Computer Vision PS4 Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Instructions General Instructions: Set up the environment as you did for the previous assignments. Install Miniconda. It doesn’t matter whether you use 2.7 or 3.6 because we will create our own environment anyway. Create a conda environment, using the appropriate command. On Windows, open the installed “Conda prompt” to run this command. On MacOS and…

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  • Instructions

General Instructions:

Set up the environment as you did for the previous assignments.

  1. Install Miniconda. It doesn’t matter whether you use 2.7 or 3.6 because we will create our own environment anyway.

  1. Create a conda environment, using the appropriate command. On Windows, open the installed “Conda prompt” to run this command. On MacOS and Linux, you can just use a terminal window to run the command. Modify the command based on your OS (’linux’, ’mac’, or ’win’):

conda env create -f proj4_env_<OS>.yml

3. This should create an environment named ’proj3’. Activate it using the following Windows command:

activate proj4

or the following MacOS / Linux command:

source activate proj4

  1. Install the project package, by running pip install -e . inside the repo folder.

  1. Run the notebook for color quantization using:

jupyter notebook ./Quantization-Student.ipynb

and for Hough Transform using:

jupyter notebook ./notebook.ipynb

  1. Generate the submission once you’ve nished the project using: python

Points Distribution:

  1. You can score a maximum of 100 points on this assignment of which 75 points are regular credit for CS 4476 and 85 points are regular credit for CS 6476.

  1. Thus, students in CS 6476 must complete at least 10 points worth of the extra credit in addition to Sections 2 and 3.


Instructions for Hough Transform

You can code directly in the notebook. All submissions will be via Gradescope. If you’re completing this assignment in Jupyter Notebook, you must run the le to export your work to a python le. To generate your submission le, run the command python submission and your le will be created under the ‘submission‘ directory.

  • Color Quantization with K-Means (25 points)

For this problem you will write code to quantize an image using k-means clustering and experiment with two di erent color spaces | RGB and HSV.

Complete the functions de ned below in Use Qunatization-Student.ipynb to run your implemented functions and generate quantized images with 3, 5 and 10 clusters. Put these images in your report.

  1. (5 points) Given an RGB image, quantize the 3-dimensional RGB space, and map each pixel in the input image to its nearest k-means center. That is, replace the RGB value at each pixel with its nearest cluster’s average RGB value. Use the following form:

[outputImg, clusterCenterColors] = quantizeRGB(origImg, k)

where origImg and outputImg are MxNx3 matrices of type uint8, k speci es the number of colors to quantize to, and clusterCenterColors is a k x 3 array of the k centers. (You can use the Scikit-Learn implementation of the k-means algorithm for this question.)

  1. (5 points) Given an RGB image, convert it to HSV, and quantize the 1-dimensional Hue space. Map each pixel in the input image to its nearest quantized Hue value, while keeping its Saturation and Value channels the same as the input. Convert the quantized output back to RGB color space. Use the following form:

[outputImg, clusterCenterHues] = quantizeHSV(origImg, k)

where origImg and outputImg are MxNx3 matrices of type uint8, k speci es the number of clus-ters, and clusterCenterHues is a k x 1 vector of the hue centers. (You can use the Scikit-Learn implementation of the k-means algorithm for this question.)

  1. (3 points) Write a function to compute the SSD error (sum of squared error) between the original RGB pixel values and the quantized values, with the following form:

[error] = computeQuantizationError(origImg, quantizedImg)

where origImg and quantizedImg are both RGB images, and error is a scalar giving the total SSD error across the image. Write down the logarithmic error (base e) for all the generated RGB and HSV images (3, 5 and 10 clusters) in your report. Note: The function should not return logarithmic error.

  1. (12 points) Answer the following questions in your report. Please try to restrict your answers to 1-2 sentences of fairly high-level explanations.

    1. How do the results vary with the number of quantization bins?

    1. How are the qualitative results between RGB and HSV color spaces di erent? How would you explain this di erence?

    1. Name and explain 2 metrics (apart from SSD) used for comparing the generated/modi ed im-age(here the modi ed image is the quantized image) with the original one.


  • Hough Transform on generated images (50 points)

Detecting Tra c Signs and Lights

Learning Objectives

  • Use Hough tools to search and nd lines and circles in an image.

  • Use the results from the Hough algorithms to identify basic shapes.

  • Understand how objects can be selected based on their pixel locations and properties.

  • Address the presence of distortion and noise in an image.

  • Identify what challenges real-world images present over simulated scenes.

Note: For all sub-parts in this section, be sure to include the images generated in the IPython notebooks in the corresponding sections in your report.

Your question starts here-

You have just started working for a self-driving car company. As your rst assignment, you are asked about how the car would process tra c rules. That is, you are tasked with detection of both tra c lights and tra c signs. Your job is to design and implement a program that would solve both the objectives.

