for an RBF-kernel SVM.

  1. Describe the role of the additional hyperparameter for an RBF-kernel SVM. How does a ect generalization error?

  1. Implement select_param_rbf(…) to choose a setting for C and via a grid search. Your function should call cv_performance(…), passing in instances of SVC(kernel=’rbf’, C=c, gamma=gamma) with di erent values for C and gamma. Explain what kind of grid you used and why.

  1. Finally, using the training data from Section 3.1 and the function implemented here, nd the best setting for C and for each performance measure mentioned above. Report your ndings in tabular format. This time, because we have a two-dimensional grid search, report only the best score for each metric, along with the accompanying C and setting.



score C






speci city

How does the CV performance vary with the hyperparameters of the RBF-kernel SVM?

3.4 Test Set Performance [6 pts]

In this section, you will apply the two classi ers learned in the previous sections to the test data from Section 3.1. Once you have predicted labels for the test data, you will measure performance.

  1. Based on the results you obtained in Section 3.2 and Section 3.3, choose a hyperparameter setting for the linear-kernel SVM and a hyperparameter setting for the RBF-kernel SVM. Explain your choice.

Then, in main(…), using the training data extracted in Section 3.1 and…), train a linear- and an RBF-kernel SVM with your chosen settings.

  1. Implement performance_test(…) which returns the value of a performance measure, given the test data and a trained classi er.

  1. For each performance metric, use performance_test(…) and the two trained linear- and RBF-kernel SVM classi ers to measure performance on the test data. Report the results. Be sure to include the name of the performance metric employed, and the performance on the test data. How do the test performance of your two classi ers compare?


CM-Problem Set 3: SVM and Kernels-Solution
$30.00 $24.00