Comp-Arch: HW4 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Notes: You may discuss the problems with your peers but the submitted work must be your own work. No late assignment will be accepted. Submit a SOFT copy of your assignment to the blackboard *AND* submit a HARD copy of it to the COMP 303 mailboxes or bring it to the FINAL EXAM. This assignment…

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Notes: You may discuss the problems with your peers but the submitted work must be your own work. No late assignment will be accepted. Submit a SOFT copy of your assignment to the blackboard *AND* submit a HARD copy of it to the COMP 303 mailboxes or bring it to the FINAL EXAM. This assignment is worth 4% of your total grade.

Problem 1

(10 pts) Assume a multiprocessor environment that implements a sequentially consistent memory model. We have two processors P 1 and P 2.





a1: st 0x1, (0x1000)

b1: st 0x3, (0x1000)


a2: ld $r1, (0x1000)

b2: ld $r2, (0x1000)


a3: st



b3: st




a4: ld



b4: ld



Assume that the value at address 0x1000 is initialized to zero.

  1. What are the possible values for $r2 after both processors complete their execution. List all possible values.

  1. After both P1 and P2 have nished executing, we realized that ($r1, $r2, $r3, $r4) = (1, 3, 2, 4). List all the di erent instruction interleavings that produce this result.


COMP 303 – Comp Arch ( Due Date: Dec 29th, 2019 3.00 pm): HW4 PROBLEM 2

Problem 2

(12 points) Consider a memory system with the following parameters:

  • Translation Lookaside Bu er has 128 entires and it is 2-way set associative.

  • Page size is 8 KB.

  • The tag bits for TLB is 31 bits.

  • Physical memory is 32GB.

  1. What is the virtual address size (in bits)?

  1. What is the physical address size (in bits)?

  1. How many physical pages are there?

  1. What is the size of virtual memory in TB?

  1. If the hit rate is 99% and hit time is 1 cycle to TLB, what is the average memory access time to the TBL if its miss penalty is 20 cycles when there is no page fault?

  1. Assume that 0.02% of the time, there is a page fault, and the disk latency is 10,000 cycles. Then, what is the average access time for TLB?

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COMP 303 – Comp Arch ( Due Date: Dec 29th, 2019 3.00 pm): HW4 PROBLEM 3






Problem 3

(10 points – 2 pts each)

for(i=0; i< N; i++){

for(j=0; j< N; j++){

A[i] = A[i] * B[j];



Assume that this loop nest is executed on a machine with one word cache blocks and a cache that always replaces the least recently used (LRU) block when space is needed. Assume A and B are very large arrays that they cannot t into the cache. Give concise answers to the following questions and use only the space provided under the question.

  1. Explain the cache behaviour for A.

  1. Explain the cache behaviour for B.

  1. Explain whether the nested loop would bene t from a multi-word cache.

  1. Explain whether the nested loop would bene t from a fully-set associative cache.

e)Explain whether the nested loop would bene t from random replacement.

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COMP 303 – Comp Arch ( Due Date: Dec 29th, 2019 3.00 pm): HW4 PROBLEM 4

Problem 4

(10 points) Assuming a directed-mapped cache with 16 one-word blocks (4 byte blocks).

  1. Find the number of tag bits, index bits, and byte o set bits in a 10-bit address.

  1. Here is a series of byte address references in base ten: 4, 16, 32, 4, 6, 68, 144, 4. For the cache described above, label each reference in the list as a hit or a miss. Show the nal content of the cache.




Byte Address

Hit or Miss









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Comp-Arch: HW4 Solution
$30.00 $24.00