  1. Tra c Light [15 points]:

First o , you are given a generic tra c light to detect from a scene. For the sake of the problem, assume that tra c lights are shown as below: (with red, yellow, and green) lights that are vertically stacked. You may also assume that there is no occlusion of the tra c light.

Figure 1: Image of generic tra c light (Left: In order – red, yellow, green light is ON )

It is your goal to nd a way to determine the state of each tra c light and position in a scene. Position is measured from the center of the tra c light. Given that this image presents symmetry, the position of the tra c light matches the center of the yellow circle.

Complete your python notebook.ipynb such that traffic_light_detection returns the tra c light center coordinates (x, y) i.e. (col, row) and the color of the light that is activated (‘red’, ‘yellow’, or ‘green’). Read the function description for more details.


A tra c light scene that we will test will be randomly generated, like in the following pictures and examples in the github repo.

Functional assumptions:

For the sake of simplicity, we are using a basic color scheme, but assume that the scene may have di erent color objects and backgrounds [relevant for part 2 and 3]. The shape of the tra c light will not change, nor will the size of the individual lights relative to the tra c light. Size range of the lights can be reasonably expected to be between 10-30 pixels in radius. There will only be one tra c light


Figure 2: Example of generated scene

per scene, but its size and location will be generated at random (that is, a tra c light could appear in the sky or in the road | no assumptions should be made as to its logical position). While the tra c light will not be occluded, the objects in the background may be.


    1. Code:

Complete traffic_light_detection(img_in, radii_range)

  1. Tra c Signs one per scene [25 points]

Now that you have detected a basic tra c light, see if you can detect road signs. Below are ve common road signs that you would see in the United States. Implement a way to recognize these signs:

Figure 3: Tra c Signs

Similar to the tra c light, you are tasked with detecting the sign in a scene and nding the (x, y) i.e (col, row) coordinates that represent the polygon’s centroid.

Functional assumptions:

Like above, assume that the scene may have di erent color objects and backgrounds. The size and location of the tra c sign will be generated at random. While the tra c signs will not be occluded, objects in the background may be.


  1. Code:

Complete the following functions. Read their documentation in notebook.ipynb for more details.

  • yield_sign_detection(img_in)

  • stop_sign_detection(img_in)

  • warning_sign_detection(img_in)


  • construction_sign_detection(img_in)

    • do_not_enter_sign_detection(img_in)

  1. Multiple signs in a scene [10 points]

The next task is to detect multiple tra c signs and the tra c light in one scene. Find where each sign is in the scene, Fig. 4 is a randomly generated example:

Figure 4: Generated Scene with Signs

Functional assumptions:

Like above, assume that the scene may have di erent color objects and backgrounds. There will be n instances of each sign and/or tra c light, where n is 0 or 1. The size and location of each will be generated at random. While the tra c signs will not be occluded, objects in the background may be.


  1. Code:

Complete traffic_sign_detection(img_in).

  • Extra Credit (15 + 10 points)

4.1 Hough Transform on Real Images with known radius (10 points code + 5 points report

Let’s try your code using real world images. Implement a Hough Transform circle detector that takes an input image and a xed radius, and returns the centers of any detected circles of about that size and the Hough space used for nding the centers. Include a function with the following form:

[centers,hough_space] = detectCircles(im, radius, useGradient)

where im is the input image, radius speci es the size of circle we are looking for, and useGradient is a ag that allows the user to optionally exploit the gradient direction measured at the edge points.

The output centers is an N x 2 matrix in which each row lists the (x,y) position of a detected circle’s center and hough_space is a NumPy array (height x width matrix) of Hough accumulator array (height and width from the image). Save this function in a le called

Answer the following in your report:

In Circle Hough Transform, circle candidates are produces by voting in the parameters space and then nding local maxima in the space. This can be done using techniques like Thresholding, Non-Maximum Suppression and Mean Shift.


Experiment with thresholding as a post-processing technique to determine circle parameters from the accumulator array. In your report include images of the selected circles along with the corresponding Hough Space for low ( 0.4), mid-range ( 0.7) and high ( 0.95) thresholds. Explain how your results vary with increasing thresholds and why that may be the case.

4.2 Hough Transform on Real Image with unknown radii (10 points)

Extend your Hough circle detector implementation to detect circles of any radius. Optimize your code for the image jupiter.jpg. You would be awarded points proportional to the number of circles detected. Detecting all of the circles gives you the maximum credit. Be sure to include the results generated by the notebook in your report.

Note: We will be testing your code on a hidden image which will not have circles of the same radii as jupiter.jpg. However, the hidden image is similar jupiter.jpg and the circles will be in the same range (approximately 15 to 200 pixels). Therefore your parameters tuned for jupiter.jpg, should work reasonably well for the held-out image as well.


Computer Vision PS4 Solution
$35.00 $29.00