Computational_Biology Lab 3-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Finding ORFs In this lab, you will write `python` functions to find potential prokaryotic ORFs of a given DNA. Write all your code into ``. Run the script with `python3` to make sure that your code works. Task 1 ======== Write a function `findStartCodons` that returns position of start codons in DNA sequence as…

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Finding ORFs

In this lab, you will write `python` functions to find potential prokaryotic ORFs of a given DNA. Write all your code into ``. Run the script with `python3` to make sure that your code works.

Task 1


Write a function `findStartCodons` that returns position of start codons in DNA sequence as a list. Please note that the first position should be `0` and the second position should be `1` and so forth.

Hint 1 : Investigate `find` function.

`’ATTTA’.find(‘A’)` returns `0`

`’TTTTT’.find(‘A’)` returns `-1`

`’ATTTA’.find(‘A’,3)` returns `4`

The second parameter (`3` in the example) is the start position for the string.

Hint 2 : `while` loop is useful.

Task 2


Write a function `findNextStop` that takes two parameters `DNA` and `startCodonPosition`. The function should return the next stop codon of a given DNA sequence and start codon position.

Hint: Remember that start and stop codon should be in frame. The length from start to stop codon should be multiple of 3. Investigate the third parameter of `range` function. What does `range(0,30,3)` does?

The output should be a `list` as in the example below.

Task 3


Use the functions you created in `Task 1` and `Task 2`: `findStartCodons` and `findNextStop` in a new function `getAllORFs` to find all possible ORFs of a given DNA sequence.

Hint: You basically need to run the first function. Then write a loop, within the loop call the second function. Output should be a `list`.

Task 4


Use your `getReverseComplementaryDNA` function from `Lab2` (copy and paste your working functions) and find the all ORFs in both given DNA and its reverse complementary sequence.

Hint: You just run `getAllORFs` function twice for the actual given sequence and reverse complement of the sequence. Then return all the combination of two results in a single `list`.

Here are the two functions from previous lab:


def getComplementaryDNA(inputDNA):

complement = {‘A’: ‘T’, ‘C’: ‘G’, ‘G’: ‘C’, ‘T’: ‘A’}

return ”.join([complement[base] for base in inputDNA])

def getReverseComplementaryDNA(inputDNA):

complementaryDNA = getComplementaryDNA(inputDNA)

return complementaryDNA[::-1]


Task 5


Write a function returning the longest possible ORF. Use the previous function `getAllORFsFromBothStrands`. Please find out the length of the longest potential ORF predicted from the following DNA:




Hint: Here is a way of sorting (short to long) the array of text items: `listOfText.sort(key = lambda s: len(s))`

Computational_Biology Lab 3-Solution
$30.00 $24.00