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Part 1: Go Long or Go Wide? The website allows startups and some large companies to discuss their company culture, something that some of you will nd to be much more important than a huge paycheck. The purpose of this site is to provide candidates and other interested parties an in depth look at…

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Part 1: Go Long or Go Wide?

The website allows startups and some large companies to discuss their company culture, something that some of you will nd to be much more important than a huge paycheck. The purpose of this site is to provide candidates and other interested parties an in depth look at the company culture on a variety of dimensions. The content tends to discuss cultural values that are often overlooked in interviews. The table below shows some of them:

Team Values

Personal Health

Daily Routines


Career Growth

Engages with Community

Work/Life Balance

Eats Lunch Together

Open Source Contributor

Promotes from Within

Team is Diverse

Ideal for Parents

Light Meetings

Start-to-Finish Ownership

Good for Junior Devs

Risk Taking > Stability

Fosters Psychological Safety

Thoughtful O ce Layout


High Retention


Company Properties


Remote Work OK


Rapidly Growing Team


Help your professor (please)! (Though I’ve already done this) Take a look at the data. Write a query that creates a 0/1 matrix from this data. The rows should correspond to companies, the columns should correspond to cultural values. The value of each cell should be a 0 or 1 { a 1 if the value is associated with the company, 0 otherwise.

The query will be tedious, but in the \lots of copy/paste” way. You may want to write a script to generate the query (like in Project 1). Some of you may nd a much better way to do this that does not require that. I do not know if it is possible, so if you are adventurous, you may want to research it.

To grade this problem, please submit your query, the number of rows in the output, and the number of columns in the output. Please do not submit the matrix.

With this 0/1 matrix, we can then create visualizations of which companies are similar to others, and which values are similar to others using singular value decomposition, principal component analysis, or multiple correspondence analysis. We won’t do that for this class, but if you are interested, have some fun with the data.


Part 2: Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Consider the following B+tree for part (a). You may need to review chapter 14, or the lecture slides.

  1. Show the nal B+tree structure after we insert 60, 20, and 80, in this order.

For (b) through (d), suppose there is a relation r(A; B; C), with a B+-tree index with search key (A; B).

  1. What is the worst-case cost of nding records satisfying 10 < A < 50 using this index, in terms of the number of records retrieved n1 and the height h of the tree?

  1. What is the worst-case cost of nding records satisfying 10 < A < 50 ^ 5 < B < 10 using this in-dex, in terms of the number of records n2 that satisfy this selection, as well as n1 and h de ned above?

  1. Under what conditions on n1 and n2 would the index be an e cient way of nding records satisfying 10<A<50^5<B<10?

Part 3: If you Like it Then you Shoulda Put an Index on It

  1. Why is a hash structure not the best choice for a search key on which range queries are likely?

A range query cannot be answered e ciently using a hash index, we will have to read all the buckets. This is because key values in the range do not occupy consecutive locations in the buckets, they are distributed uniformly and randomly throughout all the buckets.

  1. Our description of static hashing assumes that a large contiguous stretch of disk blocks can be allocated to a static hash table. Suppose you can allocate only C contiguous blocks. Suggest how to implement the hash table, if it can be much larger than C blocks. Access to a block should still be e cient.


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