Program L7b Solution

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In all the service classes that you are to implement please make sure that all methods use this keyword when referring to instance variables. Complete Programming Activity 2 – section 7.14. Use these files: Draw UML Class diagram for the Airport class After completing the program provide answers to the Discussion Questions…

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In all the service classes that you are to implement please make sure that all methods use this keyword when referring to instance variables.

  1. Complete Programming Activity 2 – section 7.14. Use these files:

Draw UML Class diagram for the Airport class

After completing the program provide answers to the Discussion Questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 428 (section 7.14 below Programming Activity 2).

  1. Class Auto that you studied in this chapter is a service class that contains data and methods for use by applications/clients that need functionality for an auto with three atributes: model, milesDriven, and gallonsOfGas. The client class has a main method that uses the methods defined in the Auto class and it is called AutoClient. Using these classes as an example write a service class called Course that implements a concept of a course and has the following defined:

    1. three fields: a code (which must be one of “CS1”, “CS2”, “CS3” or “CS4”), a description (String), and a number of credits as int (for example 3).

    1. default constructor

c. secondary constructor

d. accessor methods for each field

e. mutator methods for each field

f. toString method

g. equals method

h. a “business” method called level, that returns either 1,2,3, or 4 based on the value of code i. write a client class called CourseClient. The client class has a main method that should call

all the methods defined in the Course class to make sure that they work properly. Please remember to use this keyword where appropriate. Submit both classes for grading.

  1. Write a class encapsulating the concept of a circle, assuming a circle has the following:

    1. two fields: a point which is an object of type Point (from java.awt package) representing the center of the circle, and the radius (int) of the circle

    2. secondary constructor (default constructor should not be implemented) c. accessor methods for each field

d. mutator methods for each field

e. toString method 1/2

12/14/2020 L7b

f. equals method

g. a “business” method calculating and returning the primeter of the circle (2 * π * radius)

h. a “business” method calculating and returning the area of the circle (π * radius2)

i. write a client class to test all the methods in your class 2/2

Program L7b Solution
$35.00 $29.